Eight bad scenarios for 2028

Eight bad scenarios for 2028 According to the Agency Bloomberg “Handbook pessimist in 2028” in the coming decade, humanity may face such unpleasant scenes as a replacement of banks with cryptocurrency, the completion of the oil era, initiated by China trade war or political crisis in the United States. In total, the Agency’s analysts produced eight pessimistic scenarios, however, recognizing that it’s not predictions in the strict sense of the word, as “provocative ideas”. Every year Bloomberg is the possible negative scenarios for the coming year, published on Monday “a pessimist Guide to 2028” intelligence Agency tried to “not only to see a potential upheaval next year, but also to assess how they can affect the next decade”. The drafters of the Handbook recognize that it is not so much the predictions as “provocative ideas” that should prompt the reader to think about how quickly the world is changing. The

Media: in Argentina more than 80 people were injured in the protests

Media: in Argentina more than 80 people were injured in the protests MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. More than 80 people were injured in the clashes of protesters with the police because of the upcoming pension reform in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires, according to the publication Observador. According to the newspaper, the clashes of protesters with the police on one of the main avenues of the city affected 81 people, 48 were detained. Demonstrators threw stones at police, bottles and smoke bombs, to which the police responded with tear gas and rubber bullets. Among the injured, 48 police officers. According to the Agency France Press, the government, led by President Mauricio Macri, plans to take pension reform to reduce the government deficit. Activists claim that the bill will serve to lower pension payments. As noted Observador, now the reform bill is pending in the Chamber of deputies of

Saakashvili compared Poroshenko beer

Saakashvili compared Poroshenko beer MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is a beer, from which Ukraine will be a strong hangover. I declared the ex-President of Georgia, former Odessa Governor Mikhail Saakashvili on air of the program “Big night” on TV channel NewsOne. The ex-Governor of Odessa, said that after a beer is the worst hangover. According to Saakashvili, Poroshenko poisons the body of Ukraine, using the rhetoric of nationalist slogans. In Ukraine against Saakashvili opened a criminal case on the assistance of members of the criminal organizations and concealment of their criminal activity. The authorities tried to arrest him, however, supporters of the opposition took it from the police. Later, Saakashvili was re-arrested, however, the court refused to conclude him under house arrest. The ex-President of Georgia at a sane article is threatened by imprisonment for a term of five to ten years.

Slutsky called the strategy of national security of the United States “the revival of American hegemony”

The Chairman of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, December 19. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky believes that the new national security strategy of the United States says Washington plans to “restore American hegemony and lines to build unipolar world.”

Russia in the UN security Council has warned the United States and Canada about the consequences of arms supplies to Ukraine

© AP Photo/Mary Altaffer UN, December 19. /TASS/. Supply to Ukraine of American and canadian arms to push the country’s leadership in new military adventures. This was stated on Monday by Deputy permanent representative to the UN, Peter Ilichev at a meeting of the Security Council (SC) UN small arms and light weapons (SALW).

The most expensive: how much will be spent on presidential elections

The most expensive: how much will be spent on presidential elections Campaign 2018 the budget will spend a record of 17.69 billion rubles, follows from the decision of the CEC. According to the schedule of the elections, independent candidates may to 7 January. Costs are rising Monday, December 18, members of the Central election Commission (CEC) approved public spending on presidential elections of 2018. According to the CEC decision on the allocation of funds from the Federal budget on financial provision of elections (there RBC), total for the campaign will be spent of 17.69 billion rubles, which is almost 3 billion rubles more than planned a year ago. The increase in costs including the increase in term of work of election commissions, said RBC Deputy Chairman of the Central electoral Commission Nikolay Bulaev (earlier the state Duma has increased term of information work of precinct election commissions from 10 to

USA called the main threat to national security

USA called the main threat to national security WASHINGTON, 18 Dec — RIA Novosti, Ekaterina Sobol. The United States named three major threats to its national security: the ambitions of Russia and China, the threat from “rogue States” — Iran and North Korea and international terrorism. This is stated in the new strategy of national security of the United States, published Monday by the White house. “We face three major set of challenges — the revisionist efforts of China and Russia, rogue States Iran and North Korea, and international terrorist organizations aimed at active operations against the United States,” the document reads.

Russia in 2018 will allocate an additional RUB 4.3 billion on care for seriously ill people

Russia in 2018 will allocate an additional RUB 4.3 billion on care for seriously ill people Vladimir Putin said that “such funding on a regular basis with a gradual increase will continue in subsequent years.” MOSCOW, December 18. /TASS/. The authorities of Russia in 2018, an additional $ 4.3 billion roubles from the Federal budget on the organization of care for seriously ill people. This was stated by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the ceremony of presenting state awards for outstanding achievements in the field of human rights and charitable activities. “The decision in 2018 to allocate from the Federal budget of 4.3 billion rubles for the organization of care for seriously ill people, providing them with medicines, medical equipment, including for use at home,” he said. Putin added that “such funding on a regular basis with a gradual increase will continue in subsequent years.” According to him,

Business Ombudsman Titov has declared, that is afraid to debate with Sobchak

Business Ombudsman Titov has declared, that is afraid to debate with Sobchak EKATERINBURG, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Ombudsman for entrepreneurs Boris Titov, applying for participation in the presidential elections of 2018, said he feared debate with TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, have also declared their participation in the election campaign. “As for Sobchak, I consider her a smart woman. She got so butchered during one interview before the election… I honestly am afraid to debate with her. It’s hard to imagine how the Board controls the economy of the country,” Titov said, noting that, in his opinion, Sobchak is “a great political future.” Boris Titov visited the capital of the Middle Urals on 18 December, where he met with supporters and journalists, and also visited the plant of boiler equipment “UralHotel”.

Putin promised to consider a proposal for a large-scale Amnesty

Putin promised to consider a proposal for a large-scale Amnesty MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin promised to consider the proposal of the Ombudsman for human rights in the Kaluga region Yuri Zelnikov on a large-scale Amnesty in the next year. Putin in the Kremlin on Monday presented state awards for outstanding achievements in the field of human rights and charitable activities. After the official ceremony the President talked with the guests, among whom were regional commissioners for human rights and members of the HRC. Zelnikov approached the President and voiced his suggestion. “Elections are coming. Maybe you could think about a large-scale Amnesty on election day? What do you think?” he asked, noting that it could become a good tradition. “You might think”, — said Putin. Kaluga Commissioner invited Putin to think about large-scale Amnesty pic.twitter.com/hf4vqjBrMX — Kremlin RIA Poole (@Kremlinpool_RIA) 18 Dec