Ukrainian authorities accused of deliberate aggravation of the situation in Donbass

Press secretary of the LPR delegation Kovshar: Kiev purposefully exacerbates the situation in Donbass Kiev purposefully exacerbates the situation in Donbass LPR at the negotiations on the settlement of the conflict in the region Maria Kovshar following the meeting of the economic subgroup. This was reported by RIA Novosti. According to her, the Ukrainian authorities refuse to discuss the settlement of the situation, while they are systematically taking steps to aggravate the situation on the contact line. Related materials 00:01 – April 16 < img src = "/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2b599c5b0c853a6e1f1e611d99d3a04a.jpg" /> “We have nowhere to retreat” DPR head Denis Pushilin – about the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine00: 02 sr – October 7 “The crisis will come by spring” Zelensky gets rid of political competitors. Why won't this help him retain power? Kovshar added that over the past two weeks, the Ukrainian security

American analyst appreciated Biden's idea of ​​releasing oil from the US strategic reserve

American analyst Kilduff: release of oil from the US strategic reserve will lower fuel prices New York energy hedge fund founder John Kilduff assessed the decision of US President Joe Biden to release 50 billion barrels of oil from the US strategic reserve. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to the expert, during the period of peak demand for heating, this measure will be able to lower fuel prices in the country, further will depend on the behavior of other manufacturers. you need about a million barrels per day in addition to fill the gap. At first glance, this should help us get through the beginning of January, and then, depending on what is done in Asia, the situation may change, ”he said. Kilduff also mentioned other factors that may affect on the dynamics of prices. “The other side of the puzzle, of course, is the new COVID outbreaks

British Foreign Office publishes report on gay rights and Navalny in Russia

The British Foreign Office published a report in which it was concerned with the rights of gays and Navalny in Russia The British Foreign Office published a report on the human rights situation at 31 country, including the department concerned about the rights of gays, Jehovah's Witnesses ( an extremist organization banned in Russia ) and the founder of the Anti-Corruption Fund ( FBK, included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent , recognized as an extremist organization and banned in Russia ) Alexey Navalny in Russia. Russia in the document belongs to the category of countries that continue to “cause concern.” According to the document, sexual minorities continued to be subjected to hostile treatment, and the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses continued. In addition, the text says that the authorities in Russia restricted the activities of civil society organizations, independent

American ice hockey player compared the contribution of the USA and the USSR to victory in World War II

Ak Bars hockey player Kampfer about World War II: the USSR would have been difficult to cope without the USA KHL defender ) “Ak Bars” Stephen Kampfer spoke about the results of the Second World War. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. “You cannot talk about the victory of any one country in such an event as a world war. It is unlikely that the United States would have gone so far without the support of Great Britain and other countries, but it would have been difficult for the USSR to cope with enemies without the help of the United States and allies, “said the American hockey player. He stressed that this is a common victory, and there is no need to single out one. Ak Bars signed a contract with Kampfer this summer for one season. Prior to that, the defender played for the National Hockey League club

Heads of General Staffs of Russia and the United States discussed international security

Heads of the General Staffs of Russia and the United States Gerasimov and Milli discussed international security issues Head of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov and Chairman of the Committee of Chiefs of Staff US forces Mark Millie had a telephone conversation. This was reported by TASS. The military leaders discussed topical issues of international security. “The telephone conversation was a continuation of communication between the two leaders to ensure risk reduction and operational conflict prevention,” the committee said. It is noted that both sides agreed not to disclose specific details of their conversation. Earlier, The Wall Street Journal reported that the United States was interested in the possible use of Russian military bases in Central Asia. According to the WSJ, this possibility was discussed by the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milli and Chief of the General Staff of

Wasserman predicted the likely outcome of the war between Russia and Ukraine

Wasserman: Ukraine's war with Russia is too tough, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have no military capable of understanding this State Duma deputy, publicist and TV presenter Anatoly Wasserman, in an interview with the Telegram channel Donbass Resolves, predicted the likely outcome of the war between Russia and Ukraine. According to Wasserman, Ukraine is too tough for a war against Russia. He pointed out the absence of military professionals in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Armed Forces of Ukraine) who would be able to understand this. “I remember very well that one of the conditions in the formation of the young army of Ukraine was the willingness of the Ukrainian military to fight against Russia. So those who were more or less versed in military affairs there understood that the war against Russia would never end in a blitzkrieg, ”said the Russian parliamentarian. Wasserman explained that we

Ukrainian Armed Forces have worked out new tactics of using Turkish Bayraktar

Head of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny: we have worked out a new tactic of using the Turkish Bayraktar The Armed Forces of Ukraine have worked out a new tactic of using Turkish reconnaissance and strike complexes and Javelin anti-tank missile systems. This was announced by the shopkeeper of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valeriy Zaluzhny, RIA Novosti reports. According to the head of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the trainings were held at the Shiroky Lan training ground in the Nikolaev region as part of summing up the activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for 2021. “Taking into account the experience of military operations in the area of ​​the Joint Forces operation, we worked out new tactics of their use in combat conditions and demonstrated them to the commanders of brigades and regiments. We also showed their complex application in night and poor visibility conditions, “he said. In