The Pentagon has spent $ 94 million on the wrong camouflage

The U.S. Department of defense spent $ 94 million on the form to the Afghan military with camouflage, which is not suitable for the landscape of this country. On Wednesday, June 21, writes Newsweek. As noted, the Pentagon has allocated money for the camo, which is designed for forest landscape. While forests cover only two percent of Afghanistan, says Newsweek. “The decision of the Pentagon on procurement for the Armed forces of Afghanistan forms with a similar camouflage pattern was not based on the assessment of its suitability for the environmental conditions of Afghanistan”, — quotes the magazine an excerpt from the statement of the Commission Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), which was established to control funds allocated for the reconstruction of Afghanistan. Newsweek also indicates that Afghan officials made a choice in favor of such colors based on personal preferences. Since 2001, the United States of America

The Russian diplomat became Deputy Secretary General of the UN

Vladimir Voronkov Russian diplomat Vladimir Voronkov was appointed head of the Bureau for the fight against terrorism, the new structure of the UN. This was reported on the official website of the international organization. Voronkov, in fact, becoming Deputy Secretary-General, antónio Guterres. The Russian diplomat will head the counter-terrorism work of the UN, will participate in the organization’s decision-making and work hard to ensure that the fight against terror is not removed from the agenda. As noted in the statement, Voronkov new position will be able to use 30 years of diplomatic experience. The representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in Facebook congratulated him on his appointment and wished him good luck and all the best: the news came on the birthday of diplomat.

The state Department regretted the cancellation of the consultations between Russia and the United States

The US state Department expressed regret in connection with the decision of Moscow to cancel the holding of bilateral consultations with Washington on the problems in the relationship, which was made after the expansion of us sanctions. On Wednesday, June 21, according to Reuters. “We regret that Russia has decided to turn away from the opportunity to discuss bilateral obstacles to us-Russian relations”, — said the representative of the U.S. Department of state Heather Nauert. Neuert also stated that these sanctions “have not appeared out of nowhere, and was imposed in response to Russia’s continued violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine”. Earlier, the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Ryabkov said that Moscow will not hold bilateral consultations with Washington on the problems in relations after the expansion of us sanctions. 20 June, the American Ministry of Finance has extended the sanctions list, which was

Macron has admitted respect for Putin

Emmanuel Macron The President of France Emmanuel macron said that he respects Russian President Vladimir Putin. A fragment of an interview with a Macron on Wednesday, June 21, publishes El País. “I respect Vladimir Putin. We have held a constructive exchange of views,” — said the French President. He added that he has differences with Putin on the situation in Ukraine. The President of Russia got acquainted with the position of the Macron on this issue. The French President pointed out that the international community needs Russia’s help in the fight against terrorism. “We need the cooperation of all in order to destroy the terrorists, especially Russia,” — said the French leader. 29 may Vladimir Putin visited France and held talks with the Macron. The Russian leader attended the opening of the exhibition at Versailles devoted to the 300th anniversary of the visit of the Russian Emperor Peter I in

Lavrov admitted the possibility of the abolition of the truce in Syria after coalition strikes USA

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that the blows of forces of the coalition of U.S. Pro-government forces in Syria may be aimed at disrupting the process of ceasefire in the country. He told this at a press conference after talks with French foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, reports RIA Novosti. Earlier, on 20 June, the international coalition led by the United States, said about the downed drone Shahed-129, the Syrian air force. The drone was downed near Al-TANF. He was carrying a weapon, but he for some reason did not work. On June 18 Syrian defense Ministry reported that the coalition aircraft have destroyed their su-22. The coalition confirmed the information, saying that protected their partners. Military aircraft allegedly dropped bombs near soldiers of the “forces of the democratic Syria.” After that, Moscow has suspended cooperation with the USA in the framework of the Memorandum

NATO told about the support side Shoigu also praised the Russian pilots

NATO did not know that on Board the plane, which approached the F-16 Alliance, is the Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu. This was stated by the representative of the Alliance in an interview with TASS. Earlier, NATO announced that the F-16 approached the air Board to identify it. At the same time, the Alliance noted that the actions of the pilot of the plane Shoigu and the Russian pilots gave the F-16 to bond with the Board, was professional and safe. RIA Novosti, in turn, reports that when the head of the Russian defense Ministry back, the aircraft of the Alliance was again accompanied him, however, attempts of rapprochement was taken. The incident with the plane Shoigu in the sky above the neutral waters of the Baltic sea have occurred earlier on June 21. Aircraft of the countries — members of the Alliance tried to escort the liner

The Bundestag approved the withdrawal of German troops from the Turkish air base in Incirlik

German troops will leave the Turkish airbase Incirlik. This decision was taken by the Bundestag, about it reports Deutsche Welle. The reason for this decision was the ban on German parliamentarians to visit the airfield. Earlier, on 7 June to the relevant conclusions of the German government. Will initially be deployed tanker and about 20 personnel, responsible for its maintenance. After that within two to three months will be transferred to the other soldiers and reconnaissance aircraft. New place-based soldiers of the Bundeswehr will be Jordan. June 5, foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, after talks with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu in Ankara, said the need to withdraw German soldiers from the Turkish air base in Incirlik. 15 may it was reported that Turkish authorities once again refused the group of German MPs visiting the airbase. One of the reasons that failed the visit of the parliamentarians was the

At the Central station in Brussels was a blast

Continued: Prosecutor of Belgium has called the attack an incident at the Central station of Brussels — Von Kiramer (@Alvin_Sec) On 20 June 2017, 19:29 At the Central station in Brussels was a blast. About it reports local TV channel RTL. Eyewitnesses said that the suspect was wounded by security personnel, his status is unknown. People with a square of Grand place, where is the station evacuated. Caught in the area urged to take cover in nearby buildings. Channel RTBF, in turn, found that the offender, which was wearing an explosive belt, was killed. Firefighters confirmed they were called after the explosion of low power. As a result of incident anybody, except the terrorist, was not injured. It is unknown how many were criminals, but the authorities assure that the situation is under control. While prosecutors have not yet klassificeret incident in the centre of Brussels as a terrorist attack.

The source said the intention of Merkel and Macron extend anti-Russian sanctions

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President of France Emmanuel macron at the summit of EU leaders can recommend to extend sanctions against Russia. It is reported RIA Novosti citing a senior EU official. According to the interlocutor of journalists, both leaders will share with participants their evaluation of the implementation of the Minsk agreements on settling the situation in Eastern Ukraine. On 19 June, EU high representative for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini said that the economic sanctions against Russia are likely to be extended. Earlier in the day the foreign Ministers of member countries of the European Union without debate on a year extended sanctions against Crimea and Sevastopol. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov stressed that Moscow is negatively evaluate this decision. Several countries, including the US and the EU, gradually began to impose sanctions against Moscow since March 2014. They explained their

The President of South Korea demanded Japan to apologize for sexual slavery

Moon Jae-In The President of South Korea, moon Jae-In has demanded from Japan an official apology for the use of Korean women as sex slaves during the Second world war. The corresponding statement he made in an interview with the Washington Post. “In order to close this issue, Japan must accept legal responsibility for their actions and to make a formal apology at government level”, — announced the South Korean leader. He also noted that the agreement on the settlement of claims, signed by the previous government, “did not cause the understanding of Korean people, and especially victims”. While moon Jae-In expressed hope that the relations of Seoul and Tokyo will be strengthened. “We cannot allow one issue has slowed the development of bilateral relations”, — he explained. The agreement on the settlement of claims on the issue of sexual slavery during the Second world war was signed between South