Vice-Prime Minister of Spain took the lead in Catalonia

Vice-Prime Minister of Spain took the lead in Catalonia In response to the Declaration of independence Madrid dismissed on the eve of the Catalan Parliament. Moscow. 28 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the Spanish Authorities issued Saturday a decree of the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, in which Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria takes control of Catalonia, the website of newspaper El Pais. In has confirmed the removal from power of the government of the autonomy, most of the features which will undertake de Santamaria. Earlier it was reported that the government announced that the interior Minister of Spain Juan Ignacio Zoido now directs the forces of the Catalan police. Such measures, the Spanish authorities are taking in response to the decision of the Catalan Parliament to declare independence. On Friday evening, Rajoy has sent in the resignation of the government (Executive government) of Catalonia, dissolved the Parliament and announced later

In the United States estimated the number of victims in the event of a conflict on the Korean Peninsula

In the United States estimated the number of victims in the event of a conflict on the Korean Peninsula In the early days of the conflict between the DPRK and South Korea may die up to 300 thousand people, even if the country will not resort to weapons of mass destruction. Seoul is in range of North Korean artillery. Renewed conflict on the Korean Peninsula could lead to hundreds of thousands of victims in the first few days even without using nuclear weapons. This is evidenced in the report of the research Service of the U.S. Congress, which writes Bloomberg. Given the population density, the military conflict “could affect more than 25 million people on both sides of the border, including 100 thousand US citizens”, quotes Agency the extract from 62-page document. Even if the DPRK would use conventional weapons, the death toll will be from 30 thousand to 300

Barcelona celebrated the independence of Catalonia

Barcelona celebrated the independence of Catalonia BARCELONA, October 28. /Offset. TASS Ivan Batyrev/. Mass euphoria, the human sea in the streets and squares, concert and fireworks in front of the Generalitat — the Autonomous government of Catalonia — Barcelona is so noted on Friday, the Declaration of independence from Spain voted in the afternoon the Catalan Parliament. Festivities lasted until late Saturday night. Concert and fireworks The main centre of the celebrations was the square of St. James in the heart of the old city. There in a limited space opposite each other stand two ancient palaces, representing the long history of the Catalan government — Barcelona city hall and Generalitat Palace. Immediately after it became known about the long-awaited adoption in Catalonia of the Declaration of independence, the area was rushed by tens of thousands of people. This led to chaos on all the surrounding streets, causing the police

Facebook introduces new rules for political advertising

Facebook introduces new rules for political advertising Company Facebook announced changes that should be made more transparent political advertising on the social network. The company has previously been criticized after reports of three thousands of ads of a political nature that are associated with Russia. Advertisers will need to provide more information to be identified, wrote in his account, the head of Facebook mark Zuckerberg. The social network, he said, will label them as political, but “they will have to disclose who pays for it”. “You will also have the opportunity to see how many paid advertisers that people are watching this commercial and how many hits — said Zuckerberg. — Our goal is to fully launch it in the US before the midterm elections in 2018”. The company plans to hire several thousand moderators to identify political advertising. These measures have been undertaken against the background of reports that

The head of the Pentagon has warned of the DPRK nuclear weapons

The head of the Pentagon has warned of the DPRK nuclear weapons SEOUL, 28 October. /TASS/. Washington will never be taken for granted, North Korea’s nuclear status. This was stated on Saturday in Seoul, the U.S. Secretary of defense James Mattis. “The United States will never tolerate North Korea possessing nuclear weapons,” he said. The Pentagon said that the missile and nuclear experiments North Korea does not strengthen its security, according to the Pyongyang and undermine it. “Following the North towards the creation of nuclear bombs and Intercontinental missiles counterproductive and in reality reduces its security,” he said. Mattis also warned Pyongyang against dangerous bugs. “Any attack on the US or our allies is doomed to failure. Any use of nuclear weapons will be met with a massive military response, efficient and overwhelming” — he stressed. According to the Minister, United States stands for a peaceful solution of the nuclear

