Road signs are allowed to hang on buildings and fences

Road signs are allowed to hang on buildings and fences Innovation is connected with the regulation of Parking spaces. On buildings and fences allowed to install road signs. It is provided by the new preliminary national standard. It is only on the Parking signs. Experiments were conducted in individual cities, including in Moscow. Road signs were moved on the front with narrow streets, where reliance on sidewalks interfere with pedestrians. A national standard, which will operate until November 1, 2020, has allowed the regions to place some traffic signs on the fences and walls of buildings. It is about seven Parking signs in new designs (arrow specifying the range). Four of them — “Stopping”, “no Parking”, “Parking prohibited on odd days of the month” or “even…”. Preliminary standard permits apply to these signs arrows pointing to the area. In this version they can hang on the walls of buildings and

Secret sanctions Washington

Secret sanctions Washington The accident closed the list of Russians, with which the European allies should not contact. A new package of anti-Russian sanctions to be adopted in February, will complement a closed list of Russian citizens. We are not talking about personal limitations, however, the document will signal to the European partners of Washington that persons on this list should not be having Affairs. This was told “Izvestia” three sources in Washington familiar with the process of preparing a sanctions package. In the Federation Council, “Izvestiya” declared that any hostile action from Washington, Moscow is ready to give mirror response. In the first week of February, the U.S. will announce another package of sanctions against Russia that were announced, will scale to significantly surpass all the previous. We are talking about the addition to Federal law 3364 “On counteraction to opponents of the United States through the law on

In Russia officially started the election campaign for the presidential election

In Russia officially started the election campaign for the presidential election “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” published the decree of the Council of the Federation “On the election of the President of the Russian Federation”. Thus, on December 18, Russia officially started the election campaign preceding the presidential election. Today party and independent candidates can officially nominate (to announce his desire to run was before) candidates and submit documents to the CEC. The Federation Council on December 15 unanimously approved a resolution on appointment of presidential elections. They will be held on 18 March 2018. The head of the CEC, Ella Pamfilova noted that the Russian electoral system is “fully prepared” for the elections and to hold them so “that none of us was ashamed.”

Two rockets launched from Gaza at Israel

Two rockets launched from Gaza at Israel The details of the incident are specified. TEL AVIV, December 17. /TASS/. Two launched on Sunday from the Gaza strip at Israel rockets exploded in the territory of the regional Council of Hof-Ashkelon in the South of the Jewish state. About it reported in a communique released here by the press service of the Israeli police. “The police bomb squad working in two places of impact within the regional Council of Hof-Ashkelon, at the moment, the affected messages are not received,” — the document says. The newspaper Haaretz reports that one of the rockets exploded, causing damage, in the yard, without specifying the name of the settlement, the second rocket fell in an uninhabited area. Earlier, the press service of the IDF reported that Palestinian radicals from Gaza launched on Sunday evening two rockets at the Jewish state, which triggered sirens in regional

“Palace coup” in Kiev ended with a rally of supporters of Saakashvili

“Palace coup” in Kiev ended with a rally of supporters of Saakashvili KYIV, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. Supporters of former Georgian President and ex-Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili after his traditional Sunday of March for the impeachment of the President of Ukraine by force tried to capture the October Palace in the center of Kiev to make it your focal point. At this time the building held a jazz concert, the auditorium was full of people and security officials had to block the entrance of the protesters. When the situation escalated, and Saakashvili knew that inside people can be, he urged his supporters to leave the October Palace, saying that the assault force trying to make the provocateurs. The audience got a fright, and the security forces — dozens of victims. A failed “Palace storm” already condemned by Western ambassadors. The attempt to “storm the Palace” Saakashvili,

In clashes in Kiev suffered 32 law enforcement officers

In clashes in Kiev suffered 32 law enforcement officers Moscow. 17 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — During clashes between supporters of party leader “movement new forces” of Mikhail Saakashvili and law enforcement officers of the Zhovtnevy (October) Palace in Kyiv suffered 15 national guardsmen and 17 police officers, have informed in the Department of communication of the police of Kiev. “Today while trying to get into the building of Zhovtnevy Palace, the protesters staged a brawl with police officers. During the brawl, they began to use an unknown gas irritant, throwing firecrackers and bottles of water. In addition, some soldiers were selected non-lethal weapons. When it hit the 15 national guardsmen and 17 policemen: they are in the hospital with poisoning unknown substance, some also body injuries”, — stated in the message on page offices in Facebook on Sunday evening. “Currently the situation in the capital is calm. Police officers continue to

Putin thanked trump for the CIA about the terrorists in St. Petersburg

Putin thanked trump for the CIA about the terrorists in St. Petersburg The President of Russia Vladimir Putin thanked his U.S. counterpart Donald trump for the information of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) terrorists preparing an attack in St. Petersburg. About it reported in a press-service of the Kremlin. Putin expressed his gratitude during a telephone conversation, which took place on Sunday at the initiative of the Russian side. Passed the CIA information “helped to trace, detect and arrest a group of terrorists preparing explosions in the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, and in other public places of the city,” reported in a press-service. Putin asked trump to Express my gratitude to the Director of the CIA and intelligence officials. He also assured that Russia in the case of information relating to terrorist threats in the United States, immediately transmit to its American colleagues. On Friday, December 15, the FSB

Putin assured trump that Russia is ready to transfer data on possible terrorist threats

The US President Donald trump and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS TASS, 17 Dec. Russian President Vladimir Putin assured the US President Donald trump that the security services of the Russian Federation is ready to transfer to American colleagues about possible terrorist threats against the United States. About it reported in a press-service of the President of the Russian Federation. The Russian President assured the head of the us administration that “the Russian intelligence services upon receipt of information relating to terrorist threats against the US and its citizens, unconditionally and immediately transfer its American counterparts for joint channel partners,” – said the press service.

Erdogan announced plans to open in East Jerusalem and the Turkish Embassy

Erdogan announced plans to open in East Jerusalem and the Turkish Embassy Moscow. 17 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday expressed confidence that soon in East Jerusalem, Ankara will open an Embassy in Palestine. “The day is near when we will officially open our Embassy there,” said he, speaking with a speech in which he criticized the United States for the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the decision to move from tel Aviv to the American Embassy. Earlier this week, member countries of the organization of Islamic cooperation, at an emergency meeting in Istanbul recognized the state of Palestine with its capital in East Jerusalem. 6 Dec Donald trump announced that the U.S. recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and intend to move its Embassy. This decision was criticized by even some close allies of Washington, which stated that the recognition will only