In the Netherlands, reported earlier cases of infection with the omicron strain

In the Netherlands, an omicron strain was detected in samples collected before the first known case the first known case of this variant of the coronavirus in the country. This was reported at the Netherlands' National Institute of Health. Related materials 17: 19 – 27 November A new strain of coronavirus has arrived in Europe from Africa. What is known about the omicron and how dangerous is it? 00:01 – September 8 drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? A new strain of COVID-19 was found in samples taken on November 19 and 23. Researchers have not yet established whether there were people who took the tests in South Africa. The institute has already transmitted information to the local authorities of the regions where the infected live in order to track their recent contacts. It was believed that the first infected with the omicron strain arrived in

In Russia, a three-year-old child was crushed to death by a TV

In Tyumen, a boy died because of a TV falling on him In Tyumen, a three-year-old boy was crushed to death by an old heavy TV. Komsomolskaya Pravda writes about the incident. The child's mother went away on business and left her son alone at home, at which time a TV fell on him. Returning home, the woman tried to resuscitate her son on her own and called an ambulance. However, the doctors were unable to save the child. “The doctors performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation. For more than half an hour they fought for the patient's life, but, unfortunately, they failed to save the boy, “the press service of the city's health department reported. bus. The bus was leaving the stop, and the driver did not notice that not all the passengers had time to get off – a child was caught in the doorway. They tried to pull the girl

Russian deadly “Marker” crossed the river

NPO Android Technology: the Marker robot overcame a ford more than 0.8 meters deep Russian promising combat robot Marker , called deadly, during the tests demonstrated the possibility of forcing the river, told RIA Novosti the executive director of the research and production association (NPO) “Android Technics” Evgeny Dudorov. “As part of the acceptance tests of the platform “Marker”, the robot confirmed the declared characteristics of overcoming obstacles, including overcoming a ford with a depth of more than 0.8 meters, “said the candidate of technical sciences. In October, the NGO noted that the main advantage of the” Marker “is high speed of rotation of the payload module (up to 400 degrees per second) and positioning accuracy. The robotic platform “Marker” is a joint project of the FPI and the research and production association “Android Technician a “, which developed the product Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research (FEDOR), which flew to

Former model complained about regular rape at work

Fashion model Nikki Dubose reveals brutal working conditions in the modeling industry industry. The interview, which appeared on the YouTube channel Real Women/Real Stories, drew the attention of the Daily Mail. The 36-year-old American admitted that the director of an undisclosed modeling agency regularly sexually abused her in exchange for cooperation with well-known brands. “When he raped me, there was a lot of work, but if I refused, I sat for a long time without any filming or screenings,” the woman complained. In addition, Duboz remembered that one of the workers At the meeting, the photographer put drugs in her drink and then raped her, taking advantage of her condition. According to the woman, after the incident, she felt traumatized and overwhelmed. The model also said that working in the fashion industry caused her physical and mental health problems. The heroine of the material developed eating disorders, anorexia and body

Oil prices have collapsed

Brent crude fell below $ 70 for the first time since August 23 Brent crude fell below $ 70 for the first time since August 23, according to stock exchange data. During trading on Tuesday, November 30, the price of a barrel of Brent fell to 69.71 dollars (down 4.79 percent compared to the close of the previous trading session). WTI crude oil fell to $ 66.53 (down 4.89 percent).

Zelensky appoints new head of counterintelligence department of SBU

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has appointed Oleksandr Poklad as head of the counterintelligence department President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has appointed a new head of the counterintelligence department of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). The decree was published on the website of the head of state. The post was taken by Alexander Poklad. According to, he was the head of the fifth directorate of the counterintelligence department and led a special operation to arrest Major General of the SBU Valery Shaitanov, suspected of working for Russia. The previous head of the SBU counterintelligence department was fired the day before. On November 26, the President of Ukraine said at a press conference that the ex-head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Vasily Burba proposed a special operation to detain the fighters of the Russian private military company (PMC) Wagner after Zelensky himself decided to fire him.

The demographer considers the problem of the next decade, which Putin has named, is unsolvable

Demographer Denisov: the problem of demography in Russia is insoluble “Called the demographic problem in Russia insoluble. ” It is insoluble, especially by Putin. This is just an objective state of affairs, it does not depend on politics. COVID-19 must be overcome, and then we will see. A lot of people died from him: from a million to 300 thousand, the estimate in 2022 is predicted, “Denisov believes. Earlier, President Vladimir Putin admitted that the demographic problem of Russia does not allow him to sleep at night, and he considers it to be the main one for the country for the next decade. He recalled that there were two natural declines in demographic development in Russia: during the Great Patriotic War and after the collapse of the Soviet Union. According to the head of state, Russia “managed to get this stone off the ground” and “we know how to do

The EC recognized the impossibility of preventing the spread of the omicron strain

EC representative: measures taken against the omicron strain are aimed at containing the virus only for the longest possible containment of the new variant of COVID-19. This was stated by the spokesman for the press service of the European Commission (EC) Eric Mamer, RIA Novosti reports. Related materials17: 19 – 27 November A new strain of coronavirus has come to Europe from Africa. What is known about the omicron and how dangerous is it? 00:01 – September 8 ” Lack of vaccines is a shame. ”The acute phase of a pandemic could drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? health care and our vaccine suppliers time to adapt, “the European Commission admitted. Earlier, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for strengthening control over the spread of the omicron strain in order not to allow the world to” close “and again interrupt economic interaction. “I urge the governments

Usyk spoke about the hardest workout in his life

Ukrainian boxer Alexander Usik: swam 10 kilometers before the 2012 Games without stopping Ukrainian heavyweight boxer Alexander Usik remembered how once during a training he swam in the pool for 10 kilometers without stopping. The athlete's story leads the Instagram account LuckyPunch. According to the Ukrainian, this happened during preparations for the 2012 Olympics in London and became the hardest workout in his life. Usyk noted that he covered the distance in five hours and three minutes. “Then I got stormy for two days. I didn’t drive, ”the boxer said. Usyk also noted that the feeling that the swim continues, did not leave him for some time, even while eating. On September 26, Usyk by unanimous decision defeated Briton Anthony Joshua and became the world champion according to the versions of the World Boxing Association (WBA ), The International Boxing Federation (IBF), the World Boxing Organization (WBO) and the International

Lavrov warned the Ukrainian authorities against repeating the fate of Saakashvili

Foreign Minister Lavrov: I hope Kiev will not follow Saakashvili's path in 2008 Ukrainian authorities have received a warning from the Minister Russia by Sergei Lavrov. Lavrov hoped that the political elites in Kiev would not repeat the fate of former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. The minister's words are reported by TASS. “I hope that even the current Kiev regime will not follow the path of Mikhail Saakashvili in August 2008,” Lavrov said. According to Lavrov, the Georgian president in 2008 “instantly became agitated” after the intention to admit Ukraine and Georgia into the alliance was included in the NATO summit declaration. The minister suggests that this became one of the reasons for the start of Georgia's military aggression against its own citizens and Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia in August 2008. Related materials00: 01 – November 4 He played for high stakes. Saakashvili secretly made his way to Georgia