More than 15 miners were injured due to a fire in a mine in the Kemerovo region

About 25 miners of the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region applied for medical assistance in the Kemerovo region, writes TASS. Doctors told about two patients in serious condition. The condition of another 13 is assessed as moderate. At the moment, doctors are examining ten people who also asked for help. Emergency Situations Ministry employees are evacuating 115 miners from the burnt mine. The fire broke out on Thursday 25 November. Smoke occurred in the ventilation drift 250 meters deep. Earlier it was reported that about 100 people remained in the burning mine. Listvyazhnaya mine is a coal mining enterprise in the city of Belovo, Kemerovo region. The enterprise was part of Belon OJSC. Since 2011, it has been owned by the SDS-Ugol holding. According to data from open sources, there were two accidents on it: on January 24, 1981 – an explosion of methane in the accumulating drift (five

US and NATO discuss Russia's “unusual military activity”

Department of State: US Secretary of State and NATO Secretary General discussed Russia's “military activity” near Ukraine discussed over the phone the “unusual military activity” attributed to Russia near Ukraine, TASS reports with reference to the head of the press service of the US State Department Ned Price. It is noted that Blinken and Stoltenberg considered the agenda of the meeting of NATO foreign ministers, which scheduled for November 30-December 1. In addition, the interlocutors discussed information “about the unusual military activity of Russia near Ukraine.” – emphasized Price. Earlier, the US Embassy in Ukraine warned of Russia's military activity on the border and in Crimea. The diplomatic mission also published a memo for those who travel abroad. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov assessed reports of Russia's activity near Ukraine as an information campaign of the West aimed at presenting Russia as a threat to the settlement

The number of asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 has decreased in Russia

Immunologist Bolibok: the number of asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 has significantly decreased in the Russian Federation that in the Russian Federation the number of asymptomatic carriers of coronavirus has significantly decreased during the last wave of infection. In my opinion, the number of asymptomatic patients has decreased due to the fact that there are more patients with symptoms. That is, there are more people who feel unwell and turn to doctors for medical services, we can see this on the graphs. This is due to the fact that the delta strain of coronavirus is more aggressive Vladimir Bolibokvrach allergist-immunologist The specialist noted that this COVID-19 strain in Russia is not only transmitted faster from person to person. Moreover, it spreads faster from cell to cell inside a person. Therefore, the doctor explained, the immune system does not have time to ward off the infection, and more people experience symptoms. In

Therapist named ways to avoid unnecessary purchases on Black Friday

Psychotherapist Nurdaev: to avoid unnecessary purchases on Black Friday, you need to take a break Nurdaev named ways to avoid unnecessary purchases on Black Friday. According to him, a pause or physical activity taken for analysis can save from impulsive acquisitions, RIA Novosti reports. The specialist noted that the biggest sale of the year can be serious stress for people with increased levels of anxiety. He added that marketing campaigns affect everyone in one way or another. “Limited shopping time, enticing price tags, artificial scarcity of goods and intrusive advertising reduce concentration, increase anxiety and thus can contribute to making impulsive decisions “, – said Nurdaev. He advised to remain attentive to yourself and your condition. The expert called the constant checking of goods and prices an alarming factor, the possible savings are not worth such worries. The psychotherapist added that unnecessary purchases may hide attempts to relieve stress and

Tymoshenko spoke about Ukraine standing on its knees in front of Russia and Belarus

Former Prime Minister Tymoshenko: Ukraine is dependent on electricity supplies from Russia and Belarus Yulia Tymoshenko told on the air of the NASH TV channel that Ukraine was brought to its knees, since the country is now more dependent than ever on electricity supplies from Russia and Belarus. “There will be real salvation if Belarus and Russia do not turn off switches for electricity flows, that is, for the supply of electricity to Ukraine. Because we have not pumped gas, coal has not been supplied, everything that is needed for the heating season has not been provided, and this means that we have practically been brought to our knees, “the former prime minister said. According to her, if you disconnect Ukraine from supplies from neighboring states, then the country would not have enough electricity. In addition, she noted that the government itself speaks of emergency flows in the country, and

