At Baikonur began anti-terrorist exercises

At Baikonur began anti-terrorist exercises In the city of Baikonur (Kyzylorda region of Kazakhstan) in the night of Monday began anti-terrorist exercises “Storm — Baikonur 2017”, informed “Interfax” a source at the cosmodrome. The first phase of the exercise takes place in the form of the command-staff exercises, during which the city administration and law enforcement agencies, deployed operational headquarters, worked through their collaboration and urban governance in conditions of terrorist attack. Parallel “security forces” conduct local exercises in their units, learn to collect on command “Alarm” and simulate their actions within the anti-terrorist activities, said the Agency interlocutor. “Hot” phase of the exercise should begin on October 25 with the “capture” of administrative building of the branch of “TsENKI” — “Space center “South” (located in the Central square of the city) conventional terrorists. It is expected to hold talks with “terrorists”, a collection of resources for implementation of their

USA revoked the visa of the financier William Browder

USA revoked the visa of the financier William Browder Moscow. 23 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the United States has revoked the visa of the British finansita William Browder on the same day when Russia made the CEO of Hermitage Capital in the list of Interpol. “Not only Putin added me to the list of Interpol, and the United States at the same time withdrew my visa,” wrote Browder via Twitter. Not only did Putin add me to the list of Interpol, but the US simultaneously is revoked my visa. @jaynordlinger explains — Bill Browder (@Billbrowder) 22 Oct 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Recently the media reported that Russia put Browder on the wanted list of Interpol. It was reported that the move was sanctioned by President Vladimir Putin. Moscow has used the right to unilaterally place names-wanted to request for the arrest. In the list of wanted

The Ministry denied discussing plans for raising the minimum seniority

The Ministry denied discussing plans for raising the minimum seniority No changes in the pension system are not discussed, said the Ministry of labor. Previously, the newspaper “Vedomosti” reported that the authorities are inclined to increase the minimum threshold of seniority to receive old-age pension. The Ministry of labour and social protection has denied the information on the development of a plan to raise threshold of the minimum work experience as an alternative to raising the retirement age. About it with reference to the press service of the Ministry, reports “Interfax”. “There are no changes in the pension system, including minimum work experience, currently not discussed”, — said the press Secretary of the head of the Ministry of Maria Isanove. Previously, the newspaper “Vedomosti” with reference to the three Federal officials said that such plans discusses the presidential administration and the government. The sources said that the idea of raising

The referendum in Veneto and Lombardia: residents of the region voted for autonomy

The referendum in Veneto and Lombardia: residents of the region voted for autonomy MOSCOW, October 23 — RIA Novosti. The inhabitants of the Italian regions Lombardy and Veneto, in the course of the consultative referendum called for the expansion of the autonomy of the regions. Election Commission of Veneto said that more than 98% of voters voted for autonomy. In the voting, according to local authorities, was attended by more than 57% of voters. “This is a victory for residents of the Veneto, the victory of civic awareness, the victory of people who want to be masters in their own house,” — said the President of Veneto, Luca ZAIA. He also said that the results of the regional referendum is a historic event and promised on Monday to begin work on a “contract that we will propose to the Central authorities”. The official also noted that the regional electronic system

Times: London, asking not to be pregnant women in favor of transgender

Times: London, asking not to be pregnant women in favor of transgender MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. The British government is being asked to change in UN documents the term “pregnant woman” “pregnant man” to include transgender people, writes the Times, citing a source in the foreign Ministry of great Britain. Reportedly, the British foreign office proposed changes to the international Covenant on civil and political rights of the United Nations. The document which was signed and ratified by 168 countries based on the universal Declaration of human rights 1948. The newspaper notes that such an initiative has caused a backlash from feminists. “Offensive to women were denied the right to call themselves women for fear of being called fanatics,” complained the writer Sarah Ditum. However, the foreign office stated that it was not biased against women. “The United Kingdom is not against the use of the term “pregnant

For the first time in 26 years, the nuclear bombers, the US can lead the embattled

For the first time in 26 years, the nuclear bombers, the US can lead the embattled Military-air forces of the USA for the first time since 1991, begin to bring their nuclear B-52 bombers on alert. This General USAF David Golvan told Defence One. Galfan, said that official orders to bring the bombers on 24-hour combat readiness has not yet been reported, but the training on this direction is already underway. He pointed out that in a world where “there are people who are openly talking about using nuclear weapons, it is important to stay alert and to think of new ways to be prepared for different scenarios”. This is not a bipolar world, where there is only USA and the USSR. There are other players with nuclear capabilities.David Galvanneal United States air force Thus the General did not name specific countries with nuclear capabilities which could face US, however,

The media learned about the possible appearance in the Duma, special representative for women

The media learned about the possible appearance in the Duma, special representative for women In the state Duma is discussing the idea of the introduction of a new position of special representative on issues of gender equality. Candidate for this position is the Deputy from “United Russia”, the author and former host of the TV show “Women’s vision” Oksana Pushkina. The state Duma meeting on Tuesday, October 24, to discuss the possibility to establish in the lower house of Parliament, a new post of special representative on issues of gender equality. About this “Vedomosti” citing a source close to the Duma leadership. This information was confirmed by the publication of the source in the state Duma. The parliamentarians offered to consider the candidacy of the Deputy from “United Russia” Oksana Pushkina for appointment to this position. In addition, she and another member of the “United Russia” Irina Rodnina instructed to

The families of the victims of the US military two months later received a letter from trump

The families of the victims of the US military two months later received a letter from trump MOSCOW, October 23 — RIA Novosti. Several families of the victims in August, the American sailors received letters of condolence from the U.S. President Donald trump two months later, the magazine writes Atlantic with reference to the military families. Us destroyer “John McCain” August 21, collided with a merchant vessel near Singapore. Ten sailors were killed, five were injured. Families of the victims of war only on 20 October began to receive letters with words of condolence, that is, two days after fierce controversy about trump’s conversation with the widow of the deceased in Niger soldier of the U.S. armed forces. The father of one of the sailors reported that up to this writing have not received any news from the American President. “Honestly, I think that the letter is a response to

The HRC will offer Putin the reform of the electoral system

The HRC will offer Putin the reform of the electoral system HRC prepared for the President a report on the results of the elections on 10 September. It proposes electoral reform: mitigate municipal filter, specification of the grounds for early voting, creation of an online study of the voter. The list of reforms The working group of the presidential Council on human rights (HRC) has prepared a report on the results of the September single day of voting. In conclusion, the report (there RBC) the members of the Council proposed to change or improve the practice of the municipal filter. For example, the municipal deputies should be allowed to support more than one candidate in the head of the region or replace the filter municipal election Deposit or the collection of voters ‘ signatures, the report said. Previously, “Kommersant” reported that in early November, the members of the HRC at

On elections of the mayor in Georgian Telavi disgruntled citizens voted for the sheep

On elections of the mayor in Georgian Telavi disgruntled citizens voted for the sheep Moscow. 22 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — a Group of civil society activists in the Georgian Telavi (Kakheti region) during the meeting on the eve of elections to bodies of local self-government in protest deliberately spoiled their ballots by writing on them the word “sheep”. About how many ballots were spoiled, not reported, however, the media noted that in social networks, activists share photos of the ballots, where the lists of candidates in mayors of district and deputies of Sakrebulo (local legislative body) stressed handwritten word “sheep”. Telavi has received the status of self-governing cities in 2014, but this summer, the Georgian Parliament approved amendments to the local government Code, according to which their status has lost a number of cities, including Telavi. On the last Saturday election, the residents of Telavi did not vote for the mayor