Rostov police detained carrying 15 children to a drunk driver

Inspectors of traffic police of the Rostov region detained in the village of Krasnoyarsk Tsimlyansk district bus drivers in the state of alcoholic intoxication , which was carrying 15 children. This was reported on the website of the Moi in the region. The attention of the guards caught the bus the GROOVE with the identification mark “Transportation of children”, moving on an indirect path. “The police stopped the bus in which salon there were 15 minors. The boys went to the farm Parshikov from pool in the city of Tsimlyansk. A medical examination of a 66-year-old driver in the state of alcoholic intoxication was shown to 0.248 ppm”, — stated in the message. Offender brought to administrative responsibility. Currently, the police have found out who let the driver in flight in a condition of alcoholic intoxication without passing the mandatory medical examination. June 13 in the Moscow region near the

In the Ukraine started an investigation into the sale of coal from the Donbass in Turkey

The main military Prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case on the fact of the sale abroad of coal mined in the militia-controlled territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions. About this on his page in Facebook wrote press Secretary of the Prosecutor General Larisa Sargan. “Many websites posted materials, from which it becomes clear that under the overall guidance of the businessman Sergey Kurchenko’s office and other officials of several entities within 2017 on the territory of Luhansk and Donetsk regions purchase of illegally extracted coal,” said Gar. The Prosecutor’s office began checking the material of the publication “economichna Pravda”, which asserts that coal is transported to Russia, where it sells to Turkey. The case was initiated under article “terrorist Financing”. At the same time Serhiy Kurchenko, the owner of group of companies “Gas Ukraine” from October 2015 subject to sanctions imposed by the self-proclaimed DND. He is banned entry to

The media learned about plans of the White house to soften the bill on anti-Russian sanctions

White house plans to push Republicans in the House of representatives to amend the bill on new sanctions against Russia amendments, beneficial administration of Donald trump. This writes the newspaper Politico, citing a source on the officer in the apparatus. The administration is concerned that the bill in its current form “will link Trump hands in Russian-American relations.” In this case the Democrats sitting in the Senate fear that the White house will go to extreme measures in an attempt to maintain control of the dialogue with Moscow, and will try to make the restrictive measures ineffective. In the current edition of the document, which was voted 98 senators out of 100, limits the President’s authority to lift sanctions, says Politico. The white house supports the policy in relation to Russia and I am sure that he has allies in the House of representatives, who are also concerned about the

Efimova won the tournament in France with a personal record

Yuliya Efimova Russian swimmer Yuliya Efimova won the 100 meters breaststroke at the stage of the tournament “Mare Nostrum” in France. About it the correspondent “”. Her time was 1 minute of 4.82 seconds which is a personal record of 25-year-old girl. The second was the representative of the Sweden’s Jennie Johansson (1.06,79), third Australian Jessica Hansen (1.07,06). Shown Efimova time was the best result of the season in the world, a record of Russia and the third result in history. Faster distance was overcome only by the representative of Lithuania Ruta Malachite (1.04,35) and American Jessica hardy (1.04,45). Thus, Efimova has improved own record set June 14 at the stage of the “Mare Nostrum” in Barcelona. Then she finished first in the 100 meters breaststroke, having shown time 1 minute of 5.66 seconds.

Bastrykin has demanded to transfer the case on “drunk boy” in the Investigative Committee

Alexander Bastrykin The head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin has instructed the head of the Main investigation Department of the Ministry of the Moscow region to ask the Prosecutor to transmit to the manufacture criminal case about resonant road accident in Balashikha. This was reported on the website of the UK. April 23, in Sochi, 31-year-old Olga beneficial for the Hyundai Solaris in the yard was hit by the boy. In June, the investigator called the boy’s father and presented the conclusion it is judicial-medical examination which had established that in the blood of his son in an accident, found 2.7 per Mille of alcohol. After that, the parents appealed to the Investigation Committee. “The Chairman of the Investigative Committee instructed the head of GSU SK of Russia across Moscow region to ask the public Prosecutor of Moscow region on the transfer of investigators from the criminal

European Commission President proposed to hold a farewell ceremony for the MCPFE

Jean-Claude Juncker European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has proposed holding a European farewell ceremony for the deceased former German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl. He said this in comments to the German newspaper Bild. “During the life of Col, was awarded the honorary citizenship of Europe. So now you should also give him credit, after a European farewell ceremony, which I offer,” — said the politician. “Kohl was a German Europeans and European Germans. He formed the fate and history of this continent, uniting the people of the East and the West,” said Juncker, adding that “this was his special mission.” Earlier the President of Russia Vladimir Putin said that the views of Kohl on the future relations between Russia and Germany, Russia and Europe not only made a big impression on him, “but also to some extent to a large extent changed my own perspective on these processes.” Helmut Kohl, died

The Afghan soldier wounded four American soldiers

Soldiers of the military of Afghanistan American soldiers were injured in the incident at camp Shaheen in Northern Afghanistan killed among them. It is reported TASS with reference to the representative carried out in this country the international operations of U.S. forces and NATO. Earlier on June 17, the Afghan TV station Tolo News said that at least four foreign soldiers were wounded in an attack by soldiers of the armed forces of Afghanistan. According to representatives of the Afghan authorities, the assailant was eliminated. On June 11 in Nangarhar province in the East of the Afghan soldiers fighting on the side of the coalition forces shot and killed three American troops. The assailant was killed by return fire, the cause of the incident is unknown. In March 2017, an Afghan soldier fired at the military personnel of the U.S. armed forces at a NATO base, located in the southern

When the ship hit a pier in Italy injured 55 people

In the port on the Italian island of Ischia, the ship collided with the pier. It has affected 55 people. On it informs Agency Ansa. At the hospital, said that the passengers of the ship to a private company Medmar received minor injuries. Mainly affected was diagnosed with bruises, contusions and abrasions. In addition, the hospital representative said that at the moment of collision the passengers were preparing for a descent from the ship and are unable to stay on his feet. One of the victims reported that after the collision the ship began to panic. In April it was reported that the ferry, with 120 passengers on Board crashed into a pier on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). The result was a damaged pipeline through which the fuel is to refuel, which led to the leak.

Police admitted the death of 58 people in a fire in London home

The death toll in a fire in a London high-rise building Grenfell Tower can increase by up to 58 people. This situation made the representative of Scotland yard Stuart Kandy, reports Reuters. “58 people, which to our knowledge was in Grenfell Tower that night, missing. Sadly, I can’t rule out that they are dead,” he said. According to the official information of the police of London is now listed as dead 30 people. In hospitals there are 24 people, 12 of them in serious condition. The authorities have promised to conduct a thorough investigation of the incident. Evacuees temporarily housed in nearby aid centers, mosques and churches. A fire in a 24-storey residential building in the British capital began on the night of 14 June. The building burned down almost completely. Most of the tenants are immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. British media reported that the developer repair

The President of Russia commented on the extension of US sanctions

Vladimir Putin New U.S. sanctions that Congress is preparing to introduce against Russia will not lead to collapse and Russia will not put to a standstill. About it in interview to the program “Vesti on Saturday” said President Vladimir Putin. His words leads TASS. “It is important to note that whatever happens, (…) whatever the decisions were taken over the ocean, it does not put us into a dead end,” assured the President. However, he acknowledged that “something, perhaps, we will have to adjust what we have to do,” but the new sanctions “will not lead to a deadlock or some kind of collapse.” “But it will, of course, to complicate Russian-American relations,” warned the head of state. At the same time, he refused to talk about any retaliatory steps, as “we have to see how it will end”. June 14, the U.S. Senate approved a bill to expand anti-Russian