Most Taiwanese found their island separate from China country

Three-fourths of the people of Taiwan believe the island is separate from the China country. This is according to the poll, which publishes the South China Morning Post. Belonging to the United nation said only 14 percent of study participants. At the same time, 54 percent of Taiwanese were in favor of granting the island’s formal independence from China. The survey was conducted by sociologists Ketagalan Foundation and the Taiwan Brain Trust after June 12, Panama announced the severance of relations with Taiwan and establishing formal diplomatic relations with China. The foreign Ministry of Taiwan has criticized the so-called checkbook diplomacy resorted to by Beijing, seeking to win over all the allies of Taiwan. “The steps taken by Beijing, not just wrong, they negatively affect the whole current situation, turning the peaceful development of relations between the parties in the confrontation,” — said the head of the national security Council

German teenagers fired at the king of Thailand during Cycling in Bavaria

Maha Vajiralongkorn Two German teen fired at the king of Thailand Rama X when he was riding a bike on the city of Erding (Bavaria). About the incident on Wednesday, June 21, reported the German newspaper Bild, excerpts from the article quoted by RIA Novosti. The incident occurred on the evening of June 10. The boys hid in the bushes and began to shoot plastic balls at a passing monarch, hitting with his back. Protection of the king called the police. Law enforcement officers examined the bullets and determined that shots were fired from a “soft pneumatic” toy weapons that do not require permission. Materials on теме00:05 — 15 October 2016No king in Thailandaise of thrones-Bangkoks The case is investigated by Prosecutor’s office of Landshut (administrative center of Lower Bavaria). According to the publication, one of the boys, who has reached the age of 14 can be punished for attempting

The festival of dog meat has opened in China despite the protests of human rights defenders

In the Chinese city of Yulin in Guangxi province began the annual festival of dog meat. About it reports The South China Morning Post. Earlier it was reported that in Uline at holiday time forbidden to sell the meat of dogs, but this information was false. Local authorities after the mass protests of defenders of animals have tried to ban the trade of dogs, but ran into resistance from sellers. Eventually after long negotiations the parties came to an agreement: vendors will be allowed to put on the shelves no more than two carcasses at the same time. However, according to the publication, many sellers have ignored this agreement. The festival is held in Uline since 2009. During his kill from 10 to 15 thousand animals, many of which are stolen from legitimate owners. According to estimates by animal rights activists, every year in China eat 10 to 20 million

Belgian authorities revealed the circumstances of the terrorist attack in Brussels

The explosion, which occurred the evening of June 20 at the Central station of Brussels was less than planned a suicide bomber. About this on air of the TV channel VTM reported the interior Minister of Belgium Jan Jambon, reports TASS. According to him, the bomb exploded not, as suggested by the attacker. Jambon also said that the identity of the perpetrator of the terrorist act installed. The Minister said that the suicide bomber was known to the police. His name, the official did not disclose. The explosion at the Central station of Brussels, occurred around 20:30 local time on 20 June. The bomb was powered by a man who had previously shouted “Allah Akbar”. The power of the explosion was so slight that no one except the attacker was killed or injured. Nevertheless, the authorities acknowledged the incident a terrorist attack.

Trump said about the futility of the attempts of China to influence the DPRK

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that China’s attempts to influence North Korea came to nothing. About this American leader wrote on his Twitter page. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) On 20 June 2017, 18:38 “I appreciate the efforts of the Chairman of China XI Jinping on North Korea, but they didn’t work.At least I know that China tried,” said trump. On 20 June it was reported that the United States reserved the right to impose sanctions against Chinese citizens and Chinese companies that allegedly assisted North Korea in nuclear development. This was stated by the assistant Secretary for East Asian Affairs Susan Thornton. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that Washington had asked Beijing to put pressure on Pyongyang, forcing it to abandon its nuclear program. “The President [of the USA Donald] trump told Chinese President XI Jinping that if China does not take action, we

