Putin called a provocation allegations of use of chemical weapons by the Syrian army

Vladimir Putin Evidence of use of chemical weapons by the government army of Syria does not exist. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with Figaro on the results of his visit to France. Speaking about the Syrian opposition about the shelling by chemical bombs the city of Khan shaykhun, the Russian leader said that immediately after the appearance of this information, Moscow has invited all interested parties to conduct an inspection of the aerodrome, which allegedly flew the planes supposedly dropped prohibited by international conventions ammunition. According to Putin, the modern means of control is exactly recorded the traces of chemical weapons, but “refused to perform this test”. Also not surveyed allegedly affected area. “In my opinion, this was done for one purpose only — to explain why the need for Assad to apply additional measures, including military nature. No evidence of the use by

Lavrov lamented the lack of coordination with the release of the “capital of ISIS”

The solution to war in Syria Kurdish forces to release from the city of raqqa — the de facto “capital” banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” (IG) — wanting to flee jihadists demonstrates the lack of coordination of the fighting against Islamist coalition. This was announced by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, his words “Interfax”. According to him, the Russian forces have been spotted leaving the city column and attacked her. “And always will be, if the ISIS will be seen everywhere in the Syrian territory. They and their bases, their training camps are legitimate targets”, — he stressed. On may 27, RIA Novosti with reference to sources in Russian defense Ministry reported that the militants had agreed with the besiegers Raqqa and the Kurds on the way out of the city. “According to information confirmed by several independent channels, in raqqa between the command of Kurdish troops from the

In Colorado due to the sale of marijuana to Fund schools and hospitals

The money received by the authorities of the state of Colorado from legal dealers of marijuana, will direct the opening of schools, hospitals and the fight against drug addiction. It is reported by VICE News, citing a decree of the Governor of the state. For the 2016-2017 fiscal year, the state received $ 105 million in taxes from legal sellers of marijuana.15 million will be directed to construction of houses for socially vulnerable segments of the population, 7 million — to a mentally ill citizens were sent not to prison, but a special medical facility, the construction of which will be funded. Nearly 10 million “cannabinum” dollars will be directed to a special program, in which 150 doctors will attend the high schools of the city, to help needy students to cope with addiction to opioids (heroin and other similar drugs). According to the plan of the authorities, in 2017

The Russian foreign Ministry advised to ignore the statement in a conversation about the fate of Europe

Angela Merkel The Russian foreign Ministry expressed surprise on the statement by German Chancellor Angela Merkel about the need “to take the fate of Europe in their hands.” On Wednesday, may 31, said the official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, reports “Interfax”. “Always thought that the EU is a separate Union, with such enormous political, economic and human potential that he doesn’t need any more supervisors,” said she. At the same time, Zakharov explained that in Moscow “there was a feeling a while ago,” when the European Union, according to her, took independent decisions and conducted their own foreign policy. As an example, the diplomat cited resolving the Iranian nuclear problem, the solution of which, as noted Zakharova, the EU “played one of the first violins”. Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed that “for the last time this independence we have not seen,” and added that in this regard “focus

The Frenchman has married and killed in a gunfight on the Champs Elysees police

Étienne Kargil Parisian étienne Kargil (Etienne Cardiles) registered marriage with his partner Xavier Gugele (Xavier Jugelé) — a policeman killed during the terrorist attack on the Champs Elysees. About it reports on Wednesday, may 31, the Le Parisien. The ceremony was held in the city hall of the XIV district of the French capital the night before. It was visited by the former President of France, Francois Hollande, interior Minister Gerard Collon and the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo. Also present were a number of officers and guests. 37-year-old police captain Gugele died 20 April during a firefight in the city center. Next to his official car stopped the car, it left the man and started shooting. Two more guards were injured. One of the attackers were eliminated by return fire, the second disappeared. The responsibility for what happened took on banned terrorist group “Islamic state”. In France to qualify

