They tried to forcibly evict the veteran from the only home

Mash: in Perm the bailiffs tried to forcefully evict the veteran from the house after deceiving realtors A 93-year-old female veteran of the Great Patriotic War, writes Mash in his Telegram channel. Neighbors prevented the enforcement of the court's decision by guarding their property. The injured Khalida Chuganayeva lives in an apartment with her daughter, Nariza Bashkaeva, and her grandson. According to the newspaper “Argumenty i Fakty”, for the first time the bailiffs tried to deprive them of their homes on November 19. “They drilled out the lock, illegally got into the apartment and walked here like at home, treated me like a criminal, they didn't even let me close the door to the toilet,” Nariza Bashkaeva told the newspaper reporter. Neighbors and human rights activists helped the veteran's family to defend the apartment. Nariza Bashkaeva tried to sell the occupied housing in 2018, but her real estate was illegally

The number of victims of the explosion at a missile factory near Belgrade has become known

Tanjug: 16 people injured in explosions at a rocket fuel factory near Belgrade at least 16 people, two were killed. It was reported by the Tanjug agency with reference to the chief of the ambulance shift, Dr. Maria Radulovich. It became known that one person is in intensive care with severe wounds. Other victims with injuries and burns were sent to the Ambulance Center and the Military Medical Academy of the Serbian capital. Radulovic said that some were hospitalized with head wounds, some have breathing problems. Doctors continue to work at the scene. The road to the factory is blocked by the police due to the threat of new explosions. 11 fire trucks were dispatched to the scene of the incident. Earlier it became known that an explosion took place at the EDePro factory for the production of rockets to combat hail clouds near Belgrade. It is noted that the

The robbers got into an accident on the car of the Russian pensioner they kidnapped

Russians who kidnapped a pensioner will be brought to trial in the Sakhalin region Two Russians who kidnapped a pensioner and got into an accident in his car court in the Sakhalin region. This was announced on Tuesday, November 23rd, by the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). According to the investigation, in March a 66-year-old Russian stopped his car in the village of Ilyinskoye, where two men approached him and asked to bring them to the regional center, the victim agreed, because he was on the way. After some time, fellow travelers asked for a stop and attacked. Threatening with a knife, they took away cash and documents and ordered to transfer money from the card. But the pensioner was able to mislead the robbers, explaining that he did not know how to use online payments, but was ready to withdraw money from an ATM. ATM.

The position of the Minister of Finance of Russia was named the most vulnerable

Credit Suisse: the position of the head of the Ministry of Finance of Russia is vulnerable due to spending by the NWF in which, among other things, he assessed the situation on the Russian market and the prospects for the Russian economy. The text of the report is at the disposal of The experts named the possible reshuffle in the government as the main intrigue of the next year. At the same time, the post of Minister of Finance, which is occupied by Anton Siluanov, in their opinion, is the most vulnerable. The reason for this conclusion is the alleged start of increased investment from the National Welfare Fund (NWF). The authors of the report believe that the focus of fiscal policy in Russia has shifted from an extremely conservative one to one focused on economic growth and social support of the population, which requires funds. The government is

Specialized federal departments confirmed Moscow's readiness for winter

Pyotr Biryukov: Moscow utilities and fuel and energy companies received winter readiness passports winter readiness passports. This was announced by the deputy mayor of Moscow in the Moscow government, Pyotr Biryukov. “Based on the results of the inspections, the prefectures of the administrative districts received from the specialized structure of Rostekhnadzor passports of readiness for work in the winter period; noted Pyotr Biryukov. – Passports of readiness were also issued by PJSC MOEK and JSC Mosgaz. “This means that all power facilities, heat, gas, electric networks and utilities of the city are fully ready for work in winter,” the deputy mayor emphasized. “They are able to provide high-quality and reliable heat supply to the capital, uninterrupted supply of resources to consumers, which is confirmed by the relevant federal agencies.” Peter Biryukov recalled that all residential buildings and significant social facilities – more than 74 thousand deadline – September 1. “The

In Novosibirsk, a patient with 100% lung disease defeats COVID-19

The Russian woman defeated COVID-19 and told how to survive with “all-consuming helplessness” a patient with 100% lung involvement. Her story and how to survive in “absolute all-consuming helplessness” is quoted by NGS. Veronica Belousova, 37, was hospitalized in mid-July. She noticed the first symptoms of the disease on July 14 and, catching a coronavirus infection, did a CT scan. After that, she was hospitalized, as the image showed that the lungs were affected by 48 percent. In the hospital, COVID-19 developed rapidly, “totally” engulfing the respiratory system in a few days. According to the Russian woman, the infection “devoured” her, although she “did it very kindly.” Doctors urgently sent her to intensive care, where she spent about 18 days on a ventilator. “As far as I remember, I was conscious all the time … Only when I got out of the intensive care unit, I realized that one lung

Larisa Dolina swore to sing with Morgenstern

Larisa Dolina declared her dislike for Morgenstern and refused to record songs with him The Russian pop singer Larina Dolina has been reputed to be a rapper. An interview with her was published on the YouTube channel “Tell Gordeeva”. When the presenter asked the artist with whom she would never agree to record songs, she named Morgenstern. She stated that she would refuse to work with him, as she has human dislike for him. “Behaves unworthily. There should be a measure in everything, I think so. He does not know the measure in anything. I'm just not interested in him, ”said Dolina. At the same time, she noted that she could work with the former Morgenstern sound producer Slava Marlow. The singer also noted that she likes the singer Niletto: “He has a very beautiful tone of voice. I would teach him a little diction, articulation, and we would probably

A criminal case was opened against the Russian swimmer after the conflict over the mask

A criminal case was opened against the swimmer Simonova for insulting a government official Simonova. This is reported by “Interfax”. The athlete is suspected of insulting the police officers at the Pulkovo airport, who detained the merited swimming coach of Russia Alexander Ilyin for refusing to wear a mask. A case was initiated against the swimmer under Article 319 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Insulting a representative of the authorities”). She is under recognizance not to leave. According to the investigation, Ilyin allegedly showed disobedience in response to the policemen's demands to put on a mask, in connection with which force was used against him. In response, 29-year-old Simonova, who was supposed to fly out with a coach, publicly insulted the junior inspector and the inspector of the line department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Pulkovo. Simonova spoke about the detention of Ilyin earlier on

Russians were told about a way to avoid queues at Egyptian airports to return from Egypt without queues, you can fly by transfer in Turkey Egypt and avoid queues at airports. Such information appeared on the portal. As the experts said, one of the available options to avoid going through the “enhanced security” is to transfer in Turkey. So, a flight on the route Moscow – Sharm el-Sheikh – Moscow with a connection in Istanbul costs about 24.6 thousand rubles. You can also fly to Egypt on a direct flight, and purchase only return tickets with a connection. since the difficulties with the passage of pre-flight procedures arise for the Russians only when leaving the republic. The most budget-friendly way to fly out of Egypt is to return after December 10th. For example, you can buy tickets for a Pegasus Airline flight for 14 thousand rubles, while the fare includes baggage for 20 kilograms. In addition, representatives of travel companies