Russian after watch in the North killed his wife and committed suicide

TFR: a resident of Kurtamysh shot his wife out of personal hostility and committed suicide and then committed suicide. This was reported to “” in the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). The murder took place on November 18 in the house of the spouses. According to the investigation, the man committed a crime motivated by personal hostility. Investigators opened a criminal case under article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Murder”). They intend to establish all the circumstances of the incident. Local residents said that the man returned from the North, where he worked on a rotational basis. There was a discord in the family, the spouses were going to divorce, perhaps this was the cause of the emergency, the Kurgan edition of “Meridiana” reports. The deceased was buried in a closed coffin, because her face was badly damaged from gunshot wounds. “She

The Russian tourist business was predicted to “fall into the abyss”

Executive Director of ATOR Maya Lomidze: the tourist market is on a “thin line” news about the possible bankruptcy of 60 percent of tour operators and predicted the Russian tourist business “collapse into the abyss.” Her words are reported by Interfax. The speaker said that analysts do not confirm reports of massive bankruptcies of companies, so tourists can be calm. Nevertheless, she admitted that in recent months the market has been “on a fine line.” “And this is not connected with the financial condition, not with the stability of companies, but with the fulfillment of obligations for covid tours,” the expert explained. Lomidze noted that most of the agencies (70 percent) have already fulfilled their obligations – according to the Federal Tourism Agency, the total amount of debts to travelers initially amounted to 24 billion rubles, and now they have decreased to seven billion rubles. “According to our calculations, the

The Russian middle class has increased salaries

SberCIB: the salary of the middle class in Russia has grown to 42,900 rubles (according to the results of the third quarter amounted to 42.9 thousand rubles), and savings reached 54.7 thousand rubles per family member. This is stated in the study “Ivanov's Consumer Index” by SberCIB Investment Research. Average salaries increased the most among workers in heavy industry, taxis, transport and public catering – by 30 percent compared to the third quarter of last year. In agriculture, the growth was 27 percent, in retail trade – 22 percent. According to experts, wages have skyrocketed due to labor shortages. The middle class also has increased spending on groceries. In the third quarter of 2020, the conditional “Ivanovs” spent 37 percent of their income on food, a year later – 38.1 percent. At the same time, the share of those for whom prices are an important factor when choosing a store

The likelihood of overthrowing Erdogan after large-scale protests in Turkey is assessed

Orientalist Dolgov: protests in Turkey will not lead to a coup, the military is loyal to Erdogan Large-scale protests in Turkey will not lead to an attempt to overthrow President Recep Tayyip Erdogan or a coup d'etat, since the military and security forces are loyal to the Turkish leader. So the likelihood of a repeat of the events of 2016, when an attempted coup d'etat was prevented in Turkey, was assessed by Boris Dolgov, a senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in an interview with Related materials00: 02 – 13 August Crossing the border. Turkey gently seizes the countries of the former USSR. Why can't Russia prevent it? 00:01 – July 27 Diplomatic acrobatics. Turkey does not recognize Crimea and sells weapons to Ukraine. How does she manage to be friends with Russia? According to him, after the events of 2016,

Putin tests himself with a nasal vaccine against coronavirus

Russian President Putin announced that he had made a nasal vaccine against coronavirus Light made a nasal vaccine. He is quoted by TASS. The head of state specified that he tested the nasal vaccine on himself the day after the re-vaccination. “Exactly six months after the vaccination, my protective titers dropped and experts recommended a revaccination procedure, which I did a few days ago. First I gave it in the form of an injection, and the next day, after a conversation with Denis Yuryevich [Logunov], he himself gave me the second part of this procedure, namely a nasal powder, “he said. Putin also described the vaccination procedure: the doctor filled a syringe with powder and injected it into the president's left and right nostrils. The head of state admitted that he had not experienced anything at the time of vaccination and was soon able to play sports.

