Media reported about the rupture of diplomatic relations between Libya and Qatar

Libya’s interim government announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Qatar. On Monday, June 5, according to Assabah News. “Qatar is the main source of arms supply to the Libyan branch of the organization “Muslim brotherhood” and other Islamist armed groups since 2012. He is a threat to national security in the Arab world”, — quotes RIA Novosti words of the Minister of foreign Affairs of the provisional government of Libya Mohammed al-Dairy from Tobruk. 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing Doha of supporting terrorist organizations and actions to destabilize the internal political situation in these Arab States. Their decision was also joined by Yemen. The foreign Ministry of Qatar said they considered such a decision unnecessary, and accusations of aiding terrorism unfounded.

The UN announced the execution of a 160 militants tried to flee from Mosul people

The high Commissioner for UN human rights Zeid RA’ad al-Hussein said that the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), shot in Mosul 163 civilians. It is reported BFMTV. “My staff on the ground reported that the bodies of men, women and children lying in the streets of the district of al-Shira in the West of Mosul. People were killed by the militants while trying to escape [from the city],” said the official. According to preliminary data, the mass execution of civilians occurred on 1 June. On 7 April it was reported executions in Mosul 140 people, trying to get away from terrorists controlled the city’s neighborhoods. A day earlier it became known about the murder in the desert near the city of Deir ez-Zor 33 people aged 18 to 25 years. They were stabbed with a sharp object dug up by extremists around the

Lavrov said on Russian non-interference in the relations of Arab countries with Qatar

Sergei Lavrov The decision of some Arab countries to break off diplomatic relations with Qatar is their business. This was stated by foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov, reports RIA Novosti. “This is the bilateral relations of these States. We in these decisions do not interfere, although we suspect that behind every event in the world we were, but I assure you it is not so,” Lavrov said. 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing Doha of supporting terrorist organisations, including the banned in Russia “Islamic state” (IG) and “al-Qaeda”, as well as committing acts to destabilize the political situation in these Arab States. To their solution later joined by Yemen, Libya and the Maldives. Qatar considers unjustified the decision of Arab States to sever diplomatic relations with it. This was reported in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of

In the South of France is a serial killer of cats killed more than 200 animals

In the French village of Saint-Pierre-La-Mer in the South of the country has a serial killer on cats and dogs. On it informs BBC News referring to the newspaper La Depeche. An attacker with poison for a month was able to kill more than 200 animals, both wild and domestic. The local humane society received numerous calls, but the perpetrator has not yet been found. “Everywhere was the atmosphere of mistrust, no one trusts anyone,” — said one of the local residents, known only by the name of Genevieve. In addition to cats, the poison affected rodents and birds — the inhabitants of Saint-Pierre-La-Mer fear that it may accidentally swallow and children. In 2009 in the state of Florida appeared before the court the alleged “cat killer” Tyler Hayes Wineman — he was accused of burglary, during which he threw the mutilated corpses of animals into the house owners. In

Trump asked Tillerson to improve relations with Russia

Rex Tillerson and Donald trump The President of the United States Donald trump asked his Secretary Rex Tillerson to improve relations with Russia. This was told the head of the state Department, his words, reports Fox News. “He said quite clearly: to make progress in areas where, in my opinion, progress is possible” — said Tillerson during a speech in Wellington, New Zealand. He noted that the head of state advised him to act in the most useful to business terms and not to hurry. The President, according to Tillerson, believes that the scandal around the “trump ties with Russia” must not interfere with real relationships. Russia has repeatedly accused of meddling in the US presidential election. Such statements, in particular, contained in the published in January, declassified part of the report, which was prepared by us intelligence agencies. It said that Putin personally instructed to arrange a campaign to

Russian airline lost 10 billion rubles

Russian airlines for 2016 have suffered a loss of 10 billion rubles, despite the attempts of the state to support the industry. As found “Kommersant”, the greatest losses were for domestic transportation. The President of the Association of air transport operators (aato) Vladimir Tasun told the publication that the main costs continue to account for the leasing of aircraft for the year rose by 19.4 per cent, almost 300 billion rubles. The cost of airport services increased by more than 20 billion, and the air navigation services rose in price by two billion rubles. Earlier it was reported that in January-April of current year the volume of passenger traffic in Russia increased by almost 21 percent compared to the same period of 2016 to 27.1 million people. In the group S7 has expressed confidence that the main factor of growth of volume of passenger transport remains the reduction of tariffs

In the United States arrested transferred classified documents to the media informant

The U.S. Department of justice filed charges the state to the contractor in the transfer of media documents classified as “secret”. About it reports CNN with reference to the statement of the Ministry. — CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) 06 Jun 2017, 00:10 25-year-old reality Vinner (Winner Reality) worked at Pluribus International Corporation and have the highest access to state secrets. The Ministry of justice claim that she took classified material from public buildings and sent by email to the media. Channel sources said that the matter is about the document which formed the basis of a report prepared by the CIA, FBI and national security Agency about the alleged hacker attacks from Moscow with the aim of influencing the US presidential election in 2016. Part of the report was published by online publication The Intercept, later the source confirmed to CNN the authenticity of the leaked document. In the electronic

Mike Pence likened Russia and Iran to terrorism

Mike Pence Vice-President Mike Pence said that the world has become more dangerous than ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Speaking at the Atlantic Council, he put in a number of Russia, Iran and terrorism, RIA Novosti reported. “Against Russia’s attempts to redraw international borders by force and Iran’s efforts to destabilize the middle East to the global threat of terrorism, which can strike at any time, any place — I think the world is more dangerous today than ever after the fall of communism a quarter century ago,” said Pence. According to the Vice-President, USA follow the obligations within NATO, adhering to the relevant article of the Charter of the Alliance, where an attack on one NATO member is an attack on a military unit as a whole. Earlier on 5 June President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite called the main threat to the Baltic countries and Poland

Qatar Airways has suspended flights to several Gulf countries

Qatar Airways suspended flights to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. This is the official website of the carrier. The official reason for the suspension of flights is not called. The company noted that all bought tickets on the cancelled flights will be able to return the full amount for them, or choose a different arrival point. 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing Doha of supporting terrorist organisations, including the banned in Russia “Islamic state” (IG) and “al-Qaeda”, as well as committing acts to destabilize the political situation in these Arab States. Their decision was later joined by Yemen, Libya, the Maldives and Mauritius. Later, the media found out that the government of Qatar paid the terrorists of the banned terrorist organization “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra” hundreds of millions of dollars for the release from captivity of 26

The US removed two aircraft carrier off the coast of the DPRK

Two US Navy aircraft carrier left the sea of Japan. On Tuesday, June 6, according to TV channel NHK with reference to the representative of the Pentagon. In the official in the us military announced that the ships of the “Carl Vinson” (USS Carl Vinson) and “Ronald Reagan” (USS Ronald Reagan) went after the three-day exercise, which took place in the area last week. It is known that the “Carl Vinson” is directed to the place of their permanent home in San Diego (California). However, the Pentagon has said it will continue to monitor the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and stands ready to respond flexibly to changing situations. On 27 may, the newspaper Asahi Shimbun reported on the extension in the sea of Japan third American aircraft carrier “Nimitz” (USS Nimitz). It was not known whether he will join their “classmates” or is he going to replace one of