US gold reserve storage location revealed

Lukichev's analyst: The United States stores 4580 tons of gold reserves in the Fort Knox vault Otkritie Investments analyst in an interview with the Prime agency, she revealed the place where the United States stores its gold reserves. According to her, it is located in the Fort Knox vault in the interior of the country, in one of the most reliable vaults in the world, where visitors are not allowed. According to her estimates, there are about 4580 tons of gold hidden there. In addition to gold reserves, special relics were placed in the vault: the original of the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. “Firstly, it is not on the US coast, in the interior of the country, which limits the attack from the sea. Secondly, the base itself has a high level of security, and the constant presence of the military increases the level of security, “the

A woman stole 50 million rubles from an employer and used it to gamble

An employee suffering from gambling addiction stole 50 million rubles from a veterinary clinic from the employer 940 thousand Australian dollars (50.4 million rubles) and spent it on gambling, which does not pay real money as a prize. ABC reports. 49-year-old Rachel Naomi Perry has appeared in court on charges of 25 counts of fraud. A woman stole money while working as an account manager at the Tasmanian Veterinary Clinic from 2016 to 2019. It was only after the Australian was downsized in 2019 that suspicious banking transactions became known. Prosecutor Simone Wilson said in court that in three years and four months, a former employee of the vet clinic made 475 fraudulent transactions and stole a total of more than 940 thousand Australian dollars (50.4 million rubles). Wilson said that Perry, who was the only person in charge of bookkeeping, transferred money from the hospital's bank account to various

Biden decided to achieve the elimination of sanctions against “Nord Stream-2”

FP: President Biden Seeks the Elimination of Sanctions Against Nord Stream 2 from the Budget against Nord Stream 2 from the draft defense budget for the next fiscal year. Reported by Foreign Policy. It is noted that these actions are carried out “without attracting attention.” They were joined by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and key aides, they called on the senators to abandon the amendments, which involve restrictions on a number of structures associated with the gas pipeline, without the possibility of blocking by the White House. The Biden administration tried to prevent attempts to impose sanctions on German organizations involved in the construction of the pipeline, which angered Republicans in Congress. Democrats also suggested that the amendments could set a precedent for other sanctions regimes and limit the executive's ability to influence the imposition of restrictions. The White House emphasizes the importance of not alienating Germany, which will

Scientists have evaluated the impact of coronavirus in pregnant women on the psyche of the child

Izvestia: Professor Prodeus urged women to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before conceiving a fetus -19 can cause mental disorders in the fetus, even if the infection is not transmitted to the child. Russian experts also agreed with the findings of the researchers, published in the journal Nature Immunology, Izvestia writes. Russian scientists also assessed the impact of coronavirus on the human psyche and confirmed that the disease during pregnancy threatens with serious consequences for the fetus. To avoid them, experts advised to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before conception. “Our task is for the mother to enter pregnancy already vaccinated. It's too dangerous to take risks in such a position. The vaccination during pregnancy will be effective for the mother. For the fetus, the risks, of course, will be less than with the mother's illness, but more than if she is vaccinated in advance, “- said Andrei Prodeus, research professor at

Zelensky was caught enjoying his power

Economist Skarshevsky: Five terms will not be enough for Zelensky to fulfill his promises Of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the fact that he enjoys power, and also noted that five deadlines would not be enough for him to fulfill his election promises. He recalled that last week a tender was held on budget spending for the amount of approximately 23 billion hryvnia. About half of these funds, he said, went to the “Big Construction”, interest on loans for which will cost Ukrainians 15 billion hryvnia. “From his rhetoric – even five terms will not be enough for him. He began to enjoy power, felt impunity. The NSDC decision, which he introduced, violates the Constitution. He knows this, but he is still doing it, “Skarshevsky summed up. Earlier it became known that Ukraine received a tranche from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for hundreds of millions of dollars. Zelensky expressed gratitude

