In Kyiv told about the broken call in the Ukrainian army

In Kyiv told about the broken call in the Ukrainian army Autumn draft campaign in the Armed forces of Ukraine (AFU) in Kiev on the verge of collapse. About this Ukrainian edition of “Vesti” reported in the military Commissariat of Kiev. “The results of two or three stages of email alerts and through the Hoo to recruiting stations was only 3.95 percent of recruits. To prevent disruption of the implementation of the order of the President “on conscription for military service in 2017,” under the leadership of Deputy mayor of Kiev, it was decided to find, detain and deliver to the military of persons who evade service”, — told in the military Commissariat. So in the body responsible for mobilization preparation and appeal, commented on the case of the detention on 28 October, in the night club of Kiev, young people, who were then taken to the military enlistment office.

The Deputy of the state Duma after the terrorist attack in new York, urged the United States to unite with Russia against terror

A member of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Sergei Zheleznyak © Artyom Korotayev/TASS MOSCOW, November 1. /TASS/. USA and Europe should unite with Russia in the fight against terrorism. This was after the terrorist attack in new York, said the Deputy Secretary General Council of party “United Russia”, member of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Sergei Zheleznyak. On his page on Facebook the MP called the tragedy of the attack, which killed at least eight people, and expressed condolences to the families of those killed and injured. Zhelezniak noted that “the nature of the actions of the perpetrator all very reminiscent of the recent terrorist attacks in Europe.” “How long will it take US authorities and European victims of terrorist attacks to realize the need to join efforts with us and other countries to effectively counter terrorism is a brave fight against a nonexistent Russian threat?!” – the

Antonov urged Tillerson to the revision of the non-constructive line in relations with Russia

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS WASHINGTON, 1 Nov. /TASS/. Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov on Tuesday during a meeting at the state Department with Secretary Rex Tillerson noted the “dismal state of bilateral relations” and called for the revision of the non-constructive line in relations with Moscow. This was reported by press Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Washington Nikolay Lakhonin. The position of the Russian Federation “During the meeting, Antonov said the dismal state of bilateral relations, the flawed us policy of sanctions based on unsubstantiated accusations of Russian interference in presidential elections in the United States. The Ambassador called for a review of this non-constructive policy, stressing that the US and Russia as major nuclear powers and permanent members of the UN Security Council bear a special responsibility for international peace and security,” – said in a statement. Loonin noted that

Ukraine has made a new UN draft resolution on Crimea

Ukraine has made a new UN draft resolution on Crimea Kiev has made the UN an updated draft resolution on human rights violations in the Crimea. Earlier, foreign Minister of Ukraine noted that this document “should be the basis for further de-occupation of the Peninsula.” Ukraine formally submitted to the Secretariat of the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly an updated draft resolution on human rights in Crimea. On this edition of “UKRINFORM” said the speaker of the permanent mission of Ukraine to the international organizations Oleg Nikolenko. “Today in new York the delegation of Ukraine submitted to the Secretariat of the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly the draft updated resolution (called) “the Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol, Ukraine”, — he said, noting also that this document has already received the support of 34 countries, who were its

Former employer Lisa Sand has decided to run for President of Russia

Former employer Lisa Sand has decided to run for President of Russia The head of the Association “Avanti” and former head of the Elizabeth Sand of Anshukov Rahman reported plans to run for President. His nomination he intends to prove Bulk Patriotic spirit of the youth. Business-patriot The President of the Association of entrepreneurs for development of business of patriotism “Avanti” Rahman Anshukov announced the nomination for President, he said RBC. Since the beginning of July to end of August Advisor Anacova was the daughter of the press Secretary of the President Peskov Elizabeth. The President of “Avanti” is a former assistant to the Chechen politician and businessman Umar Dzhabrailov, who founded the Association of entrepreneurs. Yanakov told about the reasons for his nomination in a special letter (there RBC). Russia’s successes in the world associated with the figure of President Vladimir Putin, but the country is “in the context

In Russia came into force the law on anonymizers

In Russia came into force the law on anonymizers From the first of July in Russia came into effect the law which obliges owners of technologies bypass the lock, for example, VPN services to block access to forbidden sites Roskomnadzor. In Russia came into force a package of amendments “On information, information technologies and protection of information”, governing the anonymizer, including private VPN services. Now those who provide access to technology bypass the lock, will be obliged to block access to sites entered in the list forbidden. For law enforcement runs the market Systeme (FGIS). Roskomnadzor on the treatment of law enforcement agencies will determine the providers that allow the placement of technology to bypass the lock. The provider will send a notification of the need for three days to connect to the FGIS. At connection the provider will be required to provide data about the owner of the anonymizer,

The Russian Federation considers “Amateur” report on chemical attacks in Syria

© AP Photo/Markus Schreiber UN 1 Nov. /TASS/. Russia on Tuesday gave very low assessment of the report of the UN Commission and the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) investigating the chemical attack in Syria, and putting the responsibility for one of the cases the use of toxic substances in Damascus. As highlighted in the note, with preliminary estimates of the report, directed the permanent mission to the UN in the General Assembly and the Security Council, the document “is Amateur in nature,” and the conclusions contained therein are based on the “amateurish methodology.”

The U.S. Treasury has banned its citizens and companies to work on energy projects in Russia

The U.S. Treasury has banned its citizens and companies to work on energy projects in Russia Communiqué about it published Tuesday on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the USA. Moscow. 31 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Office of foreign assets control of the U.S. Treasury Department banned American citizens and legal persons without permission to provide, directly or indirectly, export or re-export of goods, services (except financial) or technology used for the exploration or production of hydrocarbons on the deep sea, including the Arctic shelf, as well as in projects related to shale hydrocarbons in Russia. Restrictive measures will be applied to fall under U.S. sanctions of individuals or legal entities in Russia related to energy projects, implementation of which will start from 29 January 2018 or later.

What will change in Russian legislation in November

What will change in Russian legislation in November In November in Russia comes into effect a lot of regulations, concerning various spheres of life. Chief among them is the review of RBC. Innovation associated with the entry into force of the Federal laws, government regulations, and departmental orders. They relate to communication, transport and financial law. Information From November 1, the owners of information-telecommunication networks and information resources (including sites, pages, computer programs, including anonymizers and VPN services) may not provide access to information resources, limited in Russia. The operators of search engines would be obliged to stop providing links to the blocked information resources. Transport From November 1, 2017, introduce a new port fee “investment” levied for the construction and reconstruction of objects of infrastructure of sea port, referring to Federal property. Also from 1 November, the Ministry of transportation receives the authority to approve the list of infrastructure

Google did not find any evidence of manipulation YouTube from the Russian media

Google did not find any evidence of manipulation YouTube from the Russian media Google’s guidelines reported no evidence of manipulation on the part of RT and other Russian state media, RIA “Novosti”. “Some have raised questions about the use of YouTube by RT, a Russian government-funded media. Our investigation revealed no evidence of manipulation of our platform or violation of our policies. RT and all other state-funded media continue to follow our standard rules”, — said in the text of the report. Earlier it was reported that Facebook and Google have prepared a report on Russia’s intervention in the elections.