The coalition led by the USA, confirmed the destruction of the aircraft Syrian air force

The coalition led by the United States on Sunday, 18 June, confirmed the destruction of the aircraft Syrian air force in the area of Raqqa. About it reports TASS. According to the representative of the headquarters of the US-led international coalition operating in Syria and Iraq, the Syrian su-22, which dropped bombs near soldiers of the “Forces of democratic Syria”, was shot down by an American fighter-bomber F/A-18E Super Hornet. The coalition stressed that “does not seek conflict with the Syrian regime, Russian or supporting the regime forces,” but they will protect their partners. RIA Novosti, citing the American coalition reports that “immediately after the attack, Syrian forces coalition representatives contacted the Russian partners on the phone through the canal to reduce the level of conflict to de-escalate the situation and stop the attack.” The evening of 18 June, the Ministry of defense of Syria said that the coalition led

Party Rules in the lead on elections in France

The party of the President of France Emmanuel Makron “Go Republic!” the lead in the second round of elections to the National Assembly of France. On Sunday, June 18, RIA Novosti reported citing the interior Ministry. At the moment we know the election results in 306 of 577 constituencies, 141 of them the victory was won by representatives of the movement “Forward the Republic!” in 21 candidate of the Union party MoDem (“Democratic movement”). The center-right party the Republicans got 72 of the parliamentary mandate, the socialist party — 20, centre-right “Union of Democrats and independent” – 15. Elections to the national Assembly are held by the majority system, candidates are elected in single-member districts. In the second round are the candidates that received at least 12.5 percent of the votes in the first round. The first round of voting was held a week ago, on June 11. The party

Damascus has said it is shot down by U.S. coalition aircraft Syrian air force

Continued: the Coalition headed by the USA, confirmed the destruction of the aircraft Syrian air force The coalition led by the USA shot down the plane air force Syrian area of Raqqa. On Sunday, June 18, reports Reuters with reference to the defense Ministry of Syria. The defense Ministry indicates that the plane was shot down on Sunday afternoon during the execution of combat missions against militants of banned terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG). The pilot still not found. In the Syrian defense Ministry has called the incident a blatant attack, an attempt to undermine the efforts of the Syrian army in combating terrorism in their territories. “This happened at a time when the Syrian army and its allies achieve success in the fight against terrorists IG”, — specifies the Ministry of defense of Syria. In September 2016, the aircraft the Syrian army was shot down in Deir ez-Zor on

In an accident involving a truck in Ryazan region killed four people

As a result of collision of truck and passenger car on highway M-5 “Ural” in the Ryazan region killed four people. On Sunday, June 18, “Interfax” reported in a press-service UMVD of Russia across the Ryazan region. The Ministry said that around noon near the village of Avdotyino faced Chevrolet Lacetti and the Volvo truck. “The driver and three passengers of the car died at the scene,” — said the Agency interlocutor. For liquidation of consequences of accident on the place went fire engine and three personnel of the state fire service. In fact, an accident review, are the circumstances of the incident.

Portugal missed the victory over Mexico in the confederations Cup

Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal national team played a draw with Mexico in the first round of the group stage of the confederations Cup. On Sunday, June 18, the correspondent “reports”. The meeting was held on Sunday in Kazan ended with the score 2:2. On 34 minutes the Portuguese took the lead after a precise strike Ricardo Quaresma, assist gave him Cristiano Ronaldo. The Mexicans bounced back three minutes before the break, scored by Javier Hernandez. In the 85th minute Cedric again brought forward the Portuguese national team, but already during added time the Mexicans have gone from defeat. The goal was scored by Hector Moreno. Another Portuguese goal in the 22nd minute with defender Pepe, was cancelled by the referee after viewing the video replay. On the eve of the Russian team defeated the team of New Zealand with the score 2:0 and three points led the group A. Portugal

In the U.S. Congress called for an end to “the hunt for Russian ghosts”

