It became known about the upcoming Ozon record deal

Vedomosti: Ozon plans to place its headquarters in one of the Moscow City skyscrapers headquarters in the 62-storey Grand Tower, which is being built on the territory of the Moscow-City business center. Real estate consultants told Vedomosti that the marketplace is in talks with the owner of the building. It is not yet known whether Ozon is preparing to rent or buy office space in the skyscraper. The representative of the trading platform did not comment on the information about the location of the headquarters. The deal in the Grand Tower may become the largest in the office rental market in history, consultants interviewed by the publication emphasized. So far, the record belongs to the Tinkoff group, which in 2020 rented almost 78 thousand square meters in the AFI Square complex near the Belorussky railway station. A source close to one of the parties to the possible deal told the

After the death of workers in an accident, a case was opened with a drunk Russian investigator

Investigative Committee opened a case on traffic violations after an accident with a drunken investigator in Tyumen … This was reported on Wednesday, November 24, to by the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR). According to the investigation, the case was initiated under Article 264 (“Violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles”) Of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The suspect has been detained, now all the circumstances of the emergency are being established, which led to the death of two people. According to the regional traffic police department, the accident occurred on the Bypass Highway at about 11 pm on Tuesday, November 23rd. Workers were cleaning snow on the track. To carry out the work, they set up road signs and installed flashing lights. The suspect knocked them down while driving a BMW while intoxicated. Despite severe damage to the car, the investigator survived – he was

Russian boxer named the necessary earnings for a comfortable life with his family

Russian boxer Kurbanov: for a comfortable life with family you need 150 thousand rubles a month Russian boxer Magomed Kurbanov said that for a comfortable life with his family, 150 thousand rubles a month will be enough for him. This is reported by RBC. The athlete noted that he needs to provide for his wife and three children. “A good person has a lot of money – this is good, a bad person has a lot of money,” Kurbanov added. At the same time, he noted that he would not refuse a million dollars. On November 18, it became known about the request of Spartak midfielder Roman Zobnin to reduce his salary. The player wanted to receive two million euros a year instead of three. 26-year-old Kurbanov is the WBO International world champion in the first middle weight. He has 22 victories in 22 fights, 13 of which the Russian

Putin's plenipotentiary in the Ural Federal District went on self-isolation due to cases of COVID-19 surrounded

Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Ural Federal District Yakushev went into self-isolation due to cases of coronavirus in his environment (Ural Federal District) Vladimir Yakushev went into self-isolation due to cases of coronavirus infection in his environment. TASS writes about this on Wednesday, November 24. The plenipotentiary's office clarified that he continues to work and monitor the implementation of his orders remotely.

NASA launches spacecraft to strike an asteroid

NASA launches DART to collide with asteroid Didyme B Falcon 9 rocket launched from Vandenberg Base spacecraft Double Asteroid Redirect Test (DART), which, having collided with the asteroid Didyma B, will change its trajectory, NASA reports. The ground. NASA is confident that this will change the trajectory of the asteroid, as a result of which it will not be able to collide with the planet. Asteroid Didyme B itself does not pose a threat to Earth and was chosen by NASA as a target for the strike due to the fact that a potential change in its trajectory would not pose a threat to the planet. DART should reach the asteroid in 10 months. Didyme B's diameter is estimated at 160 meters. Didim B revolves around 780-meter Didim A with a period of 11 hours 55 minutes. According to, after the collision, the first will revolve around the second

Russians with a fake certificate were told a way to “legalize” the vaccine

Infectionist Akinfiev: those who bought the QR code will have to confess to get really vaccinated on vaccination against coronavirus called a way to “legalize” vaccination. His words on Wednesday, November 24, are quoted by URA.RU in its Telegram channel. According to him, those who bought a fake QR code will have to confess to purchasing a fake in order to get really vaccinated. In this case, the record about the vaccination that did not actually take place will be deleted and it will be possible to deliver the vaccine. Otherwise, the system will not allow re-vaccination earlier than six months. “This is a single database and the doctor sees that the person has already been vaccinated … If the person says that he bought the certificate, then he you will need to write an application addressed to the chief doctor of the hospital, “Akinfiev explained. On November 23, the

In the suburbs, a couple of young criminals killed a Russian

Suspects in the murder of previously convicted Russians were detained in the Moscow region … This is reported by the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). According to the investigation, on November 20 in the city of Khotkovo, a 22-year-old girl and a 25-year-old man were drinking alcohol while visiting a man who lived in a private house. Due to personal hostility, the gatherings turned into a quarrel, which ended in a massacre – the girl stabbed the victim in the thigh and neck, and the young man struck the wounded man a strong blow in the chest. The Russian died at the scene, and the suspects escaped in murder. The TFR opened a criminal case under Article 105 (“Murder”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The criminals were quickly detained. A number of expert examinations were appointed, recordings from external surveillance cameras were seized.

In Japan, a 14-year-old schoolboy killed a peer during an argument

Japanese police arrested a teenager who stabbed a peer during an altercation at school school peer during a quarrel. This is reported by Tokyo Web. Related materials 00:01 – 11 November “Warm up each other in their machismo” Clashes Caucasians and Russians are happening more and more often. Who is to blame? 00:01 – May 15 “This is a transformation of violence.” … Why – scientists explain At about eight in the morning, that is, even before the start of classes, the police received a call from the director. A conflict arose between the students of the third grade of the middle stage of a comprehensive school, which corresponds to the ninth grade of a Russian school, as a result of which one of the students stabbed another with a kitchen knife about 20 centimeters long. The wounded teenager was taken to the hospital, where he died from blood loss.

58 offices “My Documents” will become even more convenient for residents after renovation

58 offices of “My Documents” will become even more convenient for residents after renovation work public services. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development Anastasia Rakova. “It is very important for us that visits to public service centers evoke pleasant emotions among residents. That is why we strive not only to constantly improve the quality of customer service and introduce new services and services, but also to improve the office premises themselves, making them more convenient and comfortable. We take into account all the nuances and the fact that completely different categories of citizens come to us: residents of the older generation, people with limited mobility, parents with small children. Therefore, we are taking another step in the development of the infrastructure of the offices of “My Documents” – 58 centers of public services will be updated as part of large-scale renovation work, “- said