Students in a Single lesson in security will teach you how to deal with trolling

Students in a Single lesson in security will teach you how to deal with trolling Moscow. 30 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — On a Single lesson Internet safety on Monday, students will talk about the trolling in social networks, safe online behaviour and how to evaluate the accuracy of the information. “On 30 October in Russian schools will be a Single lesson in Internet safety. Students will learn how to protect their personal data, to make secure purchases in online shops, learn how to analyze the veracity and accuracy of the information on the Internet, and more”, — said the press service of the Ministry of education. It is noted that the lesson will be video, which contains information about “the most pressing cyber threats of the current year, according to security agencies”. “Special attention on the lesson-2017 is given to cyber-bullying, or mass trolling — harassment in social networks”, — noted

An unauthorized rally of Navalny gathered in Tambov, 250 participants

An unauthorized rally of Navalny gathered in Tambov, 250 participants In place of the inconsistent public events in Tambov there are about 250 people, including representatives of the media, said on Sunday the Ministry of internal Affairs in the city of Tambov. Police and Regardie ensure the protection of public order and security. The organizers of the unsanctioned rally were informed about the illegal status of the last meeting, reported in the city administration.

Damascus considers Raqqa still captured

Damascus considers Raqqa still captured BEIRUT, 29 Jul — RIA Novosti. Syrian Rakka is still captured, and so it will be as long as the city does not come under the control of the Syrian army, according to Syrian national news Agency SANA, citing a source in the foreign Ministry of ATS. Earlier, the “Syrian democratic forces,” announced the complete liberation of Raqqa from the militants with the support of the coalition headed by the USA. The representative of the defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov said that the coalition achieved victory in raqqa, simply erasing it from the face of the earth. “Syria confirms that the city of raqqa — still captured the city. We can not be considered released until you enter the city the Syrian army, which is fighting against ISIS*”, — quotes Agency the source in the foreign Ministry. According to him, messages from the USA

Interpol explained the reason for the removal request on Browder from its database

Interpol explained the reason for the removal request on Browder from its database Request for William Browder, who has previously been circulated in the Interpol database, is recognized as inappropriate. He previously Browder stated that the organization rejected the request for his arrest. The request for financier William Browder recognized as non-conforming to the rules of Interpol and removed from the database. This is stated in the answer of the press service of the organization to a request to RBC. The response at Interpol called explanation of “several erroneous messages and assumptions about the actions of Interpol in relation to William Browder”. In respect of Browder was requested”mailing list” (difussion), which is one of the countries on cooperation, distributed directly between the countries that comprise the organization. Diffusion-query can be used to request the arrest or receiving the location of the person in connection with the investigation, noted on the

In Barcelona held a mass rally against the independence of Catalonia

In Barcelona held a mass rally against the independence of Catalonia Mass rally against Catalan independence was held on 29 October in Barcelona. It is reported by El Pais. The organizers said the number of demonstrators exceeded 1 million people. According to the authorities of the city, in the action participated more than 300 thousand people. The demonstration took place on the square between avenues Passeig de gràcia and Gran via. The protesters carried the national flags of Spain and demanded to imprison sent in resignation the head of Catalonia Carles Pokdemon. According to the polling company Sigma Dos political parties-opponents of the independence of Catalonia will win by a small margin in the parliamentary elections in the region. This was reported by the newspaper El Mundo. In the survey took part 1 thousand. The survey showed that the unionist party would have received 43.4% of the votes and Pro-independence

Saakashvili called for early presidential elections in Ukraine

Saakashvili called for early presidential elections in Ukraine The former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili during a speech at a protest near the building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine called for early elections of the President of the country. About it reports “Interfax”. According to him, the Verkhovna Rada and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko should leave, if they do not fulfill the demands of the protesters. If the President will continue to ignore the demands of the protesters, we must decide what it needs to go, and to elect a new President.Mikheil Saakashvili The politician stressed that the demonstrators did not prepare a coup. However, Saakashvili added that the protesters “have a mechanism to change the power”. He also suggested the use of new mechanisms during early presidential elections, particularly primaries. Today, October 29, in front of the Parliament gathered about 400 supporters of Saakashvili, with

The government of Spain proposed Podemno to participate in elections

The government of Spain proposed Podemno to participate in elections The official representative of the Spanish government, iñigo méndez de Vigo said that Madrid would have welcomed the decision of the former head of the Generalitat de Catalunya Carles Pokdemon to participate in the new elections. Earlier, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced the decision to dissolve the Parliament of Catalonia, led by Buchtemann, and gave management autonomy to the Deputy Prime Minister of the country, Sans Soraya de Santamaría. Pujdeme refused to accept the decision of the Spanish authorities and called on the residents of the autonomy to the “democratic resistance.” According to him, the Catalans have “amicably” to protect the independence.

The media learned about the requirement trump to expedite the publication of the letters Hillary Clinton

The media learned about the requirement trump to expedite the publication of the letters Hillary Clinton The President of the United States, Donald trump turned to the state Department demanding to speed up the process for public access of the emails of former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton. It is reported by CNN, citing government sources. According to the channel, this requirement can be considered in the framework of the plans of the Republicans to conduct an investigation of the previous administration. In turn, sources say that trump the wishes to do with his intention to make the work of government agencies more transparent. Commenting on the demand of the trump to the state Department, the White house spokesman confirmed the opinion of the sources. “The President wants all of Federal service worked in accordance with the requirements imposed on them the law was open to society,” he said. According

Stoltenberg said about the threat of North Korean missiles to NATO countries

Stoltenberg said about the threat of North Korean missiles to NATO countries North Korean missile able to reach Europe, under threat of destruction are NATO countries. About it as writes the newspaper “Yomiuri”, before his visit to Japan, said the NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg. He noted that members of the Alliance ready to respond to the threat by containment measures. “NATO can make the decision to attack in response,” — said Stoltenberg. At the same time, he said that he supports economic sanctions as a measure of the pressure on the regime in Pyongyang. The head of the CIA Mike Pompeo on 20 October reported that nuclear missile technology, the DPRK has advanced to such a level that may allow to strike the United States. He told of significant progress in North Korean military research and warned that the readiness to attack in the United States can be achieved

The Federation Council commented on the words of Walker on the introduction of peacekeepers in Donbass

The Federation Council commented on the words of Walker on the introduction of peacekeepers in Donbass The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev commented on the statement of special envoy of the US state Department in Ukraine, Kurt Volker, on the introduction of peacekeepers in Donbass. “If the meaning of the statements of the Volcker transferred correctly, it is obvious that this is an attempt to either cancel the Minsk agreement, to either force Russia to impose such a resolution of the UN security Council veto”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” Mr. Kosachev. According to him, from the statement of Mr. Volcker follows that the mandate of UN peacekeepers does not require participation of Russia. All this obviously does not correspond to — and, calling a spade a spade, contrary to the Minsk agreements.Konstantin Casacanditella of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Informed of the