Revealed an easy way to save mobile internet

Mobile Research Group analyst Murtazin: settings which traffic is consumed faster than the owner of the device expects, said Eldar Murtazin, an analyst at Mobile Research Group, Sputnik radio reports. Such services download data without notifying the user. For example, applications can update the smartphone's firmware, which will “weigh” up to a gigabyte. “Social networks use the Internet quite often. Applications for watching movies can start loading the series that you started watching into the device's memory, “Murtazin noted. Mobile Internet is actively spent when synchronizing a smartphone with the cloud. Setting up the simplified mode in the browser will help: it will begin to reduce the amount of data transferred. “You can configure most programs so that they work only over Wi-Fi, and not over the mobile Internet, then this will allow you to save traffic”, – he revealed a simple way to save mobile Internet. At the same

Gunzburg revealed the consequences of the use of a nasal vaccine

Head of the Gamaleya Center Gunzburg: the nasal vaccine against COVID-19 has no side effects Director of the N.F. Gamalei Alexander Gunzburg told what consequences are observed in patients after using a nasal vaccine against coronavirus, reports TASS. Gunzburg said that at the moment the nasal vaccine against COVID-19 has no side effects. However, the effectiveness of the drug has yet to be tested, he stressed. The head of the Gamaleya center also disclosed the dangers of a nasal vaccine for allergy sufferers. He told when a drug can harm patients with such a disease. “Like any drug – only when the stage of exacerbation of the disease. When there is no exacerbation, please use it, there are no restrictions, ”Gunzburg emphasized. Earlier it became known that Russian President Vladimir Putin tested a nasal vaccine against coronavirus. He underwent the procedure the day after re-vaccination with Sputnik Light. In October,

CIA head threatened Russia with consequences for “Havana syndrome” among diplomats

WP: CIA Chief Burns threatened Moscow with consequences for the “Havana syndrome” at US diplomatic offices US Central Intelligence Agency chief William Burns A visit to Moscow in November warned that Russia could face repercussions if US intelligence agencies held it responsible for the “Havana Syndrome” of American diplomats. This was reported by the Washington Post (WP) newspaper with reference to sources. According to the newspaper, Burns discussed this issue with the leadership of the FSB and SVR. The head of the CIA told them that forcing US diplomats and their family members to suffer from serious brain damage and other morbid conditions was “beyond the scope of acceptable behavior for professional intelligence services.” However, the CIA director did not directly threaten Moscow and did not accused her of some kind of action against US diplomats. “Nevertheless, the director’s decision to discuss the possibility of Russian involvement directly with his

A woman cured infertility and gave birth to her first child at 50

An American woman underwent infertility treatment and was able to give birth to a baby girl at 50 treatment for infertility and was able to give birth to her first child at 50, Fox News reports. Troxler and her 61-year-old husband got married in 2008, after which they repeatedly tried to have children. In 2019, the woman was diagnosed with infertility. Instead of giving up, she did not lose hope and underwent a course of treatment that brought results. On September 29, she gave birth to a baby girl, whom they decided to name Lily. “It was so unreal. It all came together for this moment. It's hard to comprehend. We are no longer just husband and wife, we are “mom” and “dad”. From a medical point of view, it was impossible, but she is here, “- said the woman. Earlier it became known that a resident of Sydney, Australia,

Morgenstern's restaurant closed due to illegal alcohol trade

Morgenstern's Kaif restaurant was closed in Moscow due to the sale of alcohol without a license This was reported by RIA FAN with reference to a source. During the inspection of the institution on Bolshaya Dmitrovka, it turned out that illegal alcohol was being traded there. The institution does not have a license for this activity. The work of the restaurant, the source said, has been temporarily suspended. Earlier it became known that Morgenstern went to Belarus to participate in a private event. This happened against the backdrop of accusations by the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, that the artist is selling drugs on social networks. The URA.RU portal, citing a source, suggested that Morgenstern would not return to Russia from Belarus. Prior to that, the lawyer of the rapper Morgenstern, Sergei Zhorin, announced that he was afraid of pressure from law enforcement officers on his