Putin shared his impressions from the reports of US intelligence on the “Russian intervention”

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he is familiar with reports of us intelligence about alleged Russian intervention in the US presidential election in 2016. On Friday, June 2, reports “Interfax”. “I read these reports. Even in these reports there is nothing specific, there are only assumptions and conclusions based on speculations, — said the head of state at a plenary session of St. Petersburg international economic forum. You know, if something concrete [to be], then it will be a subject of discussion. In one organization where I had worked, said: ‘pen names. Come on, where is it?” Putin also reminded that the assumptions of the authors of the report are based on information from “independent sources”. The President said that there is nothing independent. Moscow repeatedly accused of meddling in the US presidential election. Such statements, in particular, contained in the published in January, declassified part of the report

The UN security Council expanded sanctions against the DPRK

The UN Security Council on Friday, June 2, unanimously approved a resolution expanding sanctions against North Korea. Stream vote was carried on the website of the world organization. Permanent representative of the presidency of the UN security Council in June, Bolivia Sasha, Llorentti the results of the voting announced that the draft resolution has garnered 15 “Yes” votes. The document was prepared by the United States after the next violation by Pyongyang of the relevant resolutions of the world organization, which prohibits the DPRK conduct missile tests. The document, work on which continued the past few weeks, suggests the inclusion in the sanctions list of four organizations and ten individuals who, in the opinion of sponsors, could work abroad in the interests of the DPRK. Restrictive measures touched on three Russian companies and Russian Igor Michurin, says RIA Novosti. Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vladimir Safronkov said

The CIA operations in Iran will deal with the American “Ayatollah”

Transactions of the American Central intelligence Agency (CIA) in Iran does Michael d’andrea, known by the nicknames “the Ayatollah Mike” and “the Dark Prince”. It is reported by The New York Times. It d Andrea oversaw the operation to murder former leader of “al-Qaeda” Osama bin Laden. According to the newspaper, this may indicate that trump chose a more aggressive approach against Tehran. “He can lead a very aggressive program, but to do it very cleverly,” he told the newspaper Robert Ettinger, a former lawyer for the intelligence agencies. CIA to comment on these reports refused, citing the secrecy. About d’andrea known that he was a little more than 50 years and he converted to Islam. During the election campaign, trump has called Iran “a sponsor of terrorism number one”, and on may 21 called the conscious of the country to isolate the Islamic Republic. According to him, the Iranian

Poland will replace the Ukraine in the post of nonpermanent member of the UN security Council

Poland will replace the Ukraine in the post of nonpermanent member of the UN security Council in 2018-2019. In addition to Poland, members of the security Council elected côte d’ivoire, Kuwait and Peru. This was reported in Twitter of the Swedish UN mission. — SwedenUN ?? (@SwedenUN) 02 June 2017, 16:07 The Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Witold Waszczykowski noted that it is “a great victory of Polish diplomacy and an important success of the foreign policy of Warsaw”. Poland is the sixth time selected a non-permanent member of the UN security Council. It is noted that 190 out of 192 countries voted for Warsaw. In January 2018, Poland will begin its two-year work as a member of the UN security Council. The UN security Council five permanent members: US, Russia, China, Britain and France and 10 non-permanent members: there are 3 places from African countries, 2 seats from

Macron recalled the slogan of trump after the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris agreement

Emmanuel Macron The President of France Emmanuel macron urged to make the planet great again (“Make our planet great again”). The corresponding record appeared in Twitter policy. — Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) 01 June 2017, 22:33 He commented on the decision of the us leader Donald trump out of the Paris climate agreement. The statement of the French President was referring to the election slogan of the Republican trump, “let’s Make America great again” (Make America Great Again). Macron also made an official video that was posted on his microblog. The head of state noted that he respects the decision of the White house, however, considers it incorrect for the US and for the whole planet. He urged all not indifferent to environmental issues and climate to come to France and work together to resolve them. “I reiterate that the Paris agreement is not subject to revision and will be executed

In the foreign Ministry told Russia’s unwillingness to veto a UN security Council resolution on North Korea

Gennady Gatilov Russia is not going to veto a resolution of the UN Security Council on DPRK. On Friday, June 2, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Gennady Gatilov, RIA Novosti reported. On the evening of 2 June, the UN security Council will vote on the draft resolution, the United States and China on the extension of restrictive measures against North Korea. In particular, the document, work on which continued the past few weeks, suggests the inclusion in the sanctions list of four organizations and ten individuals who, in the opinion of sponsors, could work abroad in the interests of the DPRK. Of Korea on may 29 made the next launch missiles, allegedly of Scud (NATO designation of the Soviet R-17). In Tokyo stated that, apparently, she fell in the area of the exclusive economic zone of Japan. According to the South Korean military, rocket, which was launched from

Media reported about the possible resignation of Johnson from the post of the foreign Minister of Britain

Boris Johnson The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson may leave his post after the parliamentary elections. On Friday, June 2, the newspaper the Times, citing sources in the ruling Conservative party. According to the newspaper, Prime Minister Theresa may is considering the appointment of the head of the foreign office David Davis, who currently heads the Department of a British exit from the EU. Minister of Brexit, in turn, can become the Deputy of the house of Commons, Ben Gummer. The newspaper notes that the scale of future changes in the government depends on the results of the parliamentary elections. If the conservatives will win a convincing victory, this will strengthen the Mae. Johnson was one of the leaders of the campaign in support of the country’s withdrawal from the European Union. He was a potential rival to may in the struggle for the post of leader of the Conservative

Putin proposed an alternative to the exit of Washington from the Paris agreement

The United States could not emerge from the Paris climate agreement, obligations thereunder are of a framework character. On Friday, June 2, stated the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. “And in fact it would be possible what to do? It would be possible to change the obligations of the United States in the framework of these Paris agreements,” — said the Russian leader, answering questions at a plenary session of the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF). The head of state noted that “the problem can not go to quit, you have to think how to live further, what to do next”. Putin added that while not familiar with the statement of the President of the United States Donald trump about the release of the Paris Convention for the climate, but he was aware of the desire of the occupant of the White house to review these agreements or to

In Italy arrested a fugitive for 23 years mafiozo

Giuseppe Giorgi Italian police arrested one of the bosses of a mafia clan Ndrangheta, Giuseppe Georgie, who was wanted for 23 years. It is reported by Rai News. The operation to capture the criminal authority took place in his native town of San Luca, in Calabria, in the South of the country. According to the police, Georgie came back here recently. Most likely, he was hiding from the Italian justice in Duisburg (Germany). In 1994, the offender was sentenced to 28 years and 9 months in prison for drug trafficking, but he managed to escape. Before the arrest Georgie was in the top five most wanted Italian mafia. On 22 March it was reported that the Italian carabinieri caught the influential leader of the clan Pelle-Vottari — Vottari Santo (Santo Vottari). 44-year-old gunman was listed in the list of the most dangerous criminals in Europe and was wanted by Europol.

Putin advised the U.S. to take the pill from hysteria

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin called hysteria media campaign in the United States around the Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “It’s amazing just (…) I can’t stop. Well, a pill that if you to give? There is a pill? Let the tablet”, — said the Russian leader to the audience at the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF) in response to a question about contact Russian diplomats with the administration of U.S. President Donald trump with the aim to ease the sanctions against Moscow. The President added that the Russian Ambassador to the United States and former adviser to the American leader for national security Michael Flynn discussed only in General terms, how it is necessary to build bilateral relations. The General-the Lieutenant in resignation of Michael Flynn from 20 January to 13 February 2017 was the national security adviser