The authority of Winnie the Pooh was suspected in connection with the riot in the Russian colony

A case was opened against the authority of Winnie the Pooh for his high position and a riot in IK-14 of the Khabarovsk Territory In the Khabarovsk Territory, investigators opened a criminal case on a crime boss known as Winnie the Pooh. This was reported by the Telegram channel Baza. According to the investigation, back in 2005, he was noticed and supported by thief in law Kakha Tbilissky. In 2019, Winnie the Pooh became the patron (representative) in the region. The Investigative Committee of Russia suspects that the authority controlled the Khabarovsk maximum security colony No. 14 (IK-14) and was associated with the riot that took place in September 2021. Then, in the course of the conflict between prisoners cooperating with the administration and prisoners living by thieves' concepts, two people died, four were injured. A case was opened on Winnie the Pooh under Article 321 of the Criminal Code

The most popular tourist destinations in the North Caucasus have been named

Sulak canyon and Derbent turned out to be the most popular places in the North Caucasus This is evidenced by the results of a study by the North Caucasus Federal University, TASS reports. “The most visited sights of the region are Sulak canyon, Derbent, Grozny, Elbrus and Fiagdon. As for ski tourism, the Elbrus region, Arkhyz and Dombay are popular, ”the agency reports from the university. The most popular balneological resorts, according to researchers, are Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Essentuki and Zheleznovodsk. These cities were visited by every second tourist who visited the region. Earlier in October, the OneTwoTrip service conducted a survey among its customers and found out what places in the country Russians consider the most unusual for recreation. Topped the list of the most impressive destinations Sulak canyon in Dagestan. Winter Baikal is in second place, Kamchatka volcanoes in third.

The political scientist compared the United States with a decrepit old woman claiming the role of Juliet

Political scientist Ordukhanyan: America is like a decrepit old woman claiming to be Juliet American political scientist Rafael Ordukhanyan ” compared the United States to a decrepit old woman pretending to be Juliet. In his opinion, at present there is an informational third world war and a new world order is being established, which consists in the establishment of superpowers in several aspects: military, political, economic, financial and informational. In his opinion, 20 years ago, the so-called united West and the United States confidently dominated in these areas, but the situation has changed. “America's political influence has diminished, and Russia has come out ahead. The second point is military potential. In very many types of weapons, we already surpass the United States, and this is confirmed by them, so this can hardly be considered a propaganda ploy. If we take the economy, it is difficult for Russia to compete here,

Zhirinovsky spoke in the State Duma on the Rashkin case and left under the shouts of “Shame!”

Zhirinovsky, at a meeting in the State Duma on the Rashkin case, spoke about Morgenstern and the Nazis immunity of the deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin remembered the rapper Morgenstern and the coronavirus pandemic. The session is broadcast on the website of the lower house of parliament. According to Zhirinovsky, the communists raised a generation that “follows the fool Morgenstern.” “What is this? All in tattoos and singing God knows what. It is your fault, your education, ”the politician said. According to him, the communists are to blame for everything that happens in the country and in the world. “The fascists are done away with, and the communists are roaming the entire planet. Your [Karl] Marx said “the ghost of communism is haunting.” Here we need to catch it, pack it and hide it in the same place as the elk killed by our

A large owl settled in the Central Park of Volgograd

An owl was spotted in the Central Park of Culture and Rest of Volgograd A large owl settled in the Central Park of Culture and Rest of Volgograd. This is reported by the portal V1.RU. The bird was noticed in the branches of a ten-meter spruce, which grows near the Ferris wheel. The townspeople said that “the owl sat quietly, not making a single sound, and looked at us so calmly and proudly.” Local residents even managed to photograph him. The director of the park, Andrei Erkin, said that the bird has been living on the territory for several months. “We did not specifically disclose and did not tell about our guest, so that no one would frighten him or offend him. This is not the first time he comes here. We do not offend him, he was not afraid of either machines or workers. A bird of prey lives

Complex heart surgery was performed in Crimea for the first time

Doctors in Crimea for the first time performed transcatheter aortic valve implantation heart – transcatheter aortic valve implantation. This was reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta. The cardiovascular surgeon of the Crimean hospital Gattas Rizk and his colleague from St. Petersburg General Hospital No. 2 Yevgeny Shloydo took part in the operation. The patient was an 84-year-old resident of the republic. “If he were younger, it would be possible to do a classic valve replacement surgery – open with artificial circulation, cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest. But they took into account the patient's age, as well as being overweight – this is the second risk factor for classic open-heart surgery, “Rizk said. According to him, the minimally invasive operation lasted less than an hour and was successful. As noted, previously, Crimean residents in need of such operations had to seek medical help in other regions of Russia. Now they can be operated

A department of assisted reproductive technologies will open in Naro-Fominsk

Women will undergo IVF at the perinatal center in Naro-Fominsk The department of assisted reproductive technologies is preparing to open in the Naro-Fominsk perinatal center. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region. “For certain medical reasons, the doctors of the department will help women become mothers by means of in vitro fertilization and cryotransfer technology – the latest technology that implies the fertilization of their own or donor embryos obtained in the previous IVF cycle, “the message says. The Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region has already purchased and installed 14 pieces of equipment, and also staffed a staff of specialists. The opening of the department is scheduled for December. “In every perinatal center in the Moscow region, there are reproductive health rooms, where families can get an initial consultation with a reproductive specialist and undergo the necessary examinations. IVF

Zakharova spoke about mediation in relations between Armenia and Turkey

Zakharova: Moscow is ready to assist in the normalization of relations between Yerevan and Ankara Official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Russia Maria Zakharova stated that Yerevan turned to Moscow with a request for mediation in the normalization of bilateral relations with Ankara. This was reported by the correspondent. “I can confirm that Armenia applied for assistance in mediation between Yerevan and Ankara. Russia is interested (and has repeatedly spoken about this and even made efforts to this process) in the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations, and our side is ready to further this in every possible way, ”Zakharova said. According to her, the beginning normalization will contribute to “the general improvement of the situation in the region and the formation of an atmosphere of good-neighborliness and trust, which is especially urgent now.” In October, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov held talks with his Iranian counterpart

China predicted an unprecedented housing crisis

Business Insider: China's housing crisis will hit several generations at once generations of residents, Business Insider predicts. The policy of the authorities has led to the development of intra-family lending, and now experts predict bankruptcy for entire families. China is trying to stave off a potential default by one of its biggest developers, Evergrande, which is facing a crisis in the national housing market. At the same time, the share of homeowners in the country is very high – 90 percent of residents have their own homes. 20 percent of them own two or more properties. However, the down payment when buying a home in China is 30-40 percent. At the same time, for additional real estate objects purchased as investments, the initial payment is even higher – 50-60 percent. Chunling Li, a sociologist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in her research that due to the rise