Hungarian Foreign Ministry called the recognition of “Sputnik V” in Europe a political issue

Hungarian Foreign Ministry accused European politicians of hypocrisy regarding the recognition of “Sputnik V” and ideological, said Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Siyjarto, reports RT. He clarified that every time they meet, European politicians say that the Russian vaccine is working well. “But despite all these words, spoken in private, they behave in a completely different way in public,” he stressed. The Minister called Sputnik V effective and admitted that he himself had taken root in it. He accused European politicians of hypocrisy regarding the drug. Siyjarto recalled that the Russian drug was approved in Hungary. This allowed the state to reopen borders and rebuild the economy about two months earlier than other European countries. Hungary became the first country in Europe to approve and register the drug under an accelerated form. The Sputnik V vaccine has shown the best protective efficacy against deaths in Hungary, where, in addition to it,

In Hungary, they spoke about the attempts of Europe to prevent the conflict between Russia and NATO

Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyjarto: no one in Europe wants a conflict between Russia and NATO that in Europe no one wants a conflict between Russia and NATO, every possible attempt is being made to prevent it. The words of the diplomat are quoted by RIA Novosti. “I think, and this is my personal opinion, that no one, even in the western part of Europe, would like such a conflict to start. Therefore, it seems to me that everyone in the West will do everything possible to avoid conflict. I am quite sure of this, “the minister said. Siyjarto added that Hungary, as a NATO member, has a number of obligations that it must fulfill. However, he promised that he would make every effort to prevent a confrontation between the North Atlantic alliance and Russia. The Foreign Minister accused the Western European countries of “enormous hypocrisy”, in particular with regard to

Calling Americans to wear a Biden mask was caught without it in the store

Fox News: US President Biden was caught in a store without a mask despite the sign in the window US President Joe Biden wearing protective masks, caught in the store without her. This is reported by Fox News. Last Saturday, November 27, the head of the White House visited Murray's Toggery store on Nantucket Island. The American leader lowered his personal protective equipment over his chin, despite a sign on the window that instructs visitors to wear a face mask so that it covers their mouth and nose. The Nantucket government, where the President of the United States is now spending holiday weekends on on the occasion of Thanksgiving, at the beginning of the month, the requirement for mandatory wearing of masks was restored. Earlier, the Politico newspaper, citing officials, reported that the US authorities are preparing for new outbreaks of coronavirus due to the discovery of a new omicron

Ukraine appreciated the possibility of the appearance of its own “Vladimir Putin”

Political scientist Zolotarev: there is no person in Ukraine who can rein in the oligarchs .ru “appreciated the possibility of the appearance in Ukraine of his analogue of Vladimir Putin, capable of repelling the oligarchs and restraining them, as well as withdrawing the country from external control. In his opinion, given the current political situation in the country, this is impossible. “Under current conditions, it is not, since the Ukrainian political and business elite is by definition comprador. Even if such a person is found, he will be knocked down on the outskirts, “the political scientist noted. Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba accused Russia of allegedly wanting a” failure “of the Minsk agreements, which would” unleash hands ”and ensured freedom of action. According to him, Ukraine has never violated these agreements, and “there is nothing better than the Minsk agreements.”

An unexpected secret of health and youth was named

American biologist Lee: malnutrition protects the body from disease and aging to a group of scientists. As explained by the American biologist Mitchell B. Lee from the University of Washington, we are talking about the fundamental biological mechanism of regulation of the aging process. Lee studied ketogenic, low-protein and fasting diets, intermittent fasting, and time-limited meals. An unexpected secret to health and youth was named. Lee noted that intermittent fasting has been tested on animals and has shown promising results. The diet that mimics fasting has been the most prolonged diet for rats during the experiments. Scientists believe that during fasting there is an inhibition of the mTOR protein. The study found that fasting, low-carb diets and intermittent fasting can lead to longer, healthier lives. Scientists have yet to study the link between fasting and age-related changes, Lee said. scientists have called nutrition, mental health and exercise the secrets of

People able to speak on the phone with Elizabeth II in person

Scaredoti journalist: Queen Elizabeth II answers the phone calls of two people Journalist Jonathan Scaredoti in an interview with Us Weekly can speak in person by phone with Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. According to him, she only answers calls from two contacts. So, the head of the British monarchy is talking on a cell phone with his daughter, Princess Anne, and personal race manager John Warren, who is also the son-in-law of a close friend of the Queen. “She also apparently has a mobile phone that is said to be a Samsung model and is equipped with MI6 anti-hacker encryption so that no one can hack her phone,” Scaredoti said. p> He also suggested that Elizabeth II has an account on the social network Facebook, which has long been rumored. The journalist marveled at the 95-year-old queen's embrace of modern technology and recalled that in the midst of

Residents of Germany vaccinated against COVID-19 with a homemade vaccine

In Germany, an entrepreneur vaccinated people against COVID-19 with a homemade vaccine German law enforcement officers stopped vaccination near Lübeck airport (Schleswig-Holstein in Germany), in which local residents were allegedly inoculated with an unapproved vaccine. This is reported in a statement by the Lubeck police department, RIA Novosti reports. According to local media reports, Lubeck airport belongs to the doctor and entrepreneur Winfried Stecker, who offered a homemade vaccine against COVID-19. Police said law enforcement officials found about 80 people in front of the small airport, with the number increasing over time. As a result, it was established that “vaccination is carried out with a drug that, apparently, is not approved for use.” Vaccinations were made in an office space specially prepared for this purpose. It is assumed that about 50 people still managed to get vaccinated before law enforcement officers stopped what was happening. On the eve, on November

Ilona Mask named the most popular foreigner in Russia

WP: American millionaire Elon Musk is one of the most popular foreigners in Russia foreigners in Russia. The Washington Post writes about this. “Musk is a rare figure that enjoys almost universal popularity in a country that is not easy to impress, especially to outsiders. But why? Some say that the reason is his adventures in space exploration, this topic for Russians is associated with nostalgia for Soviet times, “the article says. The newspaper reported that in early 2021 the head of Tesla and SpaceX proposed President of Russia Vladimir Putin to talk on the voice social network Clubhouse, mentioning in the publication the official account of the Kremlin. Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for the Russian leader, did not rule out the possibility of such a meeting, but added that negotiations on this are not yet underway. WP quoted Peskov as saying that the head of state is showing great interest

The conditions for the Ukrainian fleet to compete with the Russian

Military expert Zhilin: The Ukrainian Navy will not be able to compete with the Black Sea Fleet the state of the Ukrainian fleet and named the conditions under which the Ukrainian Navy will be able to compete with the Russian Black Sea Fleet. The specialist stressed that Russian sailors have recently acquired high-speed vessels capable of withstanding the Ukrainian “mosquito fleet”. According to him, in the naval sphere it is almost impossible for Kiev to catch up with Moscow. “As for the confrontation at sea, Ukraine is very far from the conditions that could compete with the Russian fleet. In order to keep the fleet in a good condition, you need a lot of money, funds, development, science, engineers, universities and vocational schools. Ukraine has none of this, “the expert said. He added that the Kiev authorities are trying to pass off wishful thinking. According to Zhilin, the Ukrainian infantry