An unexpected consequence of the appearance of the omicron-strain of coronavirus revealed

Economic Times: Diamonds have risen by ten percent due to the spread of the omicron strain The Indian Economic Times reported that the new omicron strain of the coronavirus has had unexpected consequences for the world economy – rough diamonds have risen in price by an average of five to ten percent. The newspaper's reporters revealed that supply problems began in South Africa and Botswana, both of which have large deposits. These two states are home to some of the largest mines of De Beers, the largest diamond mining company in the world. The rise in the cost of raw materials has prompted Indian diamond producers to spend their reserves more moderately, as they will have to purchase the necessary materials at a higher price in the near future. Gems and jewelry are India's second largest export commodity. The share of diamonds in this volume is over 63 percent. 14

It became known the number of Russians willing to pay for video content on the Internet

Viber: 70 percent of Russians prefer to watch free video content on the Internet The vast majority of Russians are not ready to pay for video content on the Internet. This data was shared with by Viber, whose analysts conducted a joint survey with the RuTube platform. In particular, it became known that about 70 percent of respondents prefer to watch free content. Only 14 percent of Russians are ready to support video producers if the video is of high quality. At the same time, only every fiftieth resident of the country (two percent) said that any work should be paid, regardless of quality. Experts from Viber and RuTube also found out what part of Russians are interested in the work of video bloggers. Only every fifth resident of the country (20 percent) pays no attention to such content. The overwhelming majority of Russians (60 percent) choose content in

The Russian movement of schoolchildren honored the memory of the feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

Activists of the Russian movement of schoolchildren paid tribute to the memory of the feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya Activists of the Russian movement of schoolchildren across the country held commemorative events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the feat of the first woman awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) during the Great Patriotic War, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Lessons of memory and courage were held in many schools in Russia. Actions took place in the Tambov region, where she was born, and in the village of Petrishchevo, Moscow region, where her life ended. Acting Head of the Tambov Region Administration Maxim Yegorov held a thematic historical hour for schoolchildren. He recalled the contribution of the region to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The region was the main supplier of food to the front. In addition, Yegorov spoke about the feat of his relatives. His grandmother was

Political scientist spoke about Lukashenka's actions in case of war in Donbass

Political scientist Bolkunets called Lukashenko a beneficiary of the war in Donbass In a conversation with, he said that, according to some information, Minsk supplies fuel, spare parts and weapon systems to both sides of the conflict, preventing the confrontation from ending. Lukashenko said that in the event of a war in Donbass Belarus will not stand aside, and hinted that with such an outcome, the state would side with Russia. Bolkunets is sure that the first thing the head of Belarus will do in this case is to flee the country. The self-proclaimed Russian president is going to war “I would like to note that Lukashenka held a meeting with servicemen in military uniform. At the same time, in his speech, he several times spoke from the position of the president of Russia, trying on the role of the commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces. However, for him

Lukashenka came to the Ministry of Defense with non-standard shoulder straps

President of Belarus Lukashenko held a meeting at the Ministry of Defense in military uniform non-standard shoulder straps – not stars are placed on them, like all military personnel, but a coat of arms. The video recording of the meeting was published on the Telegram channel “Pool of the First”. Lukashenko regularly appears in public in uniform with special shoulder straps. So, in June 2021, he arrived in the same uniform in the Mogilev region, and at the Victory parade on May 9, 2020, he appeared surrounded by the military with gilded shoulder straps. As noted in 2004, “Independent Military Review” , Lukashenka wore a military uniform to work meetings back in the early 2000s. “The shoulder straps of the Belarusian commander-in-chief have no stars, but with large coats of arms in the middle (just a marshal or generalissimo!); this year the coats of arms are slightly shifted from the

Reztsova appreciated the exclusion of the biathlete who forgot the stick from the Russian national team

Reztsova: Garanichev and Eliseev were rightly expelled from the national team for the World Cup biathlon at the second stage of the World Cup in Östersund, Sweden is fair. This is what happened in an interview with a correspondent, assessed by the three-time Olympic winner Anfisa Reztsova. According to her, both athletes are now not at the level required to compete in the main team. She added that she does not know what result Garanichev and Eliseev will show in the Cup of the International Biathlon Union (IBU). Reztsova also found it difficult to explain how Garanichev could have forgotten the sticks before the start of the sprint. “It's just impossible,” said the athlete. Earlier on Monday, November 29, Garanichev and Eliseev were transferred to the second squad of the Russian national team, which will play at the IBU Cup in Norway. In the main team, they were replaced

Trichologist told about the timing of hair loss after COVID-19

Trichologist Gallyamova: hair restoration after COVID-19 lasts at least 6 months about how long hair falls out after suffering COVID-19. “Hair restoration takes a long time – at least six months, but active hair loss occurs within one to two months,” the doctor said. p> Gallyamova noted that there is no prevention of hair loss in the case of postcoid syndrome. “This is reactive hair loss that occurs either in response to inflammation, or to medications, or to high fever. Of course, there is no prevention, it depends on the reactivity of your body, and, in particular, on the reactivity of the hair follicle. ” and not save on your health, but consult a doctor. “Firstly, people do not understand what is offered in pharmacies, and secondly, these are cosmetic products, not medicinal ones, respectively, their effectiveness is much lower, and, in principle, you will spend more money than on

MMA fighter delighted fans with a new photo in a translucent dress

MMA fighter Valerie Loreda posted a candid photo in a translucent dress candid shots. The post is available on the athlete's Instagram. Loreda posted a series of photos in which she appeared in a translucent outfit. The girl posed in a black mini-dress with rhinestones. In 16 hours, the publication received more than 74 thousand likes. “Beautiful and sexy”, “She is beautiful, I even forgot that she is a dangerous fighter”, “Only you can look so good in such an outfit,” admired the fans in the comments. Loreda regularly publishes candid pictures … The American is considered one of the sex symbols of MMA. She has 879 thousand followers on Instagram. Previously, the American starred in a costume on Halloween in the form of a killer nurse. The publication has received more than 138 thousand likes.

Russian pensioner complained about perennial floods in her apartment

The apartment of a pensioner in the south of Sakhalin has been flooded with water for six years in bad weather from constant floods. In 2020, the house underwent major repairs, but the apartment still continued to be flooded with water in bad weather, writes RIA Sakhalin-Kurily. A woman lives on the fourth floor of an apartment building and believes that water comes to her from above – first it floods the empty room on the floor above, and then flows down the walls. The pensioner noted that six years ago, due to a strong storm, a neighbor's balcony was completely demolished – now he does not live in the apartment, and water continues to flow into her home. With a long-term problem, the woman has repeatedly complained to the city prosecutor's office, the Korsakov mayor's office and the regional capital repair fund, but the situation has not been corrected.