More than 100 people stayed in a Russian mine on fire

More than 100 people are in the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo Region More than 100 people are in the burning mine in the Kemerovo Region. REN TV. They are trying to evacuate employees of the enterprise. On Thursday, November 25, the Listvyazhnaya mine caught fire. Ten Russians were injured, all of them were poisoned by combustion products. At the moment, doctors are examining another ten people. Nothing is known about the state of the other miners. EMERCOM employees are trying to get people out of the face. In February, a rock collapsed in a mine in Kuzbass. The incident took place at the Yubileinaya enterprise in the Novokuznetsk urban district. At the time of the emergency, 98 people were underground. On January 22, two miners died in a rock collapse in the mine named after S. D. Tikhov in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsk, Kemerovo Region.

The couple quit their job and started making money from intimate photos for time with children.

Parents of two children quit their jobs and started selling erotic videos online children, and began to make money selling intimate photos and videos online. The story of the British is published by the Daily Star. The parents of two young children, Bonnie, 30, and Tommy Slade, 31, said they were tired of working from nine to five every day. An inflexible schedule made it impossible for them to watch their offspring grow. Related Content 00:05 – January 11, 2018 Burning at work“I was doing wonderful things” How to steal millions of dollars and use them to shoot the most expensive gay porn in history Once a couple learned from friends about the existence of the OnlyFans platform and decided to try to upload their erotic photos and videos to it. As income from the sale of content increased, the Slades quit their jobs and devoted themselves entirely to a

The culprit in the rise in caviar prices was found in Russia

President of VARPE Zverev: prices for caviar in Russia are growing due to stocks of raw materials in the Japanese market Prices for caviar in Russia are growing, in particular, against the background of the aggravation of the situation with stocks of raw materials on the international market, including Japan. This reason for the growth in the cost of caviar was found in the All-Russian Association of Fisheries Enterprises and Exporters (VARPE), RBC reports. As noted by the president of the organization, German Zverev, last year's fishing season was unsuccessful, including for Japan, which not only catches salmon , but also imports them (the country is the main caviar market in the world in terms of production). As a result, the volume of stocks of processed caviar in Japanese storage facilities decreased. By September, the volume of stocks turned out to be 40 percent less than last year. In addition,

The gastroenterologist listed the first signs of appendicitis

Gastroenterologist Malygina announced the need for urgent hospitalization for appendicitis “SM-Clinic” Marina Malygina, Izvestia writes. She explained that sometimes the appendix is ​​located in the lower part of the pelvis. In this case, in men, the pain in it will resemble an inflammation of the bladder, and in women – appendages. In some people, the appendix is ​​raised to the right hypochondrium, closer to the liver. The person will feel pain in the area just below the right hypochondrium. If the organ is located behind the cecum, the pain will be felt in the lower back, groin, pelvis and legs. As the specialist explained, pain with appendicitis comes suddenly and is intense. Further, the syndrome can become unbearable and proceeds like colic. Not worth it, she said. “Appendicitis will not go away. On the contrary, dulling or cessation of pain is the basis for immediate hospitalization for appendicitis, ”the doctor

An important protein for infecting cells with coronavirus has been identified

Swedish scientists have determined how coronavirus interacts with human cell proteins CoV-2 takes control of human cells and uses them to replicate itself. The results of the study, published in the journal Nature Communications, will help develop new drugs for the treatment of COVID-19. To infect cells, viruses use peptide motifs that interact with proteins of the cell itself. Motives in this case are relatively short sequences of amino acids that are conserved during evolution. This is due to the fact that mutations in them lead to the inability of the motive to perform an important function, for example, to bind to certain regions of proteins with which the virus must interact. Scientists were able to determine 269 interactions between coronavirus peptides and cell proteins, including specific interaction between the human G3BP1/2 protein and the ΦxFG peptide motif in the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) protein. The connection between G3BP1/2 and ΦxFG