Speaker of Parliament Parubiy invented a new lever of pressure on Russia

Speaker of Parliament Parubiy invented a new lever of pressure on Russia Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy Parubiy at the meeting with the special representative of state Department of Ukraine with Kurt Volker said that Kiev would impose sanctions against Russia’s energy sector. It is reported by TV channel NewsOne. “For us, a very important position on the continuation and strengthening of sanctions against the Russian Federation. We appreciate the sanctions package, which was introduced recently, and it is very important that he touched the energy sector,” — said paruby. Another reason for the imposition of sanctions against Moscow, he called the capacity of Russia’s military potential on the border with Ukraine. Parubiy said that the construction of a military base in Voronezh region in the city of Boguchar. “This gives reason to say that Putin continues its aggressive policy against Ukraine and has no plans to

Spectacular on the “Russian case” was nominated the first charges

Spectacular on the “Russian case” was nominated the first charges Spectacular in the case of “Russian interference” in the US presidential election in 2016 Robert müller put forward the first charges. This is with reference to its sources reports CNN. It is noted that details may be released next week. Now the question is classified according to the decision of a Federal judge. Unknown even to put forward charges against one or more defendants in the investigation. Among the defendants in the investigation are Jared Kushner, Donald trump, Jr., and by Paul Manafort. May 18, former official of the U.S. justice Department and former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed special adviser to oversee the investigation “attempts of intervention of the government of Russia in the presidential elections of 2016”. Trump said that the investigation into Muller confirms the absence of “collusion” between his presidential campaign and a foreign power.

US coalition reacted to statements of the Russian defense Ministry on raqqa

US coalition reacted to statements of the Russian defense Ministry on raqqa WASHINGTON, Oct 28 — RIA Novosti. The coalition under US leadership did not agree with the statement of the defense Ministry that the Syrian raqqa during the operation to release from the terrorist group “Islamic state”* was “wiped off the face of the earth,” said RIA Novosti the representative of the coalition Colonel Ryan Dillon. “We have seen these statements. In terms of civilians, I can say that we agree with the protection of civilians… We make great efforts to prevent casualties among the civilian population than anyone and anywhere. The damage that was caused to raqqa, lies entirely on the IG,” Dillon said during a telephone interview from Baghdad. “Of all the munitions that we dropped over the three years, less than 1%, but rather 0.3 per cent, led to civilian casualties”, — he added. About the

The coalition is not coordinating with Russia’s actions in Idlib

The coalition is not coordinating with Russia’s actions in Idlib WASHINGTON, Oct 27 — RIA Novosti. The coalition led by the United States is coordinating with Russia for its actions in the Syrian Idlib, said to RIA Novosti, the official representative of the coalition of Ryan Dillon. “We do not (not koordiniruyutsya — ed.),” replied Dillon on the question of whether koordiniruyutsya coalition with Russia in Idlib. “The organization that I represent is strictly focused on the destruction and the fight against ISIS*, so all what is happening in Idlib with “al-Nusra Dzhebhat*” (also banned in Russia — ed.) and “Hayat Tahrir al-sham”, it is not the coalition that is in this area,” said Dillon. Armed conflict in Syria continues from March 2011. USA from August 2014 carried out in Syria operation against IG* without the permission of the authorities of the country. Russia conducts operations with the September 2015

Russian foreign Minister: Moscow’s position on the situation in Catalonia unchanged

Russian foreign Minister: Moscow’s position on the situation in Catalonia unchanged MOSCOW, October 27. /TASS/. The position of Russia regarding the situation in Catalonia remains unchanged. This was stated on Friday, TASS, the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “The position remains unchanged,” she said, responding to a request to comment on recent events in Spain. Previously Zakharov has called the situation in Catalonia is an internal affair of Spain and emphasized that Moscow respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. According to her, “so-called referendum on independence, as well as other unilateral initiatives of local legislators, are perceived in the context of its own on these matters the decisions of the constitutional court of Spain”. On Friday, the Catalan Parliament approved a resolution on the proclamation of an independent Republic. Following this, the Spanish Senate (upper house of Parliament) approved the request of Madrid,