CNN talked about “more private meeting,” Kislyak by US attorney General

Sergey Kislyak The U.S. Congress and the FBI check the information about the “more private meeting,” the Russian Ambassador in Washington Sergei Kislyak with the American attorney General Jeff Sessom during the presidential campaign in the United States in 2016, according to CNN. The channel indicates that such a meeting took place on 27 April 2016 in the Washington, DC hotel Mayflower. On that day presidential candidate Donald trump was the keynote speech on foreign policy. “Trump sessions and Kislyak took part in a small reception for a limited circle of persons with the organizers, diplomats, and other persons”, — quotes the words of CNN one of his sources. It is noted that the FBI is investigating the possibility that Kislyak and sessions could have “an additional private meeting” and outside the framework of the official reception. The U.S. justice Department, which is headed by sessions, in response to the

The media learned about the possibility of returning of Russia of access to departmenti in USA

The administration of the President of the United States Donald trump is considering the resumption of the Russians ‘ access to suburban complexes of the Russian Embassy in the States of new York and Maryland. On Wednesday, may 31, reports the Washington Post. The article States that the White house initially offered to return departmenet Russia in exchange for the provision of land for the construction of the American Consulate in St. Petersburg. But last month, U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson informed the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, and Russian Ambassador to US Sergey Kislyak that the return of Russian property no longer depends on the construction of the Consulate. Advisor Tillerson Robert Hammond said that Washington and Moscow have not reached agreement, following a meeting of representatives of the two countries will be held in June in St. Petersburg. May 9, the Russian foreign Ministry

Clinton spoke about Putin’s plan to “crush US”

Hillary Clinton Former U.S. Secretary of state and former presidential candidate from Democratic party on presidential election of 2016, Hillary Clinton in an interview with Variety, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin intends to “crush US”. In her opinion, “the technological forces that have conspired to sabotage her presidential bid in 2016,” continue to influence American policy. “I think it’s important to learn the real lessons of the last (presidential — ed. “Of the”) campaign. [Technological] forces are interested not only in influencing elections and policy. They will also affect the economy and our unity as a nation,” Clinton said. She said that the misinformation campaign, which allegedly led Russia, has reduced her chances to win the elections. This was achieved through social networks, which were not ready to deal with “fake news.” Clinton said that for the first time in the history of the “technological revolution was

Musk has threatened to leave the White house in the event of a US withdrawal from the climate agreement

Elon Musk American businessman, founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motors Elon Musk has promised to stop to help in the work of expert councils on issues of business and Economics at the White house if the President of the United States Donald trump will decide the country’s withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement. About this he wrote on his Twitter account on Wednesday, may 31. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 31 may 2017, 17:38 Musk wrote that he “did everything he could” to convey to the President of the Council not to withdraw the U.S. from the agreement. One Twitter user asked him what he would do in case if trump will take the opposite decision. Musk replied that he had “no choice” but to leave the expert advice. On 28 may, the media reported that trump has decided to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement. A day earlier,

Two senators in the United States has proposed to tighten sanctions against Russia

Two members of the Senate of the US Congress took the initiative to tighten sanctions against Russia for its policy towards Ukraine and Syria, as well as “invasion of kibersistemy” of the United States. It is reported Bloomberg. The suggestion was made by the head of the Senate banking Committee Mike Crapo of Idaho and a senior Democrat in the Committee, Sherrod brown of Ohio. According to them, the bill will pave the way for the introduction of “large-scale” new sanctions aimed at sectors of Russia’s economy, including mining, metallurgical, and railway. The document provides for the codification and the tightening of existing sanctions mentioned in the Executive orders. We are talking about restrictive measures affecting Russian energy projects and debt financing in the key sectors of the economy. “Despite current sanctions, Russia is still hostile, stubborn power that deploys its military activities associated with cyber-espionage information, and adhere to

The media found out about the extension by Russia of sanctions against Montenegro politicians

Dusko Markovic Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dusko Markovic, the former head of government and leader of the Democratic party of socialists Milo Djukanovic, Parliament speaker Ivan Brajović, as well as a number of other Montenegrin politicians fell to the Russian sanctions list. This writes the newspaper “Pravda” with reference to sources in the foreign Ministry. It is noted that the restrictive measures introduced in the total of in relation to 70 people, 46 of them — deputies of the Montenegrin Parliament. The evening of may 28 at the airport of Domodedovo had been detained the Deputy Miodrag Vukovic from the ruling Democratic party of socialists. Policy EN route transit from Moscow to Minsk to the parliamentary Assembly of the Central European initiative, said that it is included in the list of persona non grata and should be deported. After that, the foreign Ministry of Montenegro in this respect, handed a

Sands stood up for Kislyak

Sergey Kislyak Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov called an invalid criticism of the Ambassador of Russia in the USA Sergey Kislyak. He said this to journalists on Wednesday, may 31, according to RIA Novosti. “Attempts of all sorts of attacks on Kislyak unacceptable,” he stressed. Previously, on 30 may, the foreign Ministry criticized the defamation of the diplomat. Deputy Minister Sergey Ryabkov said that the Agency does not publish “no details about the working contacts of the Ambassador or any other member of the Russian diplomatic service”. “This is the principle we follow and stick to. It would be a violation of the canons of work in the foreign Ministry”, — he explained. On may 26, the Washington Post, citing us officials reported that the son-in-law and adviser to trump Jared Kushner at the end of 2016, suggested the use of a secret channel of communication between Moscow

Former Director of the FBI decided to address the Senate on the “Russian case”

James Komi Ex-FBI Director James Comey, who was dismissed from the post of President of the United States Donald trump is willing to speak at a public hearing of the Senate Committee on intelligence on the “Russian case”. On Wednesday, may 31, according to CNN. Citing its sources, CNN claimed that Komi wants to talk about what the US President had exerted pressure on him to complete the investigation against the former assistant to the President for national security Michael Flynn. The speech of the Komi Republic can be held June 7, marks the channel. Officially, this date is not confirmed. It is also indicated that the Komi Republic have agreed on some details concerning the presentations at the hearing, Robert Mueller, who on may 18 was appointed special adviser to oversee the investigation “attempts of intervention of the government of Russia in the presidential elections of 2016”. The US

Malaysia Airlines flight returned to Melbourne because of the threats on the passenger side

The Malaysia Airlines plane that took off from the Australian city of Melbourne in the Malaysian Kuala Lumpur, was forced to return to the airport due to threats on the passenger side. He tried to get into the cockpit, saying that he has a bomb. Reported by the It is noted that the plane successfully landed at the airport of Tullamarine. According to the online portal, the terminal is closed. All flights delayed. The aircraft, EN route to Melbourne, redirected to another airport. Police checked the Board, a bomb on it was found. Currently, the passengers left the plane, reported that they were all right. As notes the edition of The Star with reference to the representatives of the authorities, the passenger who reported the presence of an explosive device on Board was drunk, supposedly, he is a citizen of Sri Lanka.

The hotel trump in Washington have arrested a man with a gun

Trump International Hotel In Washington, police arrested a resident of the hotel Trump International Hotel, located a short drive from the White house. In the car, 43-year-old doctor from Pennsylvania, Bryan MoLSA found a rifle, a pistol and 90 rounds of ammunition, according to Time. The man was detained for illegal possession of firearms, reports The Washington Times. According to the guards, Mols was acting suspiciously, shouting threats. In the hotel he checked in half an hour after law enforcement officials received information that he is a danger. It is noted that the suspect cooperates with the investigation, reports TASS. Currently, the police have no evidence that he planned to cause someone harm.