In the state Duma said that removal of Dodona may result in popular unrest in Moldova

The head of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Leonid Kalashnikov © Anna Isakova/press service of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, January 2. /TASS/. The suspension of the President of Moldova Igor Dodon could lead to popular unrest in the country, said the Chairman of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Leonid Kalashnikov.

“Death to Russia” and “My life in Iran”: what is called for protesters in the Iranian cities

“Death to Russia” and “My life in Iran”: what is called for protesters in the Iranian cities During the protests that swept Iran, are a variety of slogans: from requirements to solve specific economic problems calls to overthrow the regime of the Islamic Republic. The variety of slogans reflects the fact that the protesters have no single purpose or specific public messages to the authorities. To lead the protests here: suitable candidates are unable to offer any political parties or other forces. Some of sounding slogans sounded during the last major wave of protests in Iran in 2009, but the similarities are not so much. Then the reason for the discontent were the results of the presidential election, which many considered rigged, and the head of the protesters arose the candidates who lost the race. This time no one supports the World-Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karrubi, the opposition leaders who

Kosachev: the people of Moldova and the Council of Europe needs to evaluate what is happening in the country events

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 2. /TASS/. The citizens of Moldova and the Venice Commission (an Advisory body on constitutional law at the Council of Europe) needs to evaluate what is happening in Moldova events, including changes in the government to bypass President Igor Dodon, otherwise, as a violation of the Constitution, to call it impossible. This was stated in an interview with TASS on Tuesday, the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

In TVC commented on the detention in Riga of the employee

In TVC commented on the detention in Riga of the employee MOSCOW, 2 Jan — RIA Novosti. TV company “TV the Center” has expressed bewilderment in connection with the detention in Riga your employee Anatoly Kurlaeva, who was there in a private trip, noting the biased attitude of the Latvian authorities towards the Russian media, said in comments received by RIA Novosti. Earlier curlev declared radio Baltkom that the Latvian police arrested him in Riga, and we intend to send out of the country. According to the journalist, he was shown documents in which it is written that from April 2015 he is persona non grata in Latvia. “In television”, JSC “TV Center” expressed bewilderment in connection with the incident, as Anatoly kurlaev was in Latvia during a private trip. At the same time, the broadcaster considered that the deportation of the employee of “TV Center” clearly shows the biased

Trump: sanctions against North Korea are beginning to produce results

Trump: sanctions against North Korea are beginning to produce results WASHINGTON, 2 Jan. /TASS/. Imposed on DPRK sanctions and other measures of pressure are beginning to have an effect, Pyongyang has expressed willingness to talk with Seoul. This opinion on Tuesday in his Twitter expressed by the President of the United States Donald trump. “Sanctions and other measures of pressure are beginning to have increasing influence on North Korea”, — he wrote, Recalling that the DPRK soldiers are fleeing to neighboring South Korea. “Rocket man now wants first to talk with South Korea. Perhaps this is good news, but maybe not. Look!” he added, referring to the DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN. In his new year address Kim Jong UN said about the readiness of the authorities of the countries to send their athletes to the winter Olympic games in South Korea’s Pyeongchang. In response, the President of South Korea moon

The U.S. Embassy in Kiev urged to punish the perpetrators of the murder of human rights activist

The U.S. Embassy in Kiev urged to punish the perpetrators of the murder of human rights activist Moscow. 2 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine is shocked by the death of Ukrainian human rights activist, lawyer Irina Mostovskoy, urges to punish the guilty. “Shocked and saddened by the death of activist Irina Mostovskoy. We Express our deepest condolences to her friends and relatives”, — stated in the message of the Embassy in the microblog in Twitter on Tuesday. “Those who are responsible (for the deaths Moskovskoy — if), must be brought to justice”, — underlined in the message. Shocked and saddened rated by the death of activist Iryna #Nozdrovska. We offer our deepest condolences to her friends and family. Those responsible must be brought to #justice. — U. S. Embassy Kyiv (@USEmbassyKyiv) January 2, 2018. During the download an error has occurred. Human rights activist, lawyer Irina Noskowsky

The constitutional court of Moldova suspended the powers of the President

The constitutional court of Moldova suspended the powers of the President Moscow. 2 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the constitutional court (CC) Moldova has temporarily suspended the authority of the President Igor Dodon, the court took this decision on Tuesday at the request of the group of deputies from the ruling coalition. Decision due to the fact that last week he again rejected the proposed Prime Minister candidates of five Ministers and two Deputy Prime Ministers. According to the legislation, the President has the right to reject nominations only once. The constitutional court ruled that the duties of the President temporarily transferred to the Chairman of Parliament or Prime Minister. In the next few days one of them will sign decrees about the appointment of new members of the government. In late December, deputies from the ruling coalition appealed to the constitutional court on behalf of the Parliament’s Commission for legal issues,

To perform the duties of the President of Moldova will be the speaker of the Parliament

To perform the duties of the President of Moldova will be the speaker of the Parliament Moscow. 2 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Chairman of the Moldovan Parliament Andrian CANDU has confirmed he will perform the duties of President and will appoint new members of the government. “The constitutional court as the guarantor of the Constitution provided a decision today to institutional blockades, which gave the President Igor Dodon its decision to ignore the provisions of the Basic law. As acting President, I will sign the decrees appointing the new Ministers and will hold a ceremony of swearing” — leads on Tuesday, the press service of the Parliament of the word Kanda. The press service does not report the date of the signing of decrees and swearing in of the new Ministers. This, as the speaker and many state employees are currently on vacation. As became known to “Interfax”, it is most

The CEC adopted the documents nominated for the elections of the President of the Russian Federation Tatiana Volovik

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 2. /TASS/. The independent candidate Tatiana Volovik on Tuesday filed documents to the CEC of Russia for the nomination for the election of the President of the Russian Federation. “Taken documents from Tatiana Volovik, intentional to participate in elections in self-format”, – TASS was told in the Commission. According to media reports, Volovik represents the interests of defrauded investors. To register for the election of independent candidates need to collect 300 thousand signatures in his support, candidates from non-parliamentary parties – 100 thousand Candidates from parliamentary parties from collecting signatures released. Independent candidates can apply to the CEC for extension to January 7, candidates from parties – until January 12. Elections will be held March 18.

Palestinians believe Israeli law Jerusalem is a Declaration of war

Palestinians believe Israeli law Jerusalem is a Declaration of war CAIRO, 2 Jan. /TASS/. The adoption by the Knesset of a law on a unified Jerusalem is a Declaration of war to the Palestinians. This opinion, as reported by the Agency WAFA, stated on Tuesday the official representative of the Palestinian national authority (PNA) Nabil Abu rudeina. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “The vote on the law on a unified Jerusalem is actually a Declaration of war on the Palestinian people and its political and religious identity,” said Abu rudeina. According to him, Israel thus “officially announced the end of the so-called peace process and began to practice to maintain his dictatorial policies.” Some time ago, the Israeli Parliament adopted in final reading the law on a unified Jerusalem, which involves the transfer of any part of this city, which tel Aviv considers as the “one and indivisible capital” of the Jewish state, only