“House 3”: how social media reacted to the nomination Sobchak

“House 3”: how social media reacted to the nomination Sobchak MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The statement presenter and the public figure Xenia Sobchak on the nomination for the post of President of Russia 2018 provoked a strong reaction of Internet users and was mentioned in major Western media. Sobchak reminded of her past. A government meeting with Ksenia Sobchak: pic.twitter.com/4hKIJXxUVd — Mr. Goodwin (@tomsk1990) 18 Oct 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Some drew Parallels with Western politicians. Yes We Can pic.twitter.com/9zoU5A7uTH — Ilya Barabanov (@barabanch) 18 Oct 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Trump is also out for fun on elections came to the fore and won. Sobchak for President, Borodin for Prime Minister. — ChernayaSotnya (@Metanoia_a) 18 Oct 2017 During the download an error has occurred. The opposition are divided in their evaluation of the decision of the presenter. During the download

Canadian “Magnitsky act” came into force

Canadian “Magnitsky act” came into force Moscow. 19 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Approved by the house of Commons and Senate of Canada “the law on victims of corrupt foreign governments,” or “law name of Sergei Magnitsky”, received on Wednesday Royal assent and came into force. “The law S226, the Senate and house of Commons, received Royal assent,” — said in a message posted on Twitter canadian Senate. In addition, the relevant information is posted on the website of the Parliament of Canada. Earlier, “law name of Sergei Magnitsky” was passed by the lower and upper houses of the Parliament of Canada. Bill #S226, adopted by both the Senate and the House of Commons, has received Royal Assent: https://t.co/CfpLn9oySJ #SenCA #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/RX740QED8Y — Senate of Canada (@SenateCA) 18 Oct 2017 During the download an error has occurred. The law provides for personal sanctions against officials from Russia and Venezuela, Iran, Myanmar and

The presidents of the United States found unusual use of the red button

The presidents of the United States found unusual use of the red button Former President Barack Obama used a red button installed in the oval office of the White house to order tea. This writes the British billionaire founder of the Virgin Group Richard Branson in his book Finding my Virginity, reports The Washington Examiner. “I noticed the red button on his Desk. Obama noticed my view and said that “previously, these buttons were used in case of emergencies, and now I’m using them to order tea for guests, writes Branson. The newspaper reminds that in April 2017 the American reporters found that the current President is Donald trump presses the red button if he wants to drink Cola. “Red button” — the stereotypical name of the system, supposedly allowing the presidents of the nuclear powers to launch Intercontinental missiles. In reality, near the head of the White house is

Catalonia will declare independence in case of limitation of the autonomy of the region

Catalonia will declare independence in case of limitation of the autonomy of the region The Chairman of the government of Catalonia Carles Putteman said he will announce the region’s independence if the Spanish government will limit its autonomy. At a meeting with party members he urged to start negotiations and stressed that he will not retreat from its position. About it reports Reuters. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий On 10 October Mr. Pujdeme signed the Declaration of independence of the region, however, immediately suspended its action for negotiations with Madrid. On 16 October he sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, in which he proposed within two months to start a dialogue about the situation in the region. Despite the demands of Madrid, the head of Catalonia is not yet clarified the status of autonomy.

Embassy of the Russian Federation: the canadian analogue of “Magnitsky act” irrational

Embassy of the Russian Federation: the canadian analogue of “Magnitsky act” irrational Enacted in Canada, the law “is named after Sergei Magnitsky about the victims of corrupt foreign governments,” which is similar to the American “Magnitsky act” is contrary to common sense, said the Russian Embassy in Canada. “Contrary to common sense, S-226 (the act) came into force. Irrational act lobbied the fugitive fraudster and deviationist from taxes and haters of Russia”, — said in a Twitter of the Embassy. The document is directed against officials from Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Myanmar and Vietnam, which, in the opinion of the canadian authorities, violate human rights in their countries. The act specifically provides for the freezing of assets and revokes visas for the accused to Canada. The law is named for auditor of the British Fund Hermitage Capital Management Sergey Magnitsky, who was arrested on charges of establishment for the Fund of

