The US said the attack on Syrian government forces and the destruction of the drone

The strength of the US-led coalition destroyed a Syrian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). About it reports Reuters referring to the statement of the official representative of the coalition of Colonel Ryan Dillon. According to him, the UAV was destroyed after struck by the location of coalition forces. The RAID caused damages among soldiers and no casualties. At the same time Dillon noted that this was the first recorded case of an attack on the forces of the US-led coalition. Dillon also said that earlier on June 8, coalition forces attacked several jeeps that tried to get close to the 55-kilometer zone around the city of TANF. Here is the location of the American instructors, and a training base for the training of armed Syrian opposition groups. 6 June in the same area, the U.S.-led coalition struck the Syrian Pro-government forces. “Despite previous warnings by Pro-government forces in more than 60

Komi said the lack of orders trump to close the investigation in Russia

James Compradorian: Komi predicted the continuation of Russian interference in the internal Affairs of States Former Director of the Federal Bureau of investigation United States (FBI), James Comey gave a negative answer to the question of the existence of the request of the President of the United States Donald trump to cease the investigation into Russia’s intervention in the American elections in 2016. It is reported by CNN. However, according to Komi, the head of state “expressed the hope” that, according to Reuters. “I took it as an order. When the US President says “I hope”, I regard it as an order,” he said, noting specifically the word “order” was not pronounced. Komi was speaking at a special hearing in the intelligence Committee of the U.S. Senate, where he gives evidence about the alleged Russian interference in elections in the United States and possible relations team of the President of

Philippine Muslim is saved from execution 64 Christians

Norodin Alonto, Lukman Philippine Muslim hid 64 Christians, and thus saved them from execution by the militants jihadists. About it reports The Independent. Norodin Alonto, Lukman, former politician and leader of one of the clans, during the attack of the Islamists in the city of Marawi came to the house 71 people, including 64 Christians who could not escape. “They couldn’t leave, to protect them was my duty,” he explained, Lukman. According to him, the militants were searching for Christians to execute them. Fighting between rebels and government troops in Mindanao began on 22 may. The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte introduced in the region under martial law. The terrorists launched an offensive in Marawi on may 23. To June 4 at the center of the city remained a small number of surviving fighters. On some southern Islands of the Philippines there are several terrorist groups. One of them

North Korea called the US decision on withdrawal from the Paris agreement selfishness

Donald Trump The DPRK said that the decision of Donald trump on the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement, “stupid and shortsighted”. It is reported by The Independent, citing a representative of North Korea’s foreign Ministry, who wished to remain anonymous. “A selfish act of the United States poses a serious threat not only to international efforts to protect the environment, but also for other regions”, — noted in Department. In North Korea’s foreign Ministry added that the US does not understand that environmental protection is in their own interest. “This is the limit of selfishness and moral impoverishment, when the country is striving to achieve personal prosperity at the expense of the entire planet,” — said in the Ministry. As the newspaper notes, the DPRK has become one of 195 signatories to the Paris agreement. 147 States have ratified the Treaty. 1 Jun Donald trump has declared that

The interior Ministry of Iran told about the staged attack in Tehran terrorists

Five detainees suspected of terrorist attacks in the Iranian capital on 7 June, suspected of having links with the extremist group “Islamic state”. On Thursday, June 8, according to the interior Ministry of Iran, reports Reuters. “All five of us — the Iranians. Earlier they carried out terrorist activities in raqqa and Mosul,” — said the Agency. It is reported that last year they returned to Iran. On the morning of 7 June, a group of armed men staged a shooting in the Parliament of Iran. Around the same time two men and a woman opened fire in the building of the mausoleum of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and another woman activated the explosive device fixed on the body. Killing 17 people. Responsibility for the attack took on the banned terrorist organization “Islamic state”. The group promised to organize new attacks.

The Norwegian Supreme court refused to improve the conditions of detention of Breivik

Anders Breivik The Norwegian Supreme court refused to consider the complaint of Anders Breivik on the conditions of his detention in prison. About it reports Reuters. “The appeal panel of the Supreme Court June 8, 2017 unanimously decided not to consider Anders Behring Breivik in the proceedings instituted by them against the state”, — stated in the decision. Lawyers for the terrorist have declared that do not agree with the decision and will appeal it in the European court of human rights (ECHR) Breivik is trying to abolish issued in March of this year the verdict of the Norwegian court of appeal, which ruled that the content of Breivik in a two-bedroom solitary confinement is justified because he did not repent, and posing a threat. Also, the court noted that other prisoners can deal with the terrorist, so his isolation from other prisoners as a precaution. 22 July 2011, Breivik

Turkey summarily adopts a law on the deployment of troops in Qatar

The Turkish authorities summarily adopt changes in legislation to place a military contingent on the territory of Qatar. About it reports Reuters. The new order will allow to transfer troops to the Turkish military base in the Emirate. According to the Agency, the decision to expedite the adoption of amendments to the law indicates the desire of Ankara to support the Doha, which was in isolation. Monday, June 5, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar. They accused Doha of supporting terrorist organizations, including prohibited in Russia groups “Islamic state” and al-Qaeda, and destabilizing the political situation in these Arab States. On the same day their decision was joined by Yemen, Libya, the Maldives and Mauritius. June 6, Jordan lowered the level of relations with Qatar and Mauritania announced their breakup. The day after this decision was joined by Comoros.

The media learned about the requirements of the Arab countries to Qatar to restore relations

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and some other Arab countries had prepared a list of demands to Qatar to restore diplomatic relations. According to The Wall Street Journal, citing informed sources. In particular, States have demanded a reduction in broadcast-based Qatar TV channel “al Jazeera”, guarantees the termination of funding of extremist groups and support the movement “Muslim brotherhood”. It is noted that the final list of requirements yet to be agreed. It plans to introduce in the near future. Monday, June 5, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar. They accused Doha of supporting terrorist organizations, including prohibited in Russia groups “Islamic state” and al-Qaeda, and destabilizing the political situation in these Arab States. On the same day their decision was joined by Yemen, Libya, the Maldives and Mauritius. June 6, Jordan lowered the level of relations with Qatar and Mauritania announced

Media reported 16 dead in suicide attack in Tehran

The number of victims of terrorist attacks in Tehran has increased to 16 people. About this Twitter informs the Agency Tasnim. — Tasnim News Agency (@Tasnimnews_EN) 08 June 2017, 07:59 The Deputy Minister of internal Affairs of Iran Mohammad Hossein, Zolfaghari earlier said that 13 people were killed, 43 others were injured. On the morning of 7 June, several people staged a shooting in the Parliament of Iran. It was also reported that one of the attackers managed to leave the building, after which he allegedly opened fire on the street. Around the same time two men and a woman opened fire in the building of the mausoleum of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and another woman activated the explosive device fixed on the body. One of the attackers was poisoned with cyanide, not to fall into the hands of the authorities, one man was shot dead by the security forces. The

The police has confirmed the death of Russian citizen in the United States

Police in the us state of Maryland has confirmed the death of Russian citizen in the United States. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the police Department of Montgomery County. The guards announced the name of the deceased is 18-year-old Artyom Ziberov. It together with a friend, 17-year-old Shadi ADI Najjar, Monday, June 5, was shot by unknown. The police are looking for criminals, for any information about them announced a reward of 10 thousand dollars. Earlier, the Russian Embassy in the US appealed to the state Department for clarification on the issue of murder of the citizen of the Russian Federation in Washington.