A helicopter of the Polish air force crashed during a joint exercise in Italy

Helicopter Polish air force crashed during joint exercises in the Italian province of Padua. On Friday, June 23, according to TGcom 24. The car took off from the airbase, Rivolto. During the flight the problem started in the engine. The pilots managed to land the machine in the field. During hard landing the helicopter caught fire. Aboard five poles and one Frenchman managed to get out. None of them was seriously injured. Arrived on the scene Italian firefighters put out burning on the ground the wreckage of the machine. 9 June in the Black sea crashed helicopter of the Bulgarian air force. The accident occurred when performing training and combat tasks. Three crew members were lifted out of the water approached the crash site, ships of the Navy of the country.

In the US budget will provide money for military assistance to Ukraine

The bill funds the U.S. Department of defense for fiscal year 2018 will include an article about the provision of military assistance to Ukraine. Funds are intended for purchasing lethal weapons. About it reports TASS. According to the Chairman of the Committee on armed services of the house of representatives of Congress of the Republican Mac Thornberry, the money will be allocated to Ukrainians to “to protect themselves from aggression from the East.” Thornberry thus could not confirm the statements of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko that Kiev and Washington will soon sign an agreement on the supply of arms, as the Ukrainian leader said after his meeting with trump. “I don’t know what they were talking about when President Clinton was in the White house,” explained the Congressman. 23 may it was reported that the U.S. intends to change the principles of military aid to a number of

The Europeans predicted the release of the new countries of the EU

Following the UK from the EU can get out and other countries. So consider the majority of inhabitants of the largest countries in Europe: it follows from the survey, which in the framework of the project “Sputnik.Opinion” conducted by the French polling company IFop. According to the study, 52 percent of Germans, 57 percent of Italians and 64 percent of British citizens expressed the opinion that at least one EU country will leave the interstate Association. While 55 percent British, 50 percent of Italians, 42% of French and 39 percent of Germans have suggested that leaving the EU may have several States. 28 March, Prime Minister Theresa may has signed a letter notifying authorities of the European Union about the formal start of procedure Brexit. The talks will take two years. The decision to withdraw Britain from the EU were adopted by referendum on 23 June 2016. May 30, she

The Russian foreign Ministry still acknowledged the likelihood of death of the leader of the IG

The Russian foreign Ministry said that on liquidation of the leader of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG; banned in Russia), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, you can say “with high probability”. On Thursday, June 22, RIA Novosti reported. “The experience of the defeat of the terrorist thugs in the North Caucasus, I can say that if this information is confirmed, it will be possible to admit another major success of the Russian HQs in the fight against international terrorism,” — said the Deputy head of the Ministry Oleg Syromolotov. He noted that terrorist groups represent structures with a strict hierarchy, which means “the elimination of their leaders leads to significant disruption” of the militants and sow panic in their ranks. In this case a few days ago, the Agency noted that confirmation of this information no. That al-Baghdadi was probably killed in the result of the impact of videoconferencing on may

Qatar gave a list of demands of the Arab countries

Mohammed bin Abdel Rahman al Thani Kuwait handed Qatar a list of requirements for the resumption of relations, reports the Associated Press. According to news agencies, this list is the closure of the TV channel “al Jazeera” and the cessation of diplomatic relations with Iran. Also, Qatar should immediately close the military base of Turkey to cease her military cooperation. In addition, Qatar is required to pay compensation, its amount is not specified. The fulfillment of all requirements the allotted 10 days. Earlier, Qatari foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdel Rahman al-Thani said that the talks should start only after the Arab countries would lift the blockade. Materials on теме00:06 — 6 JunSeven against Dahican Gulf countries gathered to eradicate the Cathar heresy According to him, Qatar is ready to negotiate on all matters that are relevant to the policy of the cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf

Spiegel found out about the surveillance, the BND, for American organizations

German intelligence service BND in the last eight years spying on American agencies, writes the magazine Der Spiegel, citing documents were in his possession. According to the publication, over the period 1998 to 2006 was formulated about 4 thousand reconnaissance missions against targets in the United States. In particular, there have been tracking phone and Fax numbers and email accounts owned by American companies such as Lockheed Martin, the Agency is NASA, the human rights organization Human Rights Watch, universities in several US States and military facilities such as U.S. air force, marine Corps and Intelligence Agency U.S. Department of defense. In addition, agents of the BND have access to data more than 100 foreign embassies in Washington, as well as organizations such as the international monetary Fund and the Washington office of the League of Arab States. It remains unclear how extensive was the data obtained by the Germans,

Named possible members of the international forces in Syria

Press Secretary of the Turkish President Ibrahim Kalin told about the possible composition of the international forces in the new areas of de-escalation in Syria. On Thursday, June 22, according to Anadolu. “We are working on a mechanism under which in the province of Idlib, are likely to be deployed by Turkish and Russian troops, in the outskirts of Damascus, mostly Russian and Iranian forces, and in the South of Syria, in the province of Deraa, — Jordanian and us forces. Russia also proposes to use in the operation of small contingents of the armed forces of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan”, — said Kalin. On 19 June the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that the next round of talks on the Syrian settlement will take place in Astana on 10 July. “It was at this meeting the parties agreed to complete the harmonization of the specific parameters

Former American Minister spoke about the possibility of impeachment trump

Donald Trump The evidence for impeachment of the President of the United States Donald trump is more than enough. This was stated by Professor of the University of California, former Secretary of labor Robert Reich, his word, reports The Independent. “Obstruction of justice was among the grounds for impeachment of presidents Nixon and Clinton. The Parallels between Nixon and trump almost straight: recordings of talks at the White house showed that Nixon had ordered to put pressure on the acting FBI Director [Louis Patrick gray to stop the investigation of Watergate,” explained Reich, who worked in the administrations of the 38th President Gerald Ford and 39th President Jimmy Carter. According to him, from the testimony of the former head of the FBI James Komi should be that trump asked exactly the same to suspend the investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn. However, as the newspaper notes, while the

In Thailand exposed a gang of car thieves supercars from the UK

Thai police exposed gang of car thieves super expensive cars from the UK. About it reports The South China Morning Post. About the attackers, the Thai police have informed the British colleagues, and they conducted a series of raids against criminals. The guards managed to detect 122 stolen from the United Kingdom car: Lamborghini, Porsche and BMW. Bought them on credit, was loaded onto ships and sent to Thailand. When they were on the way to the Kingdom, they were declared stolen and the monthly payments stopped. In addition, it appeared that the attackers not only steal cars, but also understate the value of legally imported to avoid paying import duty rate for luxury cars is 328 percent. I used some of the above. Some cars were imported under the guise of spare parts, expensive Lamborghini Aventador was declared as a cheaper Gallardo. The customs officers looked at these tricks

The Bundestag decided to reduce the funding of right-wing

The lower house of the German Parliament, voted to cut funding far-right National democratic party (NDP). About it reports Reuters. Decision adopted by 502 votes to 57, with 20 abstentions. In the near future there will be changes in the basic law stipulating that the party that opposes the constitutional order, not entitled to public funding, carried out with taxpayers ‘ money. The vote in the Bundestag became possible after the constitutional court verdict issued in January 2017. The judges decided that the objectives posed in front of the NDP violate the provisions of the Constitution. “The NDP intends to replace the existing constitutional order, the authoritarian national government, which is based on the idea of “national community” selected on an ethnic basis,” explained one of the judges. While the party court to ban was not because of its insignificance. Under current rules, the German Constitution, every party that exists