Zyuganov urged the Prime Minister to turn the election into a mockery

Zyuganov urged the Prime Minister to turn the election into a mockery MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov, commenting on the plans, the TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak to run for President of Russia in 2018, urged not to turn the election campaign into a laughing stock and a tragicomedy. Sobchak on Wednesday announced plans to participate in the presidential campaign in 2018 and urged them not to boycott the elections. “I am very serious about people, the country, to voters, to the election. To turn this into a tragicomedy makes no sense,” said RIA Novosti Zyuganov, commenting on the intention Sobchak to run for President in 2018. Zyuganov noted that he had published a book “starting now”. “I was there I quote the statement of the evil of Russophobia. And there, in this company, and Xenia, which called our country and its people are genetic

White house: Syrian authorities and their allies try to prevent the liberation of Raqqa

White house: Syrian authorities and their allies try to prevent the liberation of Raqqa WASHINGTON, October 18. /TASS/. The Syrian government and its allies are making attempts to prevent the liberation of Raqqa from the militants of banned terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG). It is argued on Wednesday at a regular press briefing the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders. “Unfortunately, the Syrian regime and those who support him, hinder efforts aimed at the liberation of Raqqa,” said the official representative of the President of the United States. “Instead of focusing on the fight against ISIS, the forces acting on the side of the regime, attacked our partners and tried to block the release of the Syrian people from the brutality of ISIS,” said Sanders. Under the “our partners” it is meant the formation of the Syrian armed opposition, supported by the USA. “The liberation of Raqqa will

Ministry of defense: the war in Afghanistan will go on until there is no escape USA

Ministry of defense: the war in Afghanistan will go on until there is no escape USA Civil war in Afghanistan will continue as long as there do not leave American troops, RIA “Novosti” statement by the former head of the joint intelligence Directorate, Pakistan’s Lieutenant General Assad Durrani. He said this at a meeting with cadets and teachers of Military University of the Ministry of defense of Russia. “I realized that the presence of American troops in Afghanistan is one of the factors that determine the ongoing civil war in that country. And as long as in Afghanistan there is a foreign power, war is inevitable, it will continue,” he said. He also criticized US policy in relation to crisis situations in various regions of the world, including in Afghanistan. Earlier, the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia commented on the publication in The Times about the alleged funding by

Sobchak makes the election campaign of the show, says Oksana Dmitrieva

Sobchak makes the election campaign of the show, says Oksana Dmitrieva MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Deputy of legislative Assembly of St.-Petersburg Oksana Dmitrieva, earlier declared readiness to run for presidential elections in 2018, believes that Ksenia Sobchak does from the campaign show. “I think that result has been achieved, the fun is about the presidential campaign in social media and among political analysts, experts already have… Trying to make the presidential campaign a like a fun show — well, it’s already there,” — said Dmitriev of RIA Novosti. She noted that it is not taken seriously by Sobchak-policy. “As a person that goes with the program, it is possible to agree to disagree, but there should be some system of political views. In my opinion, neither one nor the other, but this one, as I understand it, is serious and is not” — said Dmitriev, explaining that

China announced a new era

China announced a new era In China, formed the “socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era”, the most perfect model of democracy in the world, which will be the ideology of the PRC for the next five years. This Secretary General of the Communist party of China (CPC) XI Jinping said Wednesday the delegates who gathered at its XIX Congress. As the goal in Beijing referred to by mid-century, “a prosperous, democratic, harmonious and beautiful” powers. However, on the way the authorities have to overcome a series of challenges — in particular, to eliminate the growing gap between the state of the economy and the expectations of the people. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Speech XI Jinping took about three hours, becoming the longest in modern history of China. The main innovation of the first day of the Congress was the announcement that the Communist party has developed the “idea of socialism with