Russian MP urged to shoot buyers of vaccination certificates

“KP Ryazan”: Deputy Sidorov urged to shoot buyers of vaccination certificates and sell coronavirus vaccination certificates. This is what Komsomolskaya Pravda Ryazan writes about. “Today they buy vaccination certificates. In general, you have to shoot for this. I figured … I myself would have taken part in the executions. It is imperative to do this, “the Russian deputy said during a meeting of the Ryazan Regional Duma. Earlier, the head of the Gamaleya Center, Alexander Gintsburg, recalled criminal liability for counterfeiting COVID-19 vaccination certificates. He cited as an example European legislation, according to which for falsifying documents that indicate the presence of those vaccinations that are allowed in the European Union (EU), six years in prison are imposed. Prior to that, about fake vaccination certificates about QR- Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova spoke about the codes. According to her, those who falsify documents, in addition to breaking the law, are

WHO says “shocking imbalance” with vaccines

WHO head Gebreyesus: showing an imbalance, about 70% of COVID-19 vaccines went to 10 countries Director-General of the World Health Organization ( WHO) Tedros Adan Ghebreyesus called the global distribution of coronavirus vaccines a “shocking imbalance”. He stated this during a speech in Geneva at a seminar of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), reports TASS. “In total, more than 7.3 billion doses of vaccine have been used in the world, but about 70 percent of this amount was consumed in total to 10 countries, “he said. The head of the WHO added that almost 40 percent of the world's inhabitants are now fully vaccinated, but in Africa only six percent. According to him, an increase COVID-19 vaccine production in Africa is a key priority, requiring “barriers to be removed” to scale up production. In addition, during a pandemic, the action of intellectual property rights to vaccines, diagnostic and therapeutic

The bill on the extension of the special status of Donbass was submitted to the Rada

The Verkhovna Rada has registered a bill to extend the special status of the DPR and LPR The Verkhovna Rada has registered a bill to extend the special status of Donetsk and Lugansk regions … This is stated on the website of the Ukrainian parliament. The initiative was supported by 33 deputies, most of them represent the pro-presidential faction “Servant of the People”. The law on the peculiarities of self-government in Donbass was adopted in September 2014 on the initiative of the former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko after parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions proclaimed independence after the change of the central government in the country. The document provides for an amnesty for participants in an armed conflict, the ability to use the Russian language in local self-government bodies, the participation of local authorities in the appointment of heads of prosecutors and courts, as well as special state

In the US, they talked about consultations with Ukraine

Ned Price: The US regularly consults with Ukraine on its defense needs Department of State Ned Price. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. “We regularly consult and conduct a dialogue with our Ukrainian partners regarding their defense needs. At the moment, we have nothing to declare or announce, “he said. On November 22, Bloomberg, citing sources in the special services, wrote that in 2022 Russia will attack Ukraine from three sides: from the Crimean peninsula, from sides of the Russian-Ukrainian border and from the territory of Belarus. The press bureau of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service responded that the US State Department is spreading false information that Russia is preparing to attack Ukraine.

Ukraine denied information about the use of Javelin complexes in Donbass

The Headquarters of the Joint Forces of Ukraine denied information on the use of Javelin complexes in Donbass in Donbass. This is reported by “Ukrainska Pravda” with reference to the head of the press service of the headquarters of Yaroslav Melnychuk. “Melnychuk assured that the OS denies the information” provided by someone unknown. ” As of now, Javelins have not been used in Donbas. The representative of the OS promised that as soon as the Javelins are used against the Russian-occupation forces, the Ukrainians will immediately know about it, “the headquarters spokesman said. Earlier, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kirill Budanov said that for the first time used the American portable anti-tank missile systems Javelin in the Donbass. According to him, they will be used along with the Turkish Bayraktar drones and will become a significant psychological deterrent. Budanov also said

The United States promised to act against Russia without hesitation because of Ukraine

State Department spokesman Price: the US is ready to confront Russia, and we will not hesitate US State Spokesman Ned Price promised hesitation to act against Russia on the issue of Ukraine. He is quoted by RIA Novosti. “From the very beginning of the work of the current administration, we have demonstrated that we are ready and able to use a number of tools to counter the harmful activities of Russia, and we will not hesitate to use these tools as needed and in the future, “Price said. Previously, Price said that the United States would consult with its allies, including probably NATO, on Russia and Ukraine in the coming days. He called Russia's actions near the borders of Ukraine “disturbing”.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus offered to deprive citizenship for extremist crimes

Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus Parshin: Citizenship should be revoked for extremist crimes Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption made a proposal to deprive the Belarusian citizenship of persons who have committed extremist crimes. The head of the department, Andrei Parshin, spoke about this in an interview with Minskaya Pravda. “At the moment, we, together with interested state bodies, are working on legislative initiatives aimed at ensuring the national security of the state,” Parshin said. > He explained that it is necessary to deprive citizenship regardless of the method of its acquisition. And as an additional measure, the state intends to confiscate the property of criminals. In addition, according to Parshin, the Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed to establish unconditional administrative responsibility for subscribing to Internet resources, whose materials are recognized as extremist. Earlier it became known that the Belarusian authorities intend to prosecute

Biden named those responsible for the soaring gasoline prices in the United States

US President Biden: Gasoline Prices Soar Due to Oil Company Fraud in the United States. His words on Tuesday, November 23, are quoted by TASS. According to the American leader, high prices are the result of the machinations of oil companies. Earlier on November 23, immediately after Biden announced the start of the sale of oil from strategic reserves and the support of these actions from the UK, South Korea, Japan, China and India, the cost of raw materials skyrocketed. At 5:05 pm Moscow time, Brent was trading at $ 80.9 a barrel (plus 1.52 percent by the start of the trading session), while WTI traded at $ 77.65 (plus 1.2 percent). State Duma Deputy Mikhail Delyagin in a conversation with “” explained that the release of 50 million barrels of oil from the US strategic reserves is a clear sign of an emergency. According to him, this will help

Former speaker of the Rada gathered for the presidential election

Former Speaker of the Rada of Ukraine Dmitry Razumkov is going to go to the next presidential elections presidential elections in the country. RIA Novosti reports this. Answering a question on the air of the NASH TV channel about whether “he will hesitate and go to the presidential elections”, Razumkov said that he would go “to all elections” because ” I took part in all the elections “and does not intend to” break this tradition. ” p> Dmitry Razumkov was dismissed from the post of Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada on October 7, 2021. A few months earlier, the media reported that the head of parliament had deteriorated relations with Zelensky: the president saw a competitor in the speaker, and Razumkov was waiting for the moment to leave for the opposition.

In the United States announced consultations on Ukraine and Russia in the coming days

State Department: The US will consult with allies in Russia and Ukraine in the coming days The US will consult with allies including, probably, NATO, Russia and Ukraine. This was stated by State Department spokesman Ned Price, writes RIA Novosti. According to him, the United States considers the military activities of Russia near the borders of Ukraine to be “disturbing”. Formerly a professor at the Institute for Strategic Studies of the Military US Army College John Denis spoke about the likely actions of NATO in the event of a Russian “invasion” of Ukraine. The expert believes that if the Russian military crosses the state borders of Ukraine, formations of the NATO Rapid Reaction Force will be sent to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania, which “would calm the population of these countries, mean the solidarity of the entire alliance and strengthen security in the east.” .