For ten years in China, the number of rich people has increased nine times

The number of wealthy Chinese, whose condition is not less than 10 million yuan (1.46 million U.S. dollars), reached 1.6 million people. About it reports Reuters, citing a report by Bain Consulting and China Merchants Bank. Thus, the number of wealthy has increased in the country over the last ten years, nine times. According to the Agency, in the near future, such rapid growth will stop. The proportion of wealthy Chinese to invest abroad, will reach in 2017 56 percent compared to 19 percent in 2011. According to Reuters, in the main wealthy citizens of China live in big cities and coastal areas.

The Minister for the armed forces of France, resigned because of financial investigation

Sylvie Gular The Minister for the armed forces of France, Sylvie Gular announced his resignation due to open in its relation to the preliminary investigation on suspicion of creating fictitious jobs. It is reported BFMTV. Their decision policies motivated by a desire to demonstrate openness and good will in the conduct of the proceedings. “The President pledged to restore trust in the society [to power], to reform France and to revive Europe. These common goals should take precedence over my personal interests. In this regard, I appealed to the head of state with a request to reassign me to the government”, — is spoken in the statement. A preliminary investigation in relation to the policy was opened by the Prosecutor’s office on 9 June. In law enforcement bodies of France received a statement from a man who claims that in 2010 was listed as assistant Gular in the European Parliament

The son of the owner of the car I regretted the inability to give the tank killer of Muslims

The son of the owner of a car rental office, which passed the truck rental is a terrorist from London, regretted that the criminals couldn’t give a tank or an ice rink. It is reported by the Metro newspaper. Richard Evans in response to messages condolences on Facebook wrote: “This is the office my father, I do not interfere in its Affairs. It is a pity that they don’t give hire rollers or tanks, then it would be made clear.” According to the newspaper, shortly after the comments spread on the Internet, Evans has deleted his account. The company Eddie Stobart Logistics, which owned the car, said he knows about these messages and they do not represent the position of leadership. 19 Jun 47-year-old Darren Osborne driving the van made arrival on the people in the mosque Finsbury Park. In the result one person died, 10 were injured, eight of

The Russian foreign Ministry said about the lack of evidence of the death of the leader of ISIS in Syria

Gennady Gatilov Elimination in Syria, the leader of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has not yet been confirmed. This was stated by Russian Deputy foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov, according to “Interfax”. “There is no confirmation [of this information],” the Deputy Minister said to journalists. On 16 June it was reported that in result of the impact of videoconferencing on may 28, near the Syrian city of raqqa may have been killed by al-Baghdadi. The defense Ministry explained that this information is verified. The Ministry added that the attack carried out by the su-35 and su-34, destroyed commanders were part of the “military Council” groups, and “about 30 commanders middle managers and up to 300 fighters of their personal security”. It was stated that among the liquidated terrorists — “Emir” of Raqqa, Abu al-Haji al-Misri, Ibrahim al-Naef al-Hajj, who controlled the area from

The son of the owner of the car I regretted the inability to give the tank killer of Muslims

The son of the owner of a car rental office, which passed the truck rental is a terrorist from London, regretted that the criminals couldn’t give a tank or an ice rink. It is reported by the Metro newspaper. Richard Evans in response to messages condolences on Facebook wrote: “This is the office my father, I do not interfere in its Affairs. It is a pity that they don’t give hire rollers or tanks, then it would be made clear.” According to the newspaper, shortly after the comments spread on the Internet, Evans has deleted his account. The company Eddie Stobart Logistics, which owned the car, said he knows about these messages and they do not represent the position of leadership. 19 Jun 47-year-old Darren Osborne driving the van made arrival on the people in the mosque Finsbury Park. In the result one person died, 10 were injured, eight of

The US imposed sanctions against 38 people and companies because of the situation in Ukraine

Steven Mnuchin The U.S. government has added to the sanctions list 38 names and names of organizations involved in “Russia’s actions in Ukraine.” This was reported on the website of the Federal Treasury of the United States. “These actions will keep the pressure on Russia so that she was looking for a diplomatic solution. The current administration is focused on the diplomatic process, which guarantees the sovereignty of Ukraine. There can be no lifting of sanctions until Russia fulfills the commitments of the Minsk agreements”, — said the Minister of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin. In the list of 19 companies and 19 individuals. Among them, the private military company “Wagner” and the company “Concord catering” and “Concord management and consulting” — the latter two organizations included in the list because controlled restaurateur Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is under sanctions from December 2016. In addition, under the restrictions were a number of

Indian authorities advised pregnant women to abstain from meat and thoughts about sex

The government of India advised pregnant women not to eat meat and eggs, and to refrain from thinking about sex. About it reports The Guardian with reference to the booklet “Care for mother and child”, issued by the Ministry dealing with promotion of traditional Indian and Tibetan medicine. According to doctors, this advice is very dangerous for expectant mothers. “The government gives pseudo-scientific and irrational tips instead to provide pregnant women with nutritious food with high protein content”, — commented on the decision of the Indian authorities gynecologist Arun Gadre. He added that the authorities had ignored the advice of doctors that women must eat meat, which is rich in protein, and also the resolution to enter into an intimate relationship, not fearing for the health of the child. In the booklet, in particular, stating that pregnant women should refrain from “anger, hate and lust.” Minister for the development of

The Iraqi army declared completely surrounded by the militants in the center of Mosul

The Iraqi army completed the encirclement of militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia) in the Old city of Mosul. About it reports Reuters. As stated in the command of the Iraqi army, armored units managed to take control of the district, Shifaa, which is located along the West Bank of the Tigris river. This means that the militants were surrounded in the Old city. On 14 June it was reported that the terrorists made a powerful offensive against the Iraqi military in Mosul, which was repulsed. The supporters have lost a few dozen people killed. At the same time, sources close to the Islamists, said destroyed during the offensive up to 40 police officers seized several checkpoints in the city, and knocked out eight armored vehicles of government forces. May 11, Iraqi security forces promised to liberate the Western part of Mosul held by is militants,

In Moscow called illegal buildup of U.S. forces in southern Syria

Mikhail Bogdanov Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Mikhail Bogdanov has called illegal the buildup of American forces in southern Syria. About it reports “Interfax”. “There is no decision of the Security Council [of the UN], no request of the legitimate authorities of the Syrian Arab Republic as a sovereign state,” said a senior diplomat. On 20 June, the network appeared images of the new US military base in Syria, taken by satellite in June of this year. The facility is being built near the border with Jordan. Five days before this, Reuters reported that the United States gradually have been expanding their presence in southern Syria. The new base being built in the area ez-SACF 60-70 kilometers from Al-TANF where is a stronghold of the us military. Shortly before that, in Al-TANF were transferred long-range rocket systems of volley fire. In early June, coalition aircraft struck in the

The Syrian opposition has agreed with the presidency of Assad for the transition period

The new round of talks in Geneva able to announce the beginning of the transition of political power in Syria. About it RIA Novosti said a source familiar with the discussions. “It is expected that the company will take 9 to 12 months, but in reality it can last up to 2021, should occur when new elections”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He added that during the transitional period will be discussed the new Constitution and the establishment of the future Parliament. “Bashar Assad may remain in power during the transition period. For this reason there is a preliminary agreement. The opposition agree with that,” said the source. Earlier, on 20 June RIA Novosti reported that the talks at the expert level between the UN and representatives of Syria’s opposition on constitutional issues will begin in Geneva on 3 July, a week before the start of the next official round