The US has threatened China with sanctions because North Korea

Susan Thornton The United States reserves the right to impose sanctions against Chinese citizens and Chinese companies that allegedly assisted North Korea in nuclear development. This is in anticipation of the American-Chinese negotiations on security, which will be held June 20, said the assistant Secretary of state for East Asian Affairs Susan Thornton, reports The South China Morning Post. “We continue to urge China to use its unique leverage [in Pyongyang] as the leading trading partner of the DPRK,” — said the diplomat. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson last week said that Washington had asked Beijing to put pressure on Pyongyang, forcing it to abandon its nuclear program. “The President [of the USA Donald] trump told Chinese President XI Jinping that if China does not take action, we will do as we see fit,” — said the head of the U.S. state Department. May 24 Japanese newspaper “Asahi” reported

Saudi bomb killed 25 civilians during a RAID on Yemen

Saudi aircraft in a RAID on a market town of saada in the North-East of Yemen threw bombs which killed 25 civilians. About it reported in Department of health of the city, held by the Houthi rebels, the Agency reports Reuters. “Rescue teams to the scene can’t reach it for fear to come under shelling,” — said in the Department of the city, located near the Yemeni-Saudi border. In February, the aircraft of the Kingdom struck the suburbs of Sana’a, the capital of the country, then killed nine women and one child. In Yemen, the ongoing civil war. One side are the military wing of the Houthis, the Shiite movement “Ansar Allah” and those loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh of the army, for another — the troops of ousted Sunni President Abd-rabbu Mansour Hadi and the Saudi-led coalition. At the end of March 2015, it launched a campaign

Israel began construction of the first settlements in the West Bank in the twenty-first century

Benjamin Nitanyahu Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the start of construction of the first over the past 25 years the settlements on the West Bank of the Jordan river. About this he wrote on his Twitter page. — Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) On 20 June 2017, 08:38 According to The Jerusalem Post, the houses are built will be designed for 40 families who were evicted earlier this year from the settlement of Amona. “The people of Amon were homeless for five months , and today offer a glimmer of hope,” reads their statement. On 15 February, the President of the United States Donald trump during a press conference with the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu called on Israel to refrain from building new settlements. 23 December 2016 the UN security Council adopted a resolution demanding to stop the construction of Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. The document was

In the Faroe Islands began the mass slaughter of whales

Residents of the Faroe Islands began an annual summer mass slaughter of whales. About it reports The Independent. During migration, animals coming close to shore. Local residents on the boats are driving the mammals into shallow water where they are killed and carcasses being brought ashore for scrapping. As a result, in the summer months, killed about a thousand animals. The Faroese whale meat are eaten, however, it produced significantly more than necessary for food. The result is tons of meat just rotting in warehouses. The slaughter of whales is a local tradition and not prohibited by law. However, against the cruel tradition are the defenders of animal rights. They argue that mammals are experiencing terrible suffering. “Whales and dolphins are very intelligent creatures and feel pain and fear just as we do,” reads the statement of the activists. They tried several times to prevent the cruel slaughter of going

McCain accused North Korea of killing American student

John McCain The North Korean government is to blame for the murder of an American student, Otto Frederick Wambier. Such statement was made by us Senator John McCain, his words on Tuesday, June 20, reports CNN. “Let’s face it: Otto Wambier, a U.S. citizen, was killed by the regime of Kim Jong-UN,” he said. A statement after the death of the young man was released and US President Donald trump. “The fate of Otto only increases the determination of my administration to make it so that innocent people no longer become victims of the regime does not respect the authority of law and simple human dignity. The United States once again condemned the brutality of the North Korean regime, lamenting his last victim,” — said the head of state. About the death Wambier it became known earlier on Tuesday. The young man died at the American hospital. The doctors found

Australia has suspended air strikes on Syria

Australia has decided to suspend the air strikes in Syria in connection with the downed U.S. air force Syrian fighter and the ensuing reaction of Russia. About it reports Reuters with reference to the statement of the Ministry of defense of the country. The Ministry said that “temporarily ceased operation following the precautions.” The evening of 18 June, the Ministry of defense of Syria said that the plane, the air force was shot down near Raqqa during the execution of the task against the militants. The pilot managed to save. The coalition led by the USA, confirmed the destruction of the aircraft, specifying that he dropped bombs in the vicinity of the positions of the armed forces “forces of the democratic Syria.” According to the defense Ministry, the su-22 had carried out a fighting task in 40 kilometers to the southwest of Raqqa and was attacked by American fighter F/A-18.

In Argentina discovered a secret warehouse with the things the Nazis

Near the capital of Argentina Buenos Aires police found a secret warehouse of Nazi paraphernalia — the largest in the history of the South American country. Reported by the Associated Press. We are talking about approximately 75 items that are associated with the Nazis. Argentine authorities believe that these things belonged to high-ranking officials of the Third Reich. Among the things found is a bust of the führer Adolf Hitler. According to preliminary data, the found items are original, said the Minister of security of Argentina Patricia Bullrich. After the Second world war, many prominent figures of the Third Reich was able to avoid prosecution when they reached the shores of Latin America. In particular, we are talking about the ideology of the Holocaust Adolf Eichmann, the standartenführer Walter Rauff who participated in the development of the so-called gas vans, and Dr. Josef Mengele, who experimented on prisoners in Auschwitz.

In the East of Turkey, the Kurds attacked a military convoy

Militants of the Kurdistan workers party (PKK) attacked a military convoy in Hakkari province, located in the East of Turkey. On Tuesday, June 20, according to Hürriyet Daily News, citing a source in the General staff of the armed forces of the country. The soldiers were moving from the area of Cukurca in van province. In result of a rocket attack perpetrated on 19 June at 23:00 local time (coincides with Moscow), one soldier was killed and another six were injured. The victims were taken to hospital in van province, the newspaper notes. Ankara considers the PKK a terrorist organization. Since 1984, the fighters of the PKK, waging an armed struggle for political rights of Kurds in Turkey and the establishment of Kurdish autonomy in its composition. The truce between the Turkish government and the Kurds was terminated in July of 2015. The reason for the resumption of the active

Republicans in Congress have slowed the adoption of anti-Russian sanctions

In the U.S. Congress, the Republicans slowed down the procedure of consideration of the bill providing for the adoption of economic sanctions against Russia and limiting the powers of the President to remove previously imposed restrictions. Reported by the Associated Press. Instead of resorting to the procedure for the expedited vote after last week, the Senate passed the package by a majority of 98 votes, the Republican leadership in the House of representatives sent a document for consideration to the Committee on foreign Affairs. The opposition has expressed concerns about delays in the process. In particular, a member of the house of representatives from new York Eliot Engel, the senior in rank among the Democrats in this Committee, stated that it was concerned that the direction of the bill in Committee will give the administration of President Donald trump the ability to soften the rules. “The Republican leadership must immediately

In the US during the service collapsed building

Archive photo In the U.S. city of Kalispell, Montana, during the service struck the building. Reported by the Daily Inter Lake. According to eyewitnesses, on the balcony of the house during the event gathered about 50 people. At some point, the balcony collapsed. In the result 32 people were injured, some of them suffered serious injuries. A number of the victims was taken to the hospital by helicopter. The causes of the incident are specified.