The AP learned about the request of trump world leaders to call him on his cell

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump gives his mobile number to world leaders with whom he met and asks them to call him personally. On it informs Agency Associated Press, citing current and former American officials. In particular, your mobile number, the American leader gave the President of Mexico, Enrique peña Nieto, and the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, which, according to Agency sources, has already called Trump. Representatives of the French authorities said that the US President and his French counterpart Emmanuel macron exchanged phone numbers. It is noted that in this way the occupant of the White house neglects safety measures, breaking the previously established rules requiring heads of state to communicate on secure lines of communication. If trump uses his mobile telephone, his conversations can be overheard, notes the AP, with reference to the experts of national security.

The terrorist attack in Kabul killed a security guard of the Embassy of Germany

The guard of the German Embassy in Kabul, who is a citizen of Afghanistan, was killed in the attack. The information was confirmed by the German foreign Ministry. It also reported about several wounded members of the diplomatic mission. “I strongly condemn the terrorist attack in Kabul, which killed and injured dozens of people,” — reads the statement of the foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel. “In the attack were wounded by the German Embassy. The guard, a citizen of Afghanistan, killed”, — the diplomat added. He called the attack especially vile as killing people who worked for Afghanistan’s future. According to the latest data, the victims of the bombing attack near the diplomatic mission, were more than 90 people. Earlier it was reported that the explosion in the Afghan capital occurred near the German Embassy. In addition to diplomatic missions, there are a number of agencies, including the national

Former President of Poland was suspected in the publication of secret documents

Lech Walesa Former Polish President Lech Walesa is suspected in the publication of secret files. On it informs TV channel TVN24. According to the Prosecutor, Andrzej Stefan, the investigation began on may 15. We are talking about publishing Walesa document of the Directorate of state security from 1990, marked “secret”. It was correspondence of the heads of Department, which reported that the interior Ministry bought land near the country Walesa (he at that time led the trade Union “Solidarity”) in order to follow him. The former Polish leader of all charges in his address denies. Under Polish law, the disclosure of secret documents could face three to five years of imprisonment. At the end of January this year, the head of the Commission for the investigation of crimes against the Polish nation Andrzej Pozerski confirmed that former President Lech Walesa for many years he was a secret informer of the

Near the Embassy of Germany in Kabul explosion

A powerful bomb exploded in the Afghan capital Kabul. As reported by Reuters with reference to police, a car bomb exploded near the Embassy of Germany. In the attack, has died. At the moment, doctors have taken to hospital 67 wounded. Within a radius of several hundred meters in buildings, broken Windows and doors. The explosion occurred at 08.30 local time. In addition to diplomatic missions, in the area is happy of agencies, including the national Directorate of security, according to local news Agency Pajhwok. While no group has claimed responsibility for the incident. On 28 April, the Afghan Taliban, banned in Russia, announced the start of annual spring offensive. In an official statement, the Taliban vowed to wage war against “foreign forces and their military and intelligence infrastructure and against their mercenaries in the country.” On Friday, April 21, dressed in Afghan military uniforms, the Taliban broke into the

US secret service launched an investigation into a photo with a fake severed head of trump

US secret service responsible for security of the President and other senior officials, began an investigation after the American comedian Kathy Griffin co-starred with “cut off” the head of Donald trump in his hands. — Trump 2020 ‼???? (@thatgirlsandra5) 30 may 2017, 19:58 The official Twitter account of the Department on this issue appeared relevant record. “Do. The secret service has a robust intelligence unit that monitors a open the publication in social media for threat assessment. Investigations into threats against those who protect the Secret service have the highest priority.” May 30, TMZ released a photo and posted a video from the shoot. Later Griffin in his Twitter apologized for this photo. She stated that she “was wrong and went too far.” The author is a photoshoot Tyler shields, known for his outrageous works. In particular, in 2015 he made a series of photographs in which Australian actor Kick