Head of the presidential staff in the Kremlin looking for

Head of the presidential staff in the Kremlin looking for The campaign of Vladimir Putin will lead officials of his administration. The special representative of the President on environmental issues, the former head of the presidential administration (AP) Sergei Ivanov said on Thursday that the campaign headquarters of Vladimir Putin will be headed by the official, and not a famous person. According to “Kommersant”, two candidates — the head of the presidential administration Anton Vaino, and his first Deputy, Sergei Kiriyenko. Kommersant’s sources say that staff of public support in this campaign will not. The campaign headquarters of Vladimir Putin, who yesterday announced the nomination for election by the officer and not a famous person. On Thursday said the special representative of the RF President on the issues of environmental activities, environment and transport, the former head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov. However, he noted that he would not

“Officials will motivate black list”

“Officials will motivate black list” Prosecutor General Yury Chaika told how the Supervisory authority counteracts corruption. On the eve of International day against corruption, the General Prosecutor of Russia Yuri Chaika, the Agency which coordinates the work of all law enforcement bodies to counter corruption, said the head of the Department of crime Maxim Baryudina about the features of this work. — What is the damage from corruption crimes? — As follows from the results of investigation of criminal cases, the amount caused by the crimes of corruption of material damage over the past two years and three quarters amounted to more than 148 billion rubles. Acting primarily to protect the interests of society and state prosecutors jointly with other law enforcement agencies solve problems on minimization and liquidation of consequences of acts of corruption. Thanks to the taken measures it was succeeded to improve the performance for compensation of

Health Ministry proposes to label products according to the degree of usefulness

Health Ministry proposes to label products according to the degree of usefulness The Ministry of health proposes to label products that meet a healthy lifestyle. To this end, the Ministry plans to stick to products that will be divided into three groups, the insignia. The concept already is on the coordination in the government office, confirmed in a press-service of the Ministry of health “news”. Under the program, expected to launch in April 2018, the first group includes products that do not contain harmful elements. This fresh and frozen fruits, vegetables, fresh and frozen meat, poultry, fish as well as eggs and cereals. The second group would be those products that do not qualify for the designation “healthy” chocolate, confectionery and energy bars, drinks and alcoholic beverages. The third will be the products and value of their components, which include the product to a healthy diet. Dried fruit, nuts, cereal,

Former Argentine President Kirchner accused of treason

Former Argentine President Kirchner accused of treason Argentina’s ex-President Cristina de Kirchner was charged with treason. The court believes that she was involved in the explosion of the Jewish cultural center that killed 85 people. A Federal judge has accused the former President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of treason and called for her arrest on the case of explosion at the Argentine Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires, which occurred in 1994. This is stated in the materials of the court, writes The Washington Post. The judge accuses Kirchner that she covered up the role of Iran in the attack, which killed 85 people, in exchange for a “potentially lucrative trade agreement.” For the arrest of the former President asked the court to deprive her of immunity. At the moment, Kirchner holds the post of Senator. In addition, the court arrested three former supporters and aides of the

Drivers prepare to retake the standards

Drivers prepare to retake the standards The authorities are developing stricter in the field of checkup of vehicles. The economy Ministry has prepared a massive plan to reform inspection (MOT) car: in the near future the government will introduce amendments to the administrative code, criminal code and other laws. It is planned to tighten the rules for operators that they could not sell the citizens of the diagnostic card without checking the car. While car owners will be fined for the failed — pre-in the amount of 800 rubles. Despite assurances of the Ministry of economy that all differences in the bills are resolved, experts say: to reform, there still remain many questions. Ministry of economy has launched on regulation.gov.ru the procedure of assessment of the actual influence (OFV) of the law “About checkup of vehicles”, which earned from January 1, 2012. Then, recall the test cars entrusted to private

Putin will present awards to the employees of GC “rostec”

Putin will present awards to the employees of GC “rostec” The ceremony dedicated to the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Corporation. MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will present awards to the employees of GC “rostec”, the press service of the Kremlin. “December 7, Russian President Vladimir Putin will present state awards to employees of GC “rostec”. The ceremony dedicated to the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Corporation”, — stated in the message. GK “rostec” brings together entire sectors of Russian industry, the helicopter industry, engine building, electronics, aircraft systems and components, automotive, firearms, electronic technology, etc. Today the Corporation includes more than 700 companies gathered in 15 holdings, which engaged in the development, production and export of high technology industrial products. Earlier, the head of state Corporation Sergey Chemezov has informed that by the end of 2016,

Lavrov and Tillerson discussed Syria, Ukraine, North Korea and the situation surrounding the media

U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov at the meeting with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson discussed Syria, Ukraine, DPRK, and the situation around the Russian media and diplomats in the United States. The meeting was held on Thursday on the sidelines of the meeting of the Council of foreign Ministers of the OSCE in Vienna, said in Russian depodesta. Syria and Ukraine Lavrov and Tillerson reviewed the further steps on overcoming of the civil conflict in Syria through the establishment of “sustainable negotiation process with participation of all Syrian political forces, including within the framework of the Geneva process and format of the upcoming Sochi Congress of the national dialogue, while the completion of the defeat of international terrorist groups.”

Ryabkov: saving the INF Treaty requires greater responsibility from the United States

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. Russia advocates the preservation of the Treaty on missiles and medium-range missiles with the United States, but this requires a more responsible approach of Washington. This was stated by Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov in an interview to the newspaper “Kommersant”.

The Kremlin said a statement trump Jerusalem

The Kremlin said a statement trump Jerusalem Recognition by the President of the United States Donald trump Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is not conducive to a middle East settlement, said the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. His words to the correspondent “Tapes.ru” on Thursday, December 7. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “We know that not all agree with this decision of the President of the United States. Moreover, it was quite a sharp reaction in Ramallah and in General, among the Palestinians,” — said the representative of the Kremlin. Peskov noted that this contributes to “split the international community.” “What to do? Continue to seek solutions through political and diplomatic means, although the situation has certainly deteriorated,” said he in response to the question of how to address the situation. Before Donald trump announced the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. He also instructed the state Department to

The DPRK said about the inevitability of the Korean war

The DPRK said about the inevitability of the Korean war Moscow. 7 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Held the United States together with South Korea military drills and recent statements by us officials are testimony to the training of the USA to strike on North Korea, said North Korea’s foreign Ministry. “Recently, when the U.S. hold largest-ever joint air exercises in the Korean Peninsula, targeting the DPRK high-ranking American politicians admit one by one bellicose statements that it is alarming,” — said in a statement the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA) the statement of the representative North Korean the Ministry of foreign Affairs. It stresses: “These hostile and bellicose statements cannot be regarded in any way differently, as a warning that we must prepare for war on the Korean Peninsula.” The diplomat noted that “now there remains only one question: when war breaks out”. He said: “We do not want war,