In France, resigned two Minister

François Bayrou The French government left the Minister of justice, françois Bayrou and the Minister of European Affairs under the Minister for European Union Affairs and foreign Affairs Mariel de Sarnez. It is reported BFMTV. Earlier, on 20 June, it was reported that a letter of resignation written by the head of the defense Ministry of France, Sylvie Gular. All the resignation connected with preliminary investigation, the open Prosecutor’s office against senior officials of the party “Democratic movement” (MoDem). All three Ministers at different times was part of its leadership. June 9 to the law enforcement authorities of France received a statement from a man who claims that in 2010 was listed as assistant Gular in the European Parliament (EP), received a salary, but never fulfilled the relevant functions. According to the testimony of an unnamed informant, in total there were 12 of fictitious assistants. The investigators have information about

The Brussels terrorist was declared dead

The terrorist who has arranged explosion at the Central station of Brussels died of his wounds. It is reported by the newspaper Le Soir, citing the Federal Prosecutor of Belgium. The publication writes that it is still not clarified the identity of the alleged perpetrator of the explosion. The Agency France Presse, witnesses revealed that before the attack, the perpetrator shouted the traditional Islamic terrorists cry. The evening of 20 June, Belgian media reported explosions and shooting in the train station on the Grand-place. This information was so controversial that it was not known how many criminals and what is their fate. 22 March 2016 in Brussels, had committed a series of terrorist attacks. Was attacked Zaventem airport and the metro station “Maalbeek”. The victims were 35 people, more than 300 were injured. According to investigators, the metro explosive device detonated Khalid Batrawi, and the airport — his brother Ibrahim

Seized a primary school militants in the Philippines retreated

The Islamists who seized a primary school on the Philippine island of Mindanao, retreated. About it reports Reuters. The representative of the military has denied the appeared information that the militants took hostage several children. “The situation is already resolved. They retreated, they are no longer there. The campus once again safe,” said Brigadier General Restituto Padilla (Restituto Padilla). However, he added that investigated the possible kidnapping of five civilians. Earlier on June 21, militants, including members of the radical movement Islamic freedom fighters in Bangsamoro, broke into the school building Pigcawayan city in the province of North Cotabato. Presumably, there were about 300 people. On may 22, Minando fighting broke out between government forces and Islamists. The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte introduced in the region under martial law. The next day, the Islamists seized the largest city of the island Marawi and entrenched in it. Government forces

The Islamists took children hostage in a school in the Philippines

Islamists attacked a school in the southern Philippines. About it reports Reuters with a reference to the police. Several children, the militants took hostage. Information on casualties yet. Police speculated that the attack was attended by about 300 armed men, some of whom are members of the radical movement Islamic freedom fighters in Bangsamoro. The incident occurred on the island of Mindanao, where last week fighting broke out between government forces and Islamists. In 2016, the main extremist groups have teamed up and announced the creation of the island province of banned terrorist organization “Islamic state”. May 23, the Philippine city of Marawi was captured by militants. The Islamists have fortified the city, there were warehouses of weapons, ammunition and food in basements, tunnels and mosques. For almost a month, government forces are trying to dislodge the terrorists from the village. President Rodrigo Duterte stated that Islamists who seized Marawi,

Resident of Berlin, was given a suspended sentence for having sex with a girl Lisa

Resident of Berlin was sentenced to one year and nine months ‘ probation for sex with 13-year-old girl Lisa from Russian-speaking families. About this reports Deutsche Welle. According to the rendered Tuesday, June 20, the court in Berlin’s Tiergarten district, 24-year-old man also need to list three thousand euros to the relief Fund for victims of violence. A young man was accused of sexual assault and production of pornography, as recorded on a mobile intimate scene with Lisa. Although an intimate relationship was consensual, the girl has not reached the “age of consent”, that is 14 years old. In Germany, a similar connection is violence and punishable by law. As a citizen of Germany fully admitted his guilt, Lisa in the process were not performed, although it was invited as a witness and was in the courthouse. It is established that the accused man episodes took place in October and