Devin Nunes The Chairman of the intelligence Committee of the house of representatives Devin Nunez called on Washington “to stop the Russian hunt for ghosts and get to the real work.” The Congresswoman leads Sunday, June 18 edition of Politico. Nunez also commented on the rumors about the “collusion” between the President of the United States Donald trump and the Russian authorities. “I said I don’t think there was collusion. And what have you done to me? All the major Newspapers began to slander me. Why? Because I told the truth about the fact that there was no collusion between Donald trump and Russian”, — quotes the edition of núñez. In March, the head of the intelligence Committee stated that evidence of a conspiracy campaign headquarters of U.S. President Donald trump with Moscow is not. Núñez added that his body will lead the investigation, “tried or not [the Russians] to

In Kiev, the radicals began to beat LGBT activists after the gay pride parade

During the LGBT March in Kiev, police detained six people In Kiev LGBT-activists began to beat once past the city’s gay pride parade. On Sunday, June 18, according to “Freed”. One of the participants in the LGBT March was attacked in the subway station “Kontraktova square”, the second was attacked at the station “Petrovka”. Activist of the “equality March” Olena Herasymiuk said that in the city centre some people looking for the participants of the gay parade. “Friends, there is another sort of danger: some whack-ass crowd of men now walking and looking for “perverts” in the center of the city. Be careful. We just met these characters, be warned,” said she. As reported on his page on Facebook journalist Katerina Lisunova, the radicals also attacked a citizen of Israel, participated in the parade. “Physical abuse and aggressive shouts! The situation is really dangerous — I and a colleague from

The number of victims of the terrorist attack in Bogota grew to three

The number of victims of the terrorist attack at the Mall Andino in Colombia’s capital Bogota has grown to three. About this in his Twitter said the mayor Enrique Penalosa. He also said that one of the victims, 23-year-old French citizen, which for six months worked as a volunteer at the school. The Russian Embassy has no information on casualties in the attack compatriots, said the Agency RIA Novosti press-attache of the Embassy in Bogota Denis Khromov. Earlier it was reported that the explosion occurred in the bathroom on the second floor of the shopping center approximately at 17.00 local time. At that time, the building housed about 500 people. President Juan Manuel Santos expressed his condolences to the victims and urged the Director of the national police of Colombia, General Jorge Hernando Nieto for the early investigation.

The number of victims of forest fires in Portugal has increased to 62

As a result of forest fires in Portugal have killed 62 people. On Sunday, June 18, announced the Secretary of state for internal Affairs of the country Jorge Gomez, writes Publico. He said that of the total number of victims, two people were killed in the accident, the details of which are not specified. In connection with the incident, the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa has announced three days of mourning until June 20. The fire broke out in the district of Leiria in the hot weather. The fire caused damage to several settlements, accurate data on the extent of the damage yet. Because of the heat the red alert level is set for the districts of Lisbon, Santerno, Setubal and bragança. For the rest of the country retained the orange level. Earlier it was reported 43 dead. Several large forest fires were recorded in Portugal in August

Police in Maryland have arrested suspects in the murder of Russian Sibarova

Police Montgomery County (Maryland, USA) arrested three suspects in the murder of 18-year-old Russian Artem Ziberov. This was announced by chief of police Thomas County, Manger, reports TASS. Ziberov and his 17-year-old friend Shadi Najjar was shot dead on 5 June. According to the newspaper the Washington Post, in the car, which was teenagers, the killer fired more than 30 bullets. One of the victims received 4 wounds, the other 10. Investigators believe that the purpose of criminals was Najjar, whom they thus took revenge for last year’s robbery. For any information about the criminals the police have announced a reward in the amount of 10 thousand dollars. Into custody on suspicion of involvement in this incident taken 19-year-old Roger Garcia, his brother, 24-year-old Edgar Garcia of Gion and their friend Jose Yanes canales. They were charged with murder on two counts and conspiracy to commit murder on two counts.