The former head of the Federal penitentiary service Reimer was convicted of fraud

Alexander Reimer The Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow convicted the former Director of the Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN) Alexander Reimer, accused of embezzling three billion rubles allocated from the budget for the purchase of electronic bracelets. It is reported by RIA Novosti. Reimer committed fraud, said the judge. Also were found guilty of two accused — Nikolay Krivolapov and Victor Opredeleno. Earlier in may, the Prosecutor asked to sentence Reimer to nine years in prison, fined on one million roubles and to deprive of rank and state awards. According to investigators, Reimer, his former Deputy Nikolai Krivolapov and former Director of FSUE “Center for information technology services and communication of the Federal penitentiary service” Victor Opredeleno in 2010-2012 stole budget funds by putting to the prison service, the equipment, in particular electronic bracelets (intended to monitor people under house arrest or sentenced to restriction of liberty), at highly

At the train station in Munich shooting occurred

At the train station Unterföhring in Munich, the Bavarian capital, the shooting occurred. On Tuesday, June 13, the newspaper Bild. As a result, the female police officer was severely wounded, and several people were injured. One person was detained, the report said police on Twitter. — Polizei München (@PolizeiMuenchen) June 13, 2017, 08:02 Thus, according to Münchener Tageszeitung, the shooting occurred on the train. The attacker shot a female police officer to check documents. The offender snatched from her arms. It is noted that passengers and staff were evacuated. The causes of the incident are being investigated. As noted by the Bayerischer Rundfunk, the police are sure that we are not talking about the attack.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE have softened air blockade of Qatar

The authorities of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has allowed the airlines of third countries to use its airspace and airports during the flight to Qatar and from it. On Tuesday, June 13, news Agency WAM, citing a statement by the civil aviation authority of the UAE. A similar decision was earlier taken by the civil aviation authority of Saudi Arabia. Private and Charter flights, with the exception of those who commit aviation Qatar, may enter the airspace of the UAE on the way to Qatar from the Emirate, provided that a preliminary permission was granted not less than 24 hours. Supported by an initial ban on all airlines and aircraft registered in Qatar to land at UAE airports and to pass through the airspace of the state. Flight of the airlines from the UAE, Saudi Arabia and other countries to Qatar completely abolished. 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain

Libyan secret services has told about preparation of a terrorist attack by a suicide bomber in Manchester

A suicide bomber staged a terrorist attack in Manchester, were preparing an attack from December 2016. About it reports BBC News with reference to the press-Secretary of the Libyan intelligence Ahmed Ben Salem. According to him, representatives of the Libyan authorities had information about the contacts of terrorist Salman Abedi, on Libyan territory and in the UK. Were you able eventually to transfer these data to the London, not specified. We only know that the special forces are in Libya more closely with the us CIA, than their British colleagues. A month before the attack, Abedi held in Tripoli with his family. In the Libyan security services said that immediately set up surveillance on him, as well as a 20-year-old brother HaShem and their father Ramadan. Brother of the Manchester bomber admitted that he along with Salman in 2015, he joined the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in

Putin told about the reaction to the proposal Yeltsin to take charge of Russia

Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin did not immediately agreed to the proposal of former Russian President Boris Yeltsin to become Prime Minister with the subsequent nomination for the presidency. This he said in said in an interview with Director Oliver stone, the first of which was released on Showtime on Monday, June 12. “I don’t know why Yeltsin chose me”, — Putin said, Recalling the events of 1999. According to him, the first President of Russia invited him to his office. “He said he wants to appoint the Prime Minister and wish I were running for President. I said that is a very big responsibility, it has to change my entire life, and I’m not sure I’m ready for it,” — said Putin. He stressed that it is one thing to be an officer — “you can live the life of ordinary people — to visit, to go to the cinema,

Americans warned about the ability of Russian hackers to shut down the city

Russian hackers are able to disrupt the operation of computers, responsible for the power grid of American cities. This writes the Washington Post, citing a report of the company Dragos, specializing in computer security. The experts came to the conclusion that the created by Russian malware CrashOverride will be able to turn off the power for a period of from several hours to several days. According to computer analysts, the Russian has allegedly tested his virus on the energy system of Ukraine, leaving about 225 thousand inhabitants of the country without electricity. Experts believe that now after a small modification of the program Russians can use it in the attack on the US power grid. In December 2015 the Ukrainian company “Prykarpattyaoblenergo” have reported large-scale power outage in the region. In particular, without electricity then left the Central part of Ivano-Frankivsk and Kolomyia, Kola, Dolyna, Kosiv, Tysmenitsky, Nadvirnyansky districts and

Iran eliminated four terrorism suspects militants

Employee of the Iranian intelligence at the Parliament building Iranian police killed in the southern province of Hormozgan four people suspected of terrorist activities. About it reports Reuters. Security officers clashed with the suspects and eliminated them. According to preliminary data, two of the dead were foreigners. At the scene police found weapons, ammunition, explosives and the flag of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On June 7 a group of armed men attacked the Parliament of Iran. At the same time two men and a woman opened fire in the building of the mausoleum of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and another woman detonated the explosive device fixed on the body. As a result of coordinated attacks killed 17 people. Responsibility for the attack took on the IG. The group promised to organize new attacks.

Putin accused the U.S. of supporting Chechen terrorists

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin said that U.S. intelligence agencies helped the militants in Chechnya and ignored related protests in Moscow. He told this in an interview, which was shown in the film directed by Oliver stone “Interview with Putin” on Showtime Monday, June 12. “When we started to have problems in Chechnya, the North Caucasus, unfortunately, the Americans have supported these processes,” — said the Russian President. According to him, Russia is counting on assistance from the United States, but instead found that us intelligence agencies are engaged in support of terrorists. “If to speak about political support, it needs no proof. It was done publicly, openly. As for operational support, financial — we have such evidence and, moreover, some of them we even presented our American colleagues,” Putin said. “We have a completely strong opinion, then, that our American partners on the words talking about the support

The white house condemned the detention of protesters in Russia

Sean Spicer Washington has condemned the detention of participants of protest actions, held June 12 in Russia. As reported by Reuters, said the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. “The United States strongly condemns the detention of hundreds of peaceful protesters across Russia. The detention of peaceful protesters, human rights defenders and journalists is contrary to the basic democratic values”, — quotes Agency Spicer. The press Secretary said that Washington will monitor the situation and encourages the government of Russia to immediately release all the detainees. June 12, in Moscow on Tverskaya street was inconsistent with the government’s anti-corruption campaign of opposition supporters. On the same day there is a festival reconstruction “Times and epochs”, which part of the street has been blocked off and made pedestrian. The demonstrators began to come back after the appeal by Alexei Navalny. According to the city hall, on Tverskaya street came

Panama and China established diplomatic relations

Panama Monday, June 12, established formal diplomatic relations with the people’s Republic of China. About it reports Reuters referring to the statement of the President of the Central American States Juan Carlos Varela. In his televised Varela also indicated that Panama break diplomatic relations with Taiwan. “The government of Panama severs all diplomatic relations with Taiwan and agrees to cease all relations and official contacts with this country,” he said. Chinese state television CGTN announced that the government of China welcomes such a move. After the decision of Panama to the world there are 20 States that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Most of them are in Central and South America, and Oceania. The recognition of the sovereignty of the PRC over Taiwan is a mandatory condition to maintain diplomatic relations with Beijing. The Republic of China (Taiwan) was founded in 1912 and until 1949 ruled all of mainland China.