Oscar Kucera responded to doctors' invitations to hospitals infected with COVID-19

Actor Oscar Kucera responded to the invitation of doctors to hospitals infected with COVID-19 area of ​​hospitals with COVID-19 infected patients. In an interview with the radio station “Moscow speaking” he said that he was not an anti-vaccine, but opposed compulsory vaccination. “I am struggling with only one thing – do not force anyone. Explain, bring, take responsibility, “the artist said. Kuchera suggested that the doctors who signed the invitation letter thought he was denying the disease. “I could, if I had the opportunity, invite tuberculosis, pneumonia and cancer patients to the“ red zones ”. They die too. However, I am not forced to vaccinate against these diseases, and there are many more deaths from them. Why did people invite me to the “red zone” of covid patients? ” – he was indignant. The presenter refused the invitation, stressing that “he is not an anti-vaccine.” “I am for the freedom

Golikova disclosed the share of Russians with COVID-19 disease again

Golikova: 0.74 percent of Russians who have recovered from COVID-19 were infected again coronavirus again. Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova announced this on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel, which is broadcast on YouTube. She noted that these data constitute a share of the total number of people who have had a history of illnesses in Russia. Earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that 0.25 percent of citizens in Russia fell ill with COVID-19 again. She emphasized that if a re-infection with coronavirus is suspected, Rospotrebnadzor scientists carefully examine each case and do not always confirm the diagnosis. According to the headquarters for the fight against coronavirus, 33,558 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Russia over the past day, and the total number of cases during the entire time of the pandemic was 9 434 393.

Minsk reacted to the Ukrainian special operation on the border with Belarus

Oleg Gaidukevich: the special operation “Polesie” is an attempt by Kiev to provoke a conflict … Oleg Gaidukevich, deputy chairman of the Belarusian parliament’s commission on international affairs, said this in an interview with Izvestia. The deputy reacted to the message about the deployment of a special operation in the border zone and noted that Belarus never sent any or threats. In his opinion, by its actions Kiev is trying to provoke Minsk into a conflict, as well as to find those responsible for the problems of Ukrainian society and government. Related materials15: 25 – 19 November Border stand. Migrants on the border of Poland and Belarus – about a breakthrough to Europe, life in a camp and fear of deportation 00:01 – 18 November ” They would rather die in Europe than return home “How migrants on the border with Poland changed life in Belarus “ We, among other

Maslyakov responded to rumors about a trip to the presidential administration because of the “Game” show

Maslyakov did not go to the presidential administration because of the “Game”, but “a couple of conversations took place” Leading and head of KVN Alexander Maslyakov responded to allegations that he complained to the presidential administration on the TNT show “Game” because of its resemblance to the “Club of the cheerful and resourceful.” He denied rumors about going to officials in an interview with TASS. “I was not in Staraya Square (on Staraya Ploschad Street in Moscow there is the building of the Presidential Administration of Russia – approx.” “). But a couple of telephone conversations on this topic took place, ”Maslyakov said. The head of KVN added that he first called, and then – him. Maslyakov did not specify with whom and when he spoke. When asked if he had complained about the “Game” in these telephone conversations, the host of the program replied in the negative. “[I]

The doctor invited the Gamaleya Center to give lectures to anti-vaccination doctors

Doctor Kondrakhin: antivaxer medics can be lectured at the Gamaleya Center Physician, clinical pharmacologist Andrei “to the employees of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N. F. Gamaleya to read a course of lectures for anti-vaccination doctors. ” It would be great if the Gamaleya Center prepared an explanatory and informational work especially for doctors, scientifically based. That it was a lecture under the auspices of the CME – continuous medical education, so that the doctor was certified that he took this course and received points for it, “Kondrakhin noted. In his opinion, if after receiving additional education from a doctor -antivaxer repeatedly doubts about the need for vaccination, he can be sent for an internship in the “red zone”, “to understand what problems colleagues face, to be told there how prophylaxis is carried out, how and what they are treated”. < p> Earlier, the