A Brazilian court acquitted the country’s President in the case of financial irregularities

Michel Temer Brazil’s Supreme court dismissed charges against the President of Brazil Michel Temer. On Friday, June 9, the Associated Press reports. Temer was accused of illegal financing of the presidential campaign of Dilma Rousseff in 2014. Temer then walked with her to the polls as a contender for the Vice presidency. The verdict was passed by four votes to three. In the case of recognition of guilt Temer, he would have to leave his post. Political crisis in Brazil broke out after the recording appeared, which Temer supposedly discusses “buying the silence” of former speaker of the house, Eduardo Cunha. Later a judge of the Federal Supreme court of Brazil gave permission for the opening of a criminal case. Thus, the current head of state officially became a suspect in corruption. While Temer denies the accusation. The country erupted into mass protests. Michel Temer, who had been Vice President,

In Catalonia set a date for a referendum on independence

The referendum on the independence of Catalonia will take place on 1 October this year. This was stated by the head of the Autonomous region Carles Putteman (Carles Puigdemont), reports Reuters. According to him, the question put to a plebiscite, to read as follows: “do you Want to Catalonia became an independent state with a Republican form of government?” 25 may, El Pais, citing government sources in the Kingdom said that Madrid is ready to take all measures in order not to allow a referendum on the independence of Catalonia. February 14, Spain’s constitutional court called for two illegal resolutions adopted by the Catalan Parliament, which was supposed to hold a plebiscite. Catalonia — an Autonomous community in the North-East of Spain. Recently in the Kingdom has significantly increased separatist sentiment. At the end of September last year, the Parliament of Catalonia approved a resolution on holding a plebiscite on

The explosion in the Iraqi city of Karbala killed 30 people

Archive photo At least 30 people were killed and 35 were injured in a terrorist attack in the Iraqi city of Karbala, situated 100 kilometers South of Baghdad. About it reports The Independent. According to the edition, the explosive device detonated by a woman bomber. The bomb was hidden under her clothes. The Shiites believe Kerbela one of their Holy cities, along with after Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem and al-Najaf, because here in the year 680 during the battle of Karbala by the soldiers of Yazid Ibn Muawiyah was beheaded Imam Hussein, son of Ali and grandson of prophet Muhammad. On may 30, about one of the shops in Baghdad detonated an explosive device. The attack killed 11 people. Earlier, on February 16, the victims of the explosion of a car bomb near the used machinery market in Baghdad was 48 people.

Trump was surprised by the results of the British elections

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that the results of the parliamentary elections in the UK has become as a surprise to him. On Friday, June 9, according to Reuters. Answering a journalist’s question, who asked him to assess the results of the election, trump was limited to the word “amazing”. Early parliamentary elections in the UK took place on 8 June. After the counting of votes in all electoral districts of the country the Conservative party gets 318 mandates, labour 262. In addition, in the Parliament are the Scottish national party (35 seats), the Liberal democratic party (12), the Democratic unionist party (10), “Sinn FEIN” (7), the Party of Wales (4) and the green Party (1). Another mandate will go to independent candidate Sylvia Hermon (Sylvia Hermon). None of the party received a simple majority of seats, which is why there is the need to create coalitions.

In the South-East of Turkey car bomb exploded

Three people were injured in the explosion of a car bomb in the province of Batman, located in the South-East of Turkey. On Friday, June 9 Reuters. The explosion occurred near a checkpoint of the gendarmerie. Among the victims, two soldiers and a civilian. While none of the groups has claimed responsibility for the attacks. However, local authorities stated that the explosion — the handiwork of the outlawed Turkey Kurdistan workers ‘ party (PKK). In the province of Batman had previously carried out operations against the PKK. Since 1984, the PKK is waging an armed struggle for political rights of Kurds in Turkey and the establishment of Kurdish autonomy in its composition. The truce between the Turkish government and the Kurds was terminated in July of 2015. The reason for the resumption of the active phase of the confrontation was a terrorist attack in the town of Suruç, when 32

In Bulgaria, a military helicopter crashed in the Black sea

During military exercises near the Bulgarian city of Varna fell helicopter of the Bulgarian air force. It is reported by the Dnes. The accident occurred when performing training and combat tasks. Three members of the crew were lifted from the water on Board approached the crash site, ships of the Navy of the country. The crew commander captain George Atanasov is in critical condition, the other two pilots received injuries of moderate severity. They are all taken to the hospital. On April 19 in the fall of the Greek military helicopter killed four people. The accident occurred in a remote mountainous area in the North of the country. The helicopter made planned flight around the border. 20 September 2016 in the area of Thessaloniki, crashed attack helicopter of the Greek air force Apache. Both pilots survived.

Tillerson called on to ease the blockade of Qatar

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson urged Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries to ease the blockade of Qatar, which can lead to unintended humanitarian consequences and affect the struggle of the coalition of the United States with banned terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG). On Friday, June 9, according to Reuters. “We expect that these countries (which joined the blockade of Qatar is approx. “Of the tape.ru”) will take immediate steps to de-escalate the situation and will make every effort to resolve the claims, which are to each other,” said Tillerson told reporters. 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar. They accused Doha of destabilizing the political situation in these Arab States as well as in support of terrorist organizations, including prohibited in Russia groups “Islamic state” and al-Qaida. On the same day to four Arab countries joined

The German officer was sent to prison for a joke about a military coup

Failed to make a joke to the officer of the German army threatened to court for incitement to committing a crime. It is reported by Spiegel. In may at one of the seminars under the auspices of the UN in Bavaria, an unnamed Colonel said, “I’m tired of that 200 thousand people are under suspicion because of the two crazies. In my eyes the defence Minister has lost all credibility — it is necessary as-that to react to it. The coup, that is, to organize?” The soldier himself said that his call for a military coup was comic exaggeration, and on hearing it, everyone in the room laughed. However, all the participants interviewed, and the command sent a complaint to the Prosecutor. The investigators decide whether to bring because of the incident a criminal case: if the officer is found guilty, he faces imprisonment, fines and dismissal from the armed

The conservatives spoke about the new UK government

Boris Johnson The office of the Prime Minister of Britain announced the new Cabinet. Details reports Reuters. According to representatives of the conservatives, all the key Ministers will retain their portfolios. Boris Johnson will remain foreign Minister, Michael Fallon — the head of the defense Department, amber Rudd — Minister of internal Affairs. In addition, their posts will remain Finance Minister, Philip Hammond, and Minister for Brexit David Davis. They all won the elections in the districts for which he ran and passed in Parliament. The elections of 8 June, the Conservative party won 318 seats and lost the chance to form a single-party government. Tory leader, Theresa may, announced that it is ready to lead a minority Cabinet with the support of the Democratic unionist party received 10 seats.

In a double bombing in Iraq killed 34 people

In Iraq, there was a double bombing killed 34 people reported by Reuters. A suicide bomber blew himself up in the heart of the crowd in the Bazaar in Masab South of Baghdad. 31 people were killed and 35 taken to hospital. Some of the injured are in serious condition. Doctors fear that the number of victims can increase. According to police, the suicide bomber carried an explosive device on the body under the hijab. Almost at the same time, the explosion occurred at a bus stop in Karbala, who in Shia Islam is considered sacred. Three people were killed, 15 were injured. Responsibility for both attacks was assumed by the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). April 5, the attack is militants in the Iraqi city of Tikrit 31 people were killed and 40 injured. A group of terrorists consisted of 10 people. They were disguised