The Russian foreign Ministry called false reports in the British media about the supply of petroleum products to the Taliban

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Roman Canasuc/TASS MOSCOW, October 16. /TASS/. Message the British media about the supply of Russian oil to the Taliban – fakes, which are aimed at diverting international community’s attention from the failures of the power politics of NATO in Afghanistan. On Monday said the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation.

The majority of Russians were not ready for a female President

The majority of Russians were not ready for a female President 16% voted against the participation of women in elections of the head of state. Moscow. 16 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the Majority of Russians (71%) support the participation of women in politics, 24% oppose it, reported “Interfax” in the “Levada-Center”. According to sociologists, 60% of Russians would like, that in Russia, women held senior government positions equally with men. The opposite position is held by 31% of respondents. Undecided 8% of respondents held 15-19 September among 1,600 people aged 18 years and older in 137 localities of the 48 regions of the Russian Federation. Answering the question who of contemporary Russian women-politicians, statesmen and public figures could lead Russia, 32% said that such women in the country. Another 16% were against women’s participation in the presidential elections. In addition, 39% of Russians could not name a female politician who could

Shoigu announced the imminent completion of the operation in Syria

Shoigu announced the imminent completion of the operation in Syria Moscow. 16 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the Operation in Syria is coming to a close, there are several issues that require urgent solutions, said the Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on Monday during the meeting with the defense Minister of Israel Avigdor Lieberman. “We would like to discuss everything to do with Syria. Operation there is nearing completion. There are a few points which require immediate decisions and require a discussion of prospects for further development of the situation in Syria,” — said Shoigu. He noted that issues have a lot today will be discussed. “In addition to the issues of our military and military-technical cooperation, of course, the main issue is associated with the fight against terrorism and the situation in the region”, — said Shoigu. About the imminent end of the war in Syria, Sergei Shoigu reported to the

Trump has expressed the hope that the participation of Hillary Clinton in the election in 2020

Trump has expressed the hope that the participation of Hillary Clinton in the election in 2020 Moscow. 16 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump said that he would like to see his former rival in the presidential election to Hillary Clinton in the next presidential race. “I was recently asked if a crook Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2020. I replied, “I Hope!”, — wrote the American President on Twitter. Earlier, Clinton stated that intention to participate in presidential elections. In the fall of 2016 US presidential election Republican candidate, trump has emerged victorious in the race was also attended by the democratic candidate, Clinton.

Baghdad failed to peacefully return to Kirkuk

Baghdad failed to peacefully return to Kirkuk Authorities are claiming the independence of Iraqi Kurdistan this morning said that government forces launched a military operation in the Kirkuk area. According to the position of Erbil, after the referendum on independence for the region this city should belong to them. However, to yield to his Baghdad is not going to. In the first place because of huge oil and multinational population, which constitute of not only the Kurds but also the Arabs and the Turkomans. Also last night Baghdad to maintain hope for a peaceful solution of the problem: there was a speech even about “cooperation between government forces and troops of the Peshmerga”. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий The security Council of Iraqi Kurdistan, where on 25 September held a referendum on independence, said that detachments of the Peshmerga (Kurdish armed forces) destroyed at least five jeeps Humvee that government forces have used for

Putin has imposed sanctions against the DPRK

Putin has imposed sanctions against the DPRK Moscow. 16 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree providing for sanctions against North Korea in response to the missile and nuclear tests. The decree, published on the official portal of legal information, signed in connection with the adoption of UN security Council resolution 2321 31 November 2016. It shall enter into force from the day of its signing. In accordance with the adopted resolution, in order to prevent development and resource provision of prohibited programs, the DPRK has imposed additional international sanctions restricting cooperation with this country in the military-technical, trading-economic, financial, transport and education sectors. The decree complements a number of provisions, including a list of individuals and entities associated with the DPRK’s nuclear programme or its ballistic missile programme, are subject to restrictions. Metals, banks, helicopters and equipment According to the explanatory note to the draft decree,

Should Russia be afraid of “instant global strike” is the United States?

Should Russia be afraid of “instant global strike” is the United States? In the Russian defense Ministry said that the Pentagon began to establish a strategic system of “instant global strike,” which strikes will allow you to hit targets more effectively than nuclear weapons. Fears last week was expressed by the representative of the defense Ministry Alexander Emelyanov, the Russian-Chinese briefing ABOUT the UN. According to him, “unlimited deployment of U.S. missile defense system is a serious challenge to global security, the incentive for an arms race and a threat to all mankind.” But it is possible that the Russian defense Ministry is exaggerating the readiness of States to implement this programme, says the co-Director of the Nuclear policy program of the Carnegie endowment’s James Acton. In an interview with the Russian service Bi-bi-si, he said that the United States has still not made a decision about whether they want

Zakharova: the law on education in Ukraine was a revelation for EU countries

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, October 16. /TASS/. The Ukrainian law on education was an unexpected opening to EU countries, which contributed to Ukraine’s European integration. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in an interview to TV channel Ren TV.

Israel bombed Syrian air defense battery near Damascus

Israel bombed Syrian air defense battery near Damascus The Israeli air force bombed the air defense battery of the Syrian government forces near Damascus. As explained in the IDF, the strike was a response to rocket fire reconnaissance aircraft Israel. Aircraft of the Israeli air force destroyed the air defense battery of the Syrian army East of Damascus, reported Haaretz, citing the press service of the IDF. All were dropped four bombs, the battery is fully destroyed, said the command of the Israel defense forces (IDF). The strike was a response to rocket fire this battery, an Israeli reconnaissance aircraft. Armed Syrian batteries were anti-aircraft missile systems s-200 Russian production (according to NATO classification as the SA-5). “The Syrian regime is responsible for any attacks from its territory. We consider this incident as a clear provocation and will not allow that. If the answer to any military activity will be