The man lost 24 kilograms in five months and shared his recommendations

The man lost 24 kilograms and helped 500 people lose weight months, became a fitness trainer and helped 500 people lose weight. His success story and recommendations are shared by the Times of India. 28-year-old Rohit Sharma said he was overweight for a long time. He was convinced that the only way to lose weight and get in good shape was with regular training and physical activity. Deciding to change his lifestyle, Sharma revised his diet and began to actively engage in sports. The man ate at least two servings of different vegetables daily and drank a lot of water. He cut back on sugar and processed foods. The Indian trained six days a week, combining cardio and strength exercises, as well as doing cricket and stretching. Before class, he ate foods containing complex carbohydrates and protein, and after class – a meal rich in protein. Related materials 00:00 –

Gunzburg compared immunities from COVID-19 in vaccinated adolescents and adults

Gunzburg: the immunity of a teenager vaccinated with “Sputnik M” is no less than that of an adult Director of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and of microbiology named after Gamaleya Alexander Gintsburg compared immunities from COVID-19 in adolescents vaccinated with “Sputnik M” and vaccinated adults. He told TASS about this. According to him, a teenager is unlikely to have less protection, because the body responds in about the same way. “For the simple reason that the amount of antibodies that our immune system will produce for different amounts of the same amount of antigens will be the same,” explained the head of the center. In addition, he advised 17-year-old adolescents who are not sure whether to get vaccinated now or after the age of majority to get an adult vaccine should not wait and get vaccinated with Sputnik M. On November 24, the Gamaleya National Research Center for

Housing preferences of Russian officials revealed

Point Estate: the area of ​​apartments for officials in Russia can reach thousands of square meters In Moscow, high-ranking officials prefer either small on the “Golden Mile” – in the vicinity of Ostozhenka Street), or specialized houses for diplomats and people of a similar rank – with security and special communications, Roman Amelin, sales director of the Point Estate premium real estate agency, told The area of ​​bureaucratic apartments, as a rule, starts from 200 square meters and can reach thousands of “squares”, the expert revealed the details. Irina Dobrokhotova, the chairman of the board of directors of the BEST-Novostroy company, in turn, said that Russian officials place high demands on the privacy of the residential complex. In addition, when choosing an apartment, officials pay great attention to the social environment – the closest neighbors, the specialist said. In general, in recent years, the preferences of buyers of high-budget

American gay skater explained his love for Russia

American gay skater Weir said that he fell in love with Russia because of the people, culture and language American skater Johnny Weir mentioned people, culture and snow are among the things he likes in Russia. The athlete spoke about this on his Instagram. The athlete also explained his love for the country with its architecture. He recalled that he studied Russian at the university. The American added that the word turtle is his favorite in the language. Weir came out in 2011, publicly declaring that he was gay. The athlete is a three-time US champion, he became the bronze medalist of the world championship. The American retired in 2013. In July 2020, Weir reached out to subscribers in Russian. He thanked the fans from Russia for the birthday greetings.

Named a budget product to improve digestion

Nutritionist Stepnaya: egg yolk helps to improve digestion Nutritionist Irina Stepnaya told what budget product. According to her, this is an egg yolk, RIA Novosti reports. Stepnaya believes that daily consumption of two egg yolks has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and bone strength. She added that they contain a lot of protein, and in order for it to be well absorbed and contribute to weight loss, the yolks need to be added to vegetable, fish or meat casseroles. “If you want to improve digestion and forget about vitamin deficiency, add yolks to the diet,” said the nutritionist. Previously, scientists from the American Northwestern University named the number of eggs dangerous for consumption. Experts noted that as few as three eggs a week can lead to cardiovascular disease and be deadly. This is due to egg yolk, which is very high in cholesterol.

Authorities Reveal Listvyazhnaya Rescue Plan

Governor Tsivilev: rescue work at the Listvyazhnaya mine will resume in three days mine “Listvyazhnaya”. This is reported by TASS. According to him, three branches of the paramilitary mine rescue unit arrived at the scene of the emergency. Now they are preparing to go into the mine to insulate the mine workings. After that, the mine will begin to fill up with methane, and after about three days its level will cease to be explosive (about 20 percent). Only then will a further decision be made on the further work of the rescuers. The commander of the Kemerovo Militarized Mine Rescue Detachment Yuri She, in turn, added that in parallel with the isolation work in the mine workings, rescuers will extinguish possible fires. He clarified that in the late afternoon they would drill a well to the alleged epicenter of the explosion and pump in an inert foam there, which,

Revealed the real situation with warming in the Arctic

Science Advances: The Arctic Ocean has been getting warmer since the beginning of the 20th century several decades earlier than scientists thought. The real situation with warming in the Arctic was revealed by an international group of scientists who reconstructed changes in the temperature of sea water in the Fram Strait between Greenland and Svalbard. The results of the study are published in the journal Science Advances. Researchers analyzed the chemical composition of marine microorganisms and found that the Arctic Ocean began to heat up at the beginning of the last century, when warmer and saltier waters poured out of the Atlantic – this is a phenomenon called atlantification, preceded the warming. Since 1900, ocean temperatures have risen by about two degrees Celsius, while sea ice began to recede and salinity has increased. Atlantization is one of the reasons for the warming of the Arctic, but satellites began to track

Gunzburg said there were no complaints about the forgery of “Sputnik V” in Russia

Alexander Gintsburg: there were no complaints about the forgery of Sputnik V and Sputnik Light in Russia Director of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamaleya Alexander Gintsburg said there were no complaints about the counterfeiting of the Sputnik V and Sputnik Light vaccines in Russia. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. “There were no such cases in Russia,” said Gunzburg. Earlier, he also disclosed the scale of production of these vaccines. According to him, about 85 million kits of the drug are currently produced in Russia. Prior to this, the Russian Ministry of Health registered a coronavirus vaccine for adolescents. Based on the results of clinical studies, the drug for COVID-19 has shown high efficacy and safety.

The number of victims of the accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine increased to 57

TASS: the number of victims of an emergency at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass increased to 57 A source in emergency services said the number of people injured in the Listvyazhnaya mine accident in the Kemerovo Region has increased. This is reported by TASS. According to the interlocutor of the agency, 57 people were injured, including mine rescuers who took part in the search and rescue operation. Previously, the commander of the Kemerovo Militarized Mine Rescue Detachment, Yuri She said that 52 miners and rescuers who were in the Listvyazhnaya mine died due to a lack of oxygen and a high concentration of harmful gases. “In the gaseous atmosphere that has now developed at the emergency site, it is not possible to say that someone survived,” said the rescuer. He explained that people were poisoned by carbon monoxide, which is absorbed through the skin. The incident became known on the