Coal and accordions: what to sell Russia and North Korea

Coal and accordions: what to sell Russia and North Korea Moscow this week joined the sanctions against North Korea, approved by UN security Council in November last year. But the main share of Russian exports go to products, the peaceful purpose of which is UN questioned. Monday, October 16, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree toughening sanctions against the DPRK. They may affect only about 1% of current Russian exports to the country, estimated by the Russian service Bi-bi-si. In the decree of Putin listed measures to implement resolution of the UN security Council of 30 November 2016. This document introduces new sanctions against North Korea. Since then, the UN security Council adopted two resolutions, worsens the situation of the DPRK. Russia also approved, but special decrees based on them, Putin has not yet signed. Against plutonium and porcelain Sanctions were concerned primarily with trade, scientific, technical and financial

Pamfilova spoke about the role of the CEC in the resignations of governors

Pamfilova spoke about the role of the CEC in the resignations of governors According to the head of the Central election Commission, some taken from the posts of heads of regions used administrative resources in the elections. Moscow. 17 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Chairman of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova said that “had a hand” to held in September-October rotation of governors of the Russian regions. “I believe that in many regions I, too, had a hand. In some regions we tracked violations and for the first campaign and the second (the single voting day 2016 and 2017). This dimension we presented to the President, I complained of some governors said that they used administrative resource,” — said Pamfilova at the world festival of youth and students. She noted that the Parliament passed the changes as left “a number of people with whom it was difficult,

Trump has lost 600 million dollars per year of his presidency

Trump has lost 600 million dollars per year of his presidency The American magazine Forbes published a new list of the 400 richest Americans in 2017. The main loser of the new rating became the acting President of the United States Donald trump. For the year his condition has collapsed to 600 million and amounted to $ 3.1 billion. With this figure, the President is the 248th place in the ranking. The richest American again named Microsoft founder bill gates. For the year his condition has increased by 8 billion and reached 89 billion, in the second place the founder of Internet giant Amazon and the aerospace company Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos, he increased his fortune in 2017 14.5 billion. Closes the top three investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett, whose fortune grew by 12.5 billion and reached 78 billion dollars. In the top 5 ranking also includes

Syrian Kurds announced the complete liberation of Raqqa from ISIS

Syrian Kurds announced the complete liberation of Raqqa from ISIS Kurdish troops occupied in raqqa last building remained under the control of militants IG. The operation to liberate “the capital of ISIS” lasted more than four months. The U.S. claim that only released 90% of the city. Syrian Kurds announced on October 17 the capture of Raqqa, under the control of prohibited in Russia, ISIS (Islamic state) in 2014. First of the complete liberation of Raqqa said the Syrian monitoring centre for human rights (SOHR), soon information was confirmed by Talal Silo, a spokesman of the opposition to the Assad regime “of the Democratic forces of Syria” (SDF; there are groups of Kurds and the Syrian moderate opposition). According to him, the city has 99% cleared of militants, Kurdish proceed to clean up the area around the hospital “from the remaining mines and the remnants of the militants”. The last

The Prosecutor General’s office admitted 11 foreign organizations in Russia undesirable

The Prosecutor General’s office admitted 11 foreign organizations in Russia undesirable MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. The state office of public Prosecutor of Russia declared undesirable on the territory of Russia 11 foreign organizations willing to continue this work, said the Deputy chief of Department on supervision of execution of laws on Federal security, interethnic relations and countering extremism and terrorism of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Alexei Jafarov. “Today… the Deputy Prosecutor General made a decision on the recognition of the undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation activities of 11 foreign organizations such as the national endowment for democracy, the open society foundations, the American-Russian Fund on economic and legal development, national democratic Institute for international Affairs, the international Republican Institute and several others. We are ready to continue working in this direction,” said Jafarov at the meeting of the HRC “Public participation in

The interior Ministry announced cuts in the Department for combating extremism

The interior Ministry announced cuts in the Department for combating extremism Deputy head of the Department for combating extremism of the interior Ministry Vladimir Makarov announced future reductions in the structure. According to him, now in units of the centre are carried out “checks”. About imminent reductions in the Main Department for combating extremism (center e) Ministry of internal Affairs on the meeting of the presidential Council on human rights (HRC), said the Deputy head of this structure Vladimir Makarov. The meeting was devoted to the problem of terrorism and extremism. “We work honestly, we are not corrupt than Quebec (the Main Directorate of economic security and combating corruption of the interior Ministry — RBC). The guys are very enthusiastic, actually. And here on this background, we now decided to cut. This is the opinion of certain comrades,” — said Makarov did not specify whom he meant by “the comrades”.

Labor Minister promised to “only increase” of pensions in Russia

Labor Minister promised to “only increase” of pensions in Russia The Minister of labour and social protection RF Maxim Topilin denied the reduction of pensions in the next three years is 2.7%. According to him, the pension in Russia will only grow. “The reduction of pensions is not, we only have the growth of pensions”, — said Topilin RNS. In a press-service of the Ministry of labour RNS said that talking about the reduction of pensions is not quite correct. It is necessary to consider separately the pensions of unemployed and working pensioners. The decline in real medium size insurance pensions connected with the decisions of deindexation insurance pensions to working pensioners. While pensions of non-working citizens are growing at a faster pace than inflation.The Ministry of labor The Chairman of the accounts chamber Tatyana Golikova at a meeting of the Committee on budget and taxes, which considered the draft

Medvedev urged to jump into the digital world to artificial intelligence

Medvedev urged to jump into the digital world to artificial intelligence Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, speaking at the forum “Open innovations” in Technopark “SKOLKOVO”, has urged foreign partners to hasten the creation of a common “digital world” or artificial intelligence will do it myself. “Governments worldwide need to hurry until the power came artificial superintelligence and not changed for all of us bodies, and pressed the “delete” button in order to reset our brains — said the Prime Minister, summing up the discussions at the plenary meeting of the forum. — We may still be able to do something in order to establish the atmosphere of trust, which just said (Prime Minister) of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel”. “Our goal, really, to join forces to make the leap of mankind into the digital world was still well prepared. And I’m sure we can do this. It is because today we

Pushkov: the EU’s position is the conflict in the Donbas to freezing

The Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on information policy and interaction with mass media Alexei Pushkov © Andrei Makhonin/TASS MOSCOW, October 17. /TASS/. Occupied EU position leads to freezing the conflict in Donbass, it is committed to and Kiev. This was stated on Tuesday by the Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on information policy and interaction with mass media of Russia Alexei Pushkov at a round table in TASS.

The interior Ministry has proposed to punish teachers for the participation of children in protests

The interior Ministry has proposed to punish teachers for the participation of children in protests The interior Ministry said that to counter extremism in Russia, the need to legislate the responsibility of parents and teachers, children and students who participate in the protests. The head of the Main Department for combating extremism of the interior Ministry Timur Valiulin proposed to strengthen the responsibility of parents and teachers of adolescents who participate in an inconsistent political actions. Such a statement he made during a meeting of the Council on human rights under the President of Russia, reports RBC. “The important issue is the participation of youth in inconsistent rallies. The percentage of young people participating in unauthorized protest actions grows. The reduction in the average age of participants of such actions is alarming.Timur Valiulin “We need to think about the possibility to make amendments, changes in order to bring to justice