Russians began to cut trees illegally due to coal shortage

A shortage of coal began in the Altai Territory A shortage of coal began in the Altai Territory due to an increase in its exports to China and a sharp rise in the cost of fuel transportation by rail (50-60 percent on average). Investigators have begun checking, according to the website of the regional office of the UK. “With the onset of the cold season, citizens are forced to illegally cut wood so as not to freeze in their homes. In addition, the increased prices for fuel do not allow the socially unprotected category of citizens to purchase it, “the report says. Problems with coal supplies occurred due to a sharp rise in prices in the Kemerovo region – by an average of 60 percent. Residents of the villages are forced to spend the night in other people's houses, so as not to freeze, writes “”. Russians did not face

Putin spoke about a new hypersonic missile

Putin: the flight time of the new hypersonic missile for ordering parties will be five minutes Mach numbers, said President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Russia Calling! forum. RIA Novosti broadcasts the speech of the head of state. “We have now tested it successfully, and from the beginning of the year we will have a new sea-based hypersonic missile in service. Nine swings. The flight time will also be five minutes for those who give orders, “the president said in a statement to Interfax. Earlier in November, at a meeting on defense issues in Sochi, Putin said that in 2022 the Russian Armed Forces will begin to receive Zircon hypersonic missiles.

Channing Tatum Returns To Stripper In Super Mike Sequel

HBO Max will release the third part of the Super Mike franchise American actor, producer and dancer Channing Tatum will return to stripper role “Super Mike”. This is reported by Deadline. The third part of the franchise will be called “Super Mike: The Last Dance” and will be released on streaming service. It will be directed by Steven Soderbergh, who directed the first film, which came out in 2012. The premiere date of the third part has not yet been announced. “Is there anyone on screen more charismatic and attractive than Mike? We are thrilled to be back to collaborate with Channing, Stephen and their creative team to bring back the wonderful combination of dance, drama, romance and humor, ”commented the chairman of Warner Bros. Pictures Group Toby Emmerich. Super Mike is about the friendship of Florida strippers. The film is based in part on a true story: the leading

The Minister of Tourism of Crimea was outraged by the sight of three-star hotels in the region

The Minister of Tourism of Crimea showed the hotels of the peninsula and was outraged by their appearance indignant at their terrible appearance. He posted the pictures on his Facebook page. The footage shows several Crimean hotels with dirty mattresses, torn wallpaper and moldy showers. “There are facts, and it's a shame, but the anger parses more, how our pseudo-experts and would-be classifiers hung three stars on these objects ?! How much does it cost to be so blind? ” – wrote Volchenko and noted that the regional authorities no longer intend to hide their heads in the sand. In addition, the head of the department added that the fraudulent classifiers face administrative liability. “The most unpleasant thing is the negative emotions of our guests and the loss of the image of the entire region,” he concluded. Earlier in November, Volchenko revealed a site for a new ski resort in

Virologist assessed the decision of the British Ministry of Health to halve the revaccination period

Altstein called the decision of the British Ministry of Health to halve the revaccination period by half to shorten the revaccination period from six to three months is at least strange if it is based only on the emergence of the omicron strain. The Russian scientist shared his opinion in an interview with Earlier, the British Ministry of Health decided to reduce the period of revaccination against COVID-19 from six to three months. The head of the Ministry of Health Sajid Javid announced this on his Twitter account. Javid said that he accepted the JCVI's recommendation to halve the interval between the main course of immunization against coronavirus and revaccination. Also, according to the committee's advice, the Ministry of Health will offer additional booster doses to all citizens over 18 years old and a second injection of the drug for children from 12 to 15 years old. It's all

SVR accuses US and UK of fanning hysteria at a meeting in Kiev

SVR: The US and Great Britain tried to sow panic at the meeting in Ukraine Ukraine in mid-November. This was stated in the press bureau of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). “The emissaries of Washington and London tried to sow panic, continuing to manipulate false information about the impending full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent Russian occupation of Ukrainian territory. They insistently demanded that the EU countries show a solidarity approach. In the interpretation of the American and the British, this is the only way to save the Russophobic Kiev regime, “the SVR said. It is noted that at a meeting in Kiev, the EU states called for assistance to Ukraine in providing energy from alternative sources. “Washington and London tried to impose on the European Union costly responsibilities to preserve the viability of the Ukrainian economy in the face of unprecedented corruption in this country,” the

The rarest coin worth 25 million rubles was found in a candy jar

The rarest American shilling was sold at auction for 25 million rubles million rubles). This is reported by the Associated Press. Related materials00: 03 – February 21, 2020 Bloody treasures The biggest treasure in history killed dozens of people … But they are still looking for him 00:01 – March 29, 2018 “I will not stop until I dig it up” A huge treasure from an old legend has been hunted for a century and a half. Seems not in vain Briton Wentworth Beaumont found hundreds of old coins in a candy can, which was kept in a family mansion in England. In one of them, experts recognized a perfectly preserved silver shilling minted in Boston in 1652 – one of the first coins issued in colonial America. Also in the bank were two continental dollars of 1776 and a bronze medal Libertas Americana, made in 1781 in memory of

The State Duma responded to Rashkin's claim

Deputy Arshba: the State Duma Commission on Ethics will familiarize itself with Rashkin's claim next week deprived of immunity, ex-Communist Party deputy Valery Rashkin. This was stated to Gazeta.Ru by the chairman of the commission, Otari Arshba. At the same time, Arshba noted that the ethics commission is not obliged to admit lawyers to its meetings, which Rashkin insisted on. “This is a commission meeting, not a court hearing. He applied in writing, we answered him in writing. This is the first thing. And secondly, I am now at the regional week, like the entire commission, all colleagues. When we return next week, then we will familiarize ourselves with the claim and we will sort it out, “the publication quotes. Arshba also said that, in his opinion, the meeting of the commission passed without any complaints. Rashkin filed a lawsuit against the State Duma and Arshba with the Tverskoy District

Lavrov announced the transfer of NATO military equipment to Russian borders

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: NATO units and equipment are being transferred to the Russian borders NATO units and military equipment are being transferred to the Russian borders. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, RIA Novosti reports. According to the Russian Foreign Minister, in Ukraine, forces and means are accumulating in the contact line zone in Donbass with the support of an increasing number of Western instructors. Earlier, Sergei Lavrov accused Western partners of provoking Ukraine to anti-Russian actions. He noted that the involvement of Russia and other post-Soviet countries in NATO is “the clearest example of this.” The diplomat pointed out that the Russian side is reproached for the conduct of exercises by the Armed Forces on their territory by those countries that are pulling together troops and military equipment in huge quantities from overseas to the Russian borders.

Putin described the ideal world

Russian President Putin said he dreams of a world with environmentally friendly transport Russian President Vladimir Putin described his version of an ideal world with environmentally friendly transport correct disposal of products. The head of state shared his opinion during a plenary session at the Russia Calling! Forum, the broadcast is available on YouTube. VTB Bank CEO Andrei Kostin asked Putin to comment on the research on compliance with the Paris agreements on carbon dioxide emissions. According to research, a person in the future will need to give up beer and meat, and they will only be able to wash three times a week for eight minutes. “I would like to live in a world in which personal hygiene products are not would be harmful to the environment. If we flew on airplanes that would not pollute the atmosphere. If we use any food products, so that they are obtained