In the US, two criminals shot and killed the guards and escaped from a prison bus

Donny Russell Rose and Ricky Dubs In the U.S. state of Georgia two inmates shot and killed two guards and escaped. It is reported by USA Today on Tuesday, June 13. According to the prison service of the state, 43-year-old Donnie Russell Rous and 24-year-old Ricky Dubs, serving a sentence in prison, escaped from carrying their bus. Before that, they were disarmed and killed the guards. Witness reported that criminals stole the green Honda, which fled the scene. Dubos was serving a sentence for assault and theft. He has also previously been convicted for fraud. Rowe, in turn, has been in prison since 2002 on charges of assault and use of weapons in committing crimes. Police are searching for the killers.

From a North Korean prison freed the student from the United States

Otto Frederick Wambier North Korean authorities have released an American student, Otto Frederick Bombieri, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for attempting to steal a propaganda poster. About it reports Reuters. According to the Agency, 22-year-old man for more than a year is in a coma. “He needs quality health care in the U.S.” — said a former diplomat and politician bill Richardson, who participated in the liberation of the American. According to him, Pyongyang is obliged to explain why a US citizen is in a coma. March 16, 2016 Wambier was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. The student arrived in the DPRK on 25 December from Beijing as part of a tour group. As it was established, January 1 night, he snuck into the office of the Pyongyang hotel “Engacho” intended for foreign tourists, and tore from the wall posted there Korean political poster. The American admitted his guilt. According

The mayor of Rome asked not to let in the city of migrants

VA Raja The mayor of Rome VA Raja asked the Ministry of internal Affairs of Italy not to send to the capital of migrants. About it reports The Local. “I believe that it is impossible to erect an additional structure for the reception of refugees, moreover, it is even dangerous,” explained Raja, citing a strong migrant presence in the city and a steady stream of foreign nationals. She requested a moratorium on new refugees. According to the authorities, as of 1 January 2016 in Rome lived a little more than 364 thousand foreigners, or 12.7 percent of the total population. More than half of them — Europeans, it takes people from Romania (23.2 percent). The evaluation of the Italian Ministry of Finance, the country annually spends on refugee reception $ 3.3 billion. On 15 may it became known that one of the major Italian centres for the admission of migrants

Taiwan authorities have promised to review relations with Beijing

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Taiwan in response to the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Panama have promised to review relations with Beijing. About it reports The South China Morning Post. “The steps taken by Beijing, not just wrong, they negatively affect the whole current situation, turning the peaceful development of relations between the parties in the confrontation,” — said the head of the national security Council of Taiwan, Joseph Wu. The foreign Ministry of Taiwan has criticized the so-called “checkbook diplomacy” resorted to by Beijing, seeking to win over all the allies of Taiwan. The foreign Minister of Taiwan, David Lee stated that the authorities are going to stop diplomatic relations with Panama, to close the Embassy and to cease to provide a Latin American country financial and technical assistance As notes the edition, at present, the Taiwan authorities support a total of 20 countries. On

In Germany, advocated the building of relationships with Russia from a position of strength

Ursula von der Leyen Germany is interested in resolving differences with Russia, but from a position of strength. This was stated by the Minister of defense, Ursula von der Leyen in Strasbourg at the session of the European Parliament Committee on foreign Affairs and Subcommittee on security and defence, reports on Tuesday, June 13, TASS reported. “Our position is that we want reasonable relations with Russia, but we know that it must happen from a position of strength. It should be clear that we are interested in conflict resolution at the negotiating table”, — said the head of the defense Department on the issue of the extent coming from Moscow threat. She added that “the Germans for 40 years benefited from the Alliance [NATO]”. “We know what it’s like when the Eastern boundary is protected. We believe that the time has come to provide this protection to our Eastern neighbours

Ivanka trump has registered four trademarks in China

Ivanka Trump The daughter of the President of the United States Donald trump, Ivanka has achieved registration in China, with more than four brands. About it reports The South China Morning Post. “Over the past years, our brand has been applied and updated them in order to protect international trademarks. This is a common business practice, especially in those regions where violations of intellectual property rights often enough”, — commented Abigail Clem, CEO of Ivanka Trump. However, some American lawmakers believe that Ivanka trump, occupying the post of Advisor to his father, admits malpractice. “We Express our concern that the Ivanka trump could use and continues to use his official position at the White House with the purpose of extracting personal gains,” they wrote in a letter to Clem. In total the company registered in China 24 brand. 43 expect the decision of the regulatory authority in registration and three

Iran’s Supreme leader accused the U.S. of creating ISIS

Ali Khamenei Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has accused the United States of destabilizing the situation in the middle East and the creation of terrorist grouping “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports The Independent. “US claims that they are fighting against ISIS, is a lie”, — leads edition of the words of the Ayatollah. Khamenei added that Tehran is not going to improve relations with Washington. “Most of our problems with the United States simply cannot resolve (…). America is a country of terrorists and supports terrorists,” he said. After the election Donald trump President of the United States relations between Washington and Tehran deteriorated markedly. The American leader directly accused Iran of training and funding of extremists, in response, the government of the Islamic Republic claim that U.S. policy is provoking the crises in the region. 19 APR trump instructed the national security Council

Erdogan called the isolation Qatar is contrary to Islamic values

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the isolation of Qatar inhuman and contrary to Islamic values. On Tuesday, June 13, according to Reuters. According to the Turkish leader, the methods used against Doha, unacceptable. “As if in the attitude of Qatar sentenced to death,” — he said. Erdogan added that Saudi Arabia must play a crucial role in resolving the crisis. The Turkish leader is going on June 13 to discuss by phone the situation with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron and the Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar. Representatives of the countries accused Doha of destabilizing the political situation in the Arab States, as well as in support of terrorist organizations, including Islamic state and “al-Qaeda” (both group banned in Russia). Later also joined the boycott Yemen, Libya,

Discovered that turns bugs into zombies, the fungus is a parasite

American scientists from the University of Arkansas and Cornell University have discovered a new species of parasitic fungi that turns females beetles Chauliognathus pensylvanicus macotela into zombies. Killed by the fungus the insects are attracted to males that mate with them and become infected themselves. Press release published on the website C. pensylvanicus live in the meadows and fields, feeding on flowering plants. They often sit on flowers where the fungus lives Eryniopsis lampyridarum. When the bug infected them, the jaws of the insect firmly stick to the plant, then the animal dies. A day later, his wings are revealed. Dead females as males are ready to mate, but the attempt copulation leads to infection of new insect fungus and the further spread of the parasite. Researchers found that of the 446 they have collected 90 beetles were infected with E. lampyridarum. From infection to the disclosure of the

Russian football team missed practice because of the exam

Alexey Miranchuk Midfielder Moscow “Locomotive” and Russian national team Alexey miranchuk misses a national team practice for the test. This was reported in Twitter of the national team. Football team hold a training session at the stadium named Eduard Streltsov in Moscow. 21-year-old Miranchuk passes the exam at the University. All the rest of the team are present in the lesson. Midfielder Alexander Golovin (CSKA Moskva) is training in the individual mode. This is not due to the injury, the coaching staff headed by Stanislav Cherchesov has decided to offer the player a rest. On June 9 in preparation for the confederations Cup team Russia played a draw with the Chileans. The meeting ended with the score 1:1, goal by Mauricio Isla, the Russians answered with exact blow of Victor Vasin. The Russian team will open the home confederations Cup match against team New Zealand on 17 June. The game