Syrian media once again reported the destruction of ISIS leader al-Baghdadi

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, July 2014. Syrian state television, citing unnamed sources reported that on Saturday, June 10, in an air RAID on Raqqa, was killed the leader of the terrorist group “Islamic state” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The report quoted a number of the world’s media, including the British press (Daily Mail and Daily Mirror), as well as UNRWA Al-Masdar. In publications it is noted that the Amaq news Agency, considered to be the “official mouthpiece” of the IG, has not commented on reports of the death of al-Baghdadi. According to Syrian activists quoted by the Daily Mail, 10 June at Raqqa was actually made a few raids of the International coalition, killing at least seven civilians. But the reports of al-Baghdadi in the context of these raids there. Reports about the destruction of al-Baghdadi appear in the world media regularly. In particular, information about his death in an air RAID

Goalie Halla hoped on the arrival of the club of Russian players following Slutsky

Leonid Slutsky The English goalkeeper hull city Eldin jakupovic has shared his impressions of the appointment of Leonid Slutsky, head coach of the team. The words of the player on Sunday. June 11, cites “Sport-Express”. “The Russian football player in “Halle”? Why not? I hope Mr. Leonid someone take it. You have very good players. Example — Alexander Samedov, who I played in the “Locomotive”. I’m glad the arrival of Slutsky, because now we have a coach who knows what great victories. I’m sure it will help, “halloo” to return to the Premier League,” said jakupovic. Hull city have announced the appointment of 46-year-old Slutsky, the head coach on 9 June. Last season, the tigers left the English Premier League (EPL) and flew to the championship. Slutsky was the first Russian coaches got the job at Albion. It is dedicated to bring the team back to the Premier League. 32-year-old

Kadyrov commented on the statement of the state Department on the Chechen security forces

Ramzan Kadyrov Statements of the US state Department on the situation in Chechnya is based on lies. The Chechen guards always protected from terrorists and Russians, and citizens of the United States, so Washington has no right to tell them how to perform their duties. The head of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov wrote on his page in Instagram. “For a short time, the state Department twice makes a loud statement on Chechnya. And both times they are based on lies and intentional misinformation. This time requires “to ensure the safety of Murad Amriev”. We have provided and ensure the security of all Russian citizens living in Chechnya. We protect them from terrorist organizations, including the citizens of the United States and Europe”, — says the politician. “When their (terrorists) hands were killed, and hundreds of thousands of the best sons of the Chechen Republic and the whole of Russia, the

The media learned about the suicide note, Kratovo arrow

Investigators found personal belongings of Igor Zenkov, shot dead four people in Kratovo not far from Moscow, a suicide note. Soon it will be a forensic examination of handwriting. On Sunday, June 11, TASS said a source in law enforcement bodies. According to him, the note the man complained to his father in a difficult relationship with its neighbors. Earlier, another source, the Agency reported that Zenkova had conflicts with the villagers on home soil. In particular, he has developed relationships with the owner of a nearby service station and the neighbor, whose house was shaded portion thereof. Also men often have quarrels with who lived with him in same house a relative. The owner of the garage — Konstantin Lebedev — Kratovo shooter killed one of the first.

The driver collided with a yacht boats detained in Crimea

The driver of the boat that collided with a yacht in the Black sea near Kerch, which led to the deaths of two people detained. The question on election to it measures of restraint. On Sunday, June 11, according to the regional Department of the Investigative Committee. A medical examination showed that at the time of the accident the man was drunk. Upon collision of a boat with a yacht a criminal case under part 3 of article 263 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Infringement of safety rules of movement and operation of sea transport, entailed on imprudence death of two and more persons”). Accident involving a yacht “Solaris” and speedboats “TK 0393”.occurred on 10 June. Killed two people, injured eight. Three of them required hospitalization.

Poroshenko congratulated the citizens with the beginning of bezveza poems of Russian classics

Petro Poroshenko The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko before the beginning of action of a visa-free regime between the country and the EU quoted poems of Russian classics Pushkin and Lermontov. This is the website of the President. According to Poroshenko, the onset of action bezveza symbolizes the final break “with the Russian Empire and the Ukrainian democratic world — authoritarian “Russian world””. The President added that Ukrainians had achieved “freedom, which is not yet known”. “The head of state quoted lines of the poem of the Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov: “farewell, unwashed Russia, country of slaves, the country gentlemen. And you, blue uniforms, and you, his faithful people””, — reports a press-service. “He separately appealed to the Russians who in the conditions of rigid Imperial dictatorship find the courage to condemn Russian aggression against Ukraine, find the courage to demand democratic rights and freedoms and recalled the words of

Ukrainian security officials announced the deaths of four soldiers in the Donbass

Four Ukrainian soldiers killed over past day in the Donbass. On Sunday, June 11, announced the press center of staff ATO (anti — terrorist operation in Kiev called military operation in the Donbass) on his page in Facebook. “As a result of enemy mortar fire killed four soldiers of the armed forces of Ukraine, three of them — the result of a direct hit mines. In addition, four of our soldier received gunshot wounds of varying severity, three were battle injuries”, — stated in the publication. April 13 at the combat zone in the Donbass, two Ukrainian servicemen were killed due to careless handling of weapons. The armed conflict in the Donbass began in the spring of 2014 after the attempt of the new Kiev authorities the power to suppress speech in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The parties have repeatedly declared about the truce, however, to completely stop the

The exhibition in Vilnius died Russian

The Russians died during a visit to the fair ArtVilnius, which takes place at the exhibition hall Litexpo in the capital of Lithuania. On Saturday, June 10, reports Delfi. According to the publication, citizen of Russia, who during the event, lost consciousness, attempted to have the former mayor of the Lithuanian capital artūras Zuokas. “At first it seemed that maybe it’s part of the show, it was hard to understand what is happening, but after I looked at the man, saw that his face turns blue. I realized that a serious matter,” said Zuokas noted. To his aid came the visitor of the exhibition. The former mayor of Vilnius began to do citizen CPR. “After a while we brought him to his senses, he began to breathe, have a pulse. During this time the ambulance arrived, who continued the work” — said Zuokas. The police of Vilnius reported that the

Two people were killed in a collision of yachts and boats off the coast of Crimea

Two people were killed and three were injured in a collision between two ships in the Black sea near Kerch. On Saturday, June 10, somewhat RIA Novosti. “In the Kerch area faced two small vessel. According to preliminary data, two people were killed, eight people, including two children, taken ashore, three of them were hospitalized,” — said the Agency interlocutor. After the collision, the court remained afloat. On the website of the Central Board of MOE in Crimea stated that the courts faced was a pleasure yacht “Solaris” and hydrofoil “TK 0393”.

U.S. attorney General testify in the case of “Russian interference” in the elections

Jeff Sessions The attorney-General and Minister of justice Jeff sessions has agreed to speak at the hearings in the Senate Committee on intelligence, which deals with the investigation of “Russian interference” in the US presidential election in 2016. On Saturday, June 10, according to Reuters. Sessions will appear before the Committee on Tuesday, June 13. In his message, which the attorney General gave Senator Richard Shelby, he indicated that he took the decision to participate in the hearings after a speech in the Senate, the former Director of the FBI James Komi. May 31, CNN reported that the U.S. Congress and the FBI check the information about the “more private meeting,” the Russian Ambassador in Washington Sergei Kislyak with Sessom during the presidential campaign in the United States in 2016 It was noted that the FBI is investigating the possibility that Kislyak and sessions could have “an additional private meeting”