The U.S. authorities decided to expel Iraqi Christians illegals back to Iraq

The administration of U.S. President Donald trump decided to expel the detainees are Iraqi Christians, illegal immigrants. It is reported by Politico. According to the newspaper, over the weekend of 10-11 June, the staff of migration service detained in Michigan, dozens of Iraqi Christians for various violations of the regime: for example, an expired visa and committed crimes and ordered their expulsion. “The Agency has arrested a number of Iraqi citizens, each of whom were accused of crimes, including murder, rape, assault, kidnapping, burglary, drug trafficking, assault with intent, sexual violence, illegal possession of weapons and other”, — explained in the immigration service, saying that the expulsion decision was taken after careful consideration of each individual case. Human rights activists and Christians are concerned that their expulsion to Iraq can be smertelno threat. “In fact, it’s a death sentence,” — said the Congressman-Democrat Anna Eshoo. According to critics, in his

In the U.S. state of new Mexico light aircraft crashed

In the U.S. state of new Mexico after taking off from city airport Ruidoso crashed legkomotornyh the plane. Reported by the Associated Press. The machine fell to the ground shortly after takeoff. From hitting the wreckage caught fire. The victims of the crash were two men: 39-year-old Justin king and his 13-year-old son Hayden. The cause of the accident will figure out a special Commission of the National Council for transport safety. May 4 in the U.S. state of Washington on the motorway crashed the plane. The plane had engine trouble, the pilot tried to put the car on the highway. However, the aircraft caught on the chassis for a power line and fell to the ground. The pilot and passenger of the plane were not injured.

The U.S. Senate approved the extension of anti-Russian sanctions

The U.S. Senate approved a bill to expand anti-Russian sanctions. As reported by Reuters, for the amendment voted 97 congressmen, against — two. Now the document will be considered by the house of representatives. In the case of a positive decision it will consider President Donald trump. June 13 Congress, revealed the details of the bill on new sanctions against Russia. In the event of approval, American companies and individuals will not be allowed to lend to Russian banks for longer than 14 days. Currently, this period is 90 days. It is also proposed to limit the terms of financing of Russian oil and gas companies. They will set the credit period of 30 days. In addition, within 180 days after the introduction of the amendments, the head of the U.S. Treasury must submit to Congress a report describing the possible consequences of the expansion of sanctions on the sovereign

The death toll in a shooting in San Francisco has grown to four

The death toll in a shooting in San Francisco has grown to four. About it reports Reuters, citing local TV channel. Before it was reported about two dead and several wounded. At 09:00 local time (19:00 GMT) the attacker opened fire at one of the buildings of the postal company UPS. According to media reports, the perpetrator is an employee of the company. Police came to the rescue by return fire wounding the shooter, who was later taken to hospital. The area of the incident cordoned off, at the place of work investigators and criminologists. The morning of June 14 in the American in Alexandria (Virginia) a James Hodgkinson fired on the baseball diamond, a group of members of Congress from the ruling Republican party, which carried out there training. The assailant fired at him about 100 bullets. Injured five people, including a policeman. In retaliatory fire by law enforcement

Tillerson called for flexibility in the issue of new anti-Russian sanctions

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said about the need for a flexible approach in relation to the introduction of new anti-Russian sanctions. Reported by the Associated Press. Tillerson spoke at the hearings in the house of representatives on the introduction of new restrictive measures in respect of Moscow’s intervention in the American elections in 2016. The head of state noted that relations between the two countries are at the lowest level and continue to deteriorate. In this regard, the Secretary of state warned the legislators from taking steps that could close the promising areas of cooperation between Moscow and Washington, particularly on the Syrian settlement. Tillerson urged Congress to adopt a document that would give the President of the United States Donald Trump effective leverage on Russia if necessary. Earlier, on 14 June, the press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the intention of Congress

The number of victims of the fire in London has risen to 12

The number of victims of a fire in an apartment building in West London has risen to 12. On Wednesday, June 14, according to Reuters. According to police chief Stuart Kandy, these findings are not definitive. Law enforcement authorities expect the death toll will continue to rise. Earlier in the day it was reported about six victims. In the night of Wednesday, June 14, in a residential 27-storey apartment building began a strong fire. At the emergency arrived 40 fire trucks. Fighting the flames for several hours led to about 200 rescuers. A large part of residents were evacuated to hospitals with different injuries and wounds were delivered a few dozen victims.

In a shooting in San Francisco, several people were injured

Archival photoditazine In a shooting in San Francisco killed two people As a result of shooting in the us city of San Francisco (California) several people were injured. It is reported by the TV station KRON4. The incident occurred at 09:00 local time (19:00 GMT). The attacker opened fire near the company’s office Express delivery mail. Nearby police arrived at the scene, return fire wounding the shooter and detained him. After that the assailant was hospitalized. Among law enforcement officials there were no injuries. The area of the incident blocked by the forces of law and order. At the place of work investigators and criminologists. Earlier on June 14 in the American in Alexandria (Virginia) a James Hodgkinson opened fire on the baseball diamond for the group of members of Congress from the ruling Republican party, which carried out there training. The assailant fired at him about 100 bullets. Injured

The son of the founder of Singapore was about to leave the country with family

Lee Hsien Yang The youngest son of the founder of modern Singapore, Lee Kuan yew — Lee Hsien Yang — coming together with family to leave the country. On this edition of The Straits Times, said his wife. She did not say when exactly the couple plan to leave Singapore and where they intend to go. Sam Lee Hsien Yang, Chairman, civil aviation authority of the country, has not yet commented on the situation. However, on his page on Facebook he published a letter written with her sister. In a statement the official said that he was being watched and in the near future he most likely will have to leave Singapore because he fears action by the authorities against themselves and spouses. In addition, the siblings said that “no longer trust his elder brother to Prime Minister Lee Hsien moon.” According to them, since the death of their father,

Shot at the American Congressman, the attacker died from his wounds

Shot at the American Congressman Steve Scalise suspect named James Hodgkinson died. This was stated by the President of the United States Donald trump in a special appeal, reports Associated Press. The President also thanked law enforcement officials for his actions to neutralize the criminal. Earlier on June 14 in Alexandria (Virginia), the attacker opened fire on the baseball diamond for the group of members of Congress from the ruling Republican party, which carried out there training. The assailant fired at him about 100 bullets. Injured five people, including a policeman. In retaliatory fire by law enforcement officers, the criminal was wounded. He was taken to hospital where he died. Scales — coordinator of the Republican party in the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress — was wounded in the hip, his life is out of danger.

In a shooting in San Francisco killed two people

At least two people were killed in a shooting in American San Francisco (California). About it reports Reuters. At 09:00 local time (19:00 GMT) the attacker started shooting near the company’s office Express delivery mail. On a scene there arrived police officers who return gunfire took down the shooter. He was decontaminated and taken to hospital. The area of the incident was blocked by forces of law and order. At the place of work investigators and criminologists. The morning of June 14 in the American in Alexandria (Virginia) a James Hodgkinson opened fire on the baseball diamond for the group of members of Congress from the ruling Republican party, which carried out there training. The assailant fired at him about 100 bullets. Injured five people, including a policeman. In retaliatory fire by law enforcement officers, the criminal was wounded. He was taken to hospital where he died.