The media learned about US plans to increase troops in Afghanistan

The Ministry of defense intends to send another four thousand soldiers in Afghanistan. On Thursday, June 15, the Associated Press reports. The Agency source noted that officially it can be declared at the beginning of next week. At the same time, the official representative of the Ministry of defence of the USA Christopher Sherwood told TASS that the Pentagon took no action on changing the number of American troops in Afghanistan. “No decisions have been taken,” — said the Sherwood Agency. Day on June 15 President of the United States Donald trump allowed the Pentagon to determine exactly how many troops need to be sent to Afghanistan. Trump has decided to expand the powers of the Pentagon a few days after the Minister of defence James Mattis announced that U.S. and Afghan security forces are losing the war to the Taliban. Currently in Afghanistan there are 8.5 thousand of American

In the capital of Thailand, a bomb exploded

In the Thai capital Bangkok worked the low-power explosive device. About it reports Reuters. The incident occurred in the area of Thonglor. Sweeping the street, the janitor discovered in bushes a plastic bag. When she picked it up and tried to open, explosion. Utility employee was injured, her life is out of danger. Arrived on the scene, the bomb squad found remnants of a homemade explosive device the size of a ball for table tennis. According to the head of the local police station, the incident is not a terrorist act. “It’s not like a planned attack,’ he explained. — Perhaps it is the work of students who sometimes hide so small bombs”. It happened the next day after authorities announced the arrest of a suspect in the bombing at the military hospital in Bangkok. Then injuring more than 20 people. The explosion occurred inside the reception for retired officials.

The media reported on the save on the hull burnt in London home Builder

The company is repairing a 24-storey building in London, where he was a fire that did not use the more refractory panels for facing buildings. About it reports The Guardian. Aluminum panels chosen for the repair was produced by the company Omnis Exteriors. Its Director, John Cowley told the publication that the developer chose the cheaper and less refractory type of skin. Every square meter more safe plating would cost two pounds (146 rubles) is more expensive. The publication reports that in the UK there is no regulation of the choice of materials for the cladding of high-rise buildings and educational institutions. While public organizations have repeatedly appealed to the authorities to establish appropriate standards. On the night of June 14 in apartment house in the British capital began a strong fire. Killing 30 people. Dozens of people are reported missing. According to Sky News, in hospitals there are 24

Trump announced a tougher policy toward Cuba

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump announced a partial abandonment of the policy of his predecessor Barack Obama against Cuba. This statement, according to Reuters, he spoke in Miami, where there is a significant number who did not accept the socialist revolution Cuban immigrants. In particular, the administration will introduce tougher restrictions on U.S. outbound tourism to the island nation, and will prevent business entities in the jurisdiction of the United States with the Cuban military agencies. At the same time, trump has upheld many diplomatic achievements of Obama, including the work of the U.S. Embassy in Havana. “Free Cuba is what we with God’s help will achieve,” — said the head of the White house. “We can no longer remain silent in the face of Communist oppression,” he added. The administration trump also said that the effect of the existing sanctions against Cuba would be

London refused to sign the deal on Brexit without the clarification of relations with the EU

Britain will not sign the agreement on withdrawal from the EU as long as London and Brussels don’t agree about the relationship after Brexit. About it reports Reuters with reference to the statement of the Ministry of Brexit. “As mentioned earlier, we believe that the agreement on the withdrawal of Britain from the EU and the agreement on future relations between London and Brussels must be coordinated at the same time, — stated in the text. We believe that the process output would not be complete without taking into account future relations. Things are interrelated”. 28 March, Prime Minister Theresa may has signed a letter notifying authorities of the European Union about the formal start of procedure Brexit — the exit from the European Union. Negotiations on the terms Brexit will take two years. The decision to withdraw Britain from the EU were adopted by referendum on 23 June 2016.

Djibouti accused Eritrea of occupation

Mahmoud Ali Youssouf The East African state of Djibouti has accused neighboring Eritrea in occupation of the disputed territories that the Republic considers its. With the corresponding statement on Friday, June 16, was made Minister of foreign Affairs of Djibouti Mahmoud Ali Youssouf (Mahamoud Ali Youssouf), his words leads Reuters. According to Yusuf, this happened after Qatar withdrew from the region of its peacekeepers on 12 and 13 June. At the same time there was placed the Eritrean military. “Now they control the mountain Doumeira and Doumeira island. This is a violation of the resolutions of the UN Security Council,” — said the Minister, noting that Djibouti has filed complaints with the U.S. and the African Union. Qatar withdrew its peacekeepers from the border between Eritrea and Djibouti after the latter announced the reduction of the level of diplomatic relations with Doha. Thus the Republic followed the example of Saudi

Died former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl

Helmut Kohl Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl has died on 88-m to year of life in his home in Ludwigshafen am Rhein. It is reported Bild on Friday, June 16. The cause of death is not specified. Kohl served as Chairman of the German government from 1982 to 1998. One of the major achievements in this position was the unification of Germany. In 1991 Kohl was elected first Chancellor of a United country. Nonetheless, the end of his political career was marred by a corruption scandal involving illegal funding of political party “Christian democratic Union” (CDU), of which he was Chairman in the years 1973-1998. The Chancellor lost his position to Gerhard schröder. In 2015, Kohl had surgery for hip replacement, as well as in the intestine. Due to complications he was put in the hospital in critical condition.

Merkel condemned the new anti-sanctions from the United States

Angela Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel shares the criticism of the head of the German foreign Ministry and the Austrian Chancellor, condemned the draft of new U.S. sanctions against the Russian fuel and energy complex. This was stated by the official representative of the German government Steffen Seibert, reports “To put it mildly, unconventional approach of the U.S. Senate,” he said. According to him, Merkel is convinced that the economic interests and Washington’s sanctions “do not mix”. June 15, foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel and the Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern condemned the draft of new U.S. sanctions. In the joint it is noted that these restrictions will create a danger for European companies that are involved in the construction of the pipeline “Nord stream-2”. In particular we are talking about the German BASF and the Austrian OMV. Earlier in the day, the U.S. Senate approved a bill to

About the British Parliament was arrested armed with a knife man

British police arrested a man near the building of the Parliament of the United Kingdom in London. On Friday, June 16, according to Reuters. He ran to the gates of Parliament and shouted something. On suspicion of the police, and if he had a knife. Presumably, the man more than 30 years. Police blocked the area near the Parliament building. As a result of incident nobody has suffered. According to RIA Novosti, the man was immobilized with a Taser. 27 April in London about the British Parliament arrested the armed man. In late March, a native of South-East England Adrian Russell Ago, changed his name to Khalid Masud, while driving the car, pointed it at pedestrians on Westminster bridge, knocked down several people and drove to the Parliament building. There car was stopped by police. The offender stabbed him with a knife, then was shot by another guard. The victims

Trump said the lack of evidence of his ties with Russia

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said about the absence of any evidence of his ties with Russia. About this American leader wrote on his Twitter page. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 16, 2017, 11:53 “After seven months of investigations and Committee hearings about my “links with the Russian” no one has been able to show me any evidence. Sad for all those to watch,” quipped trump. June 8, former FBI Director James Comey, speaking at a special hearing in the intelligence Committee of the U.S. Senate said Russia will continue to interfere in the internal Affairs of the United States. A day earlier, the Komi Republic has accused the US President of Donald trump in an attempt to force him to abandon the Bureau will investigate alleged Russian interference in presidential elections in 2016. Trump, according to Komi Republic, asked that he “abandoned” the investigation against the