Trump has promised to support the people of Iran “in due time”

Trump has promised to support the people of Iran “in due time” MOSCOW, January 3 — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump expressed his respect for the people of Iran and promised to support him “in due time”. “So much respect for the people of Iran, as he fights to free his corrupt and badly governed countries. The US will be with you at the appropriate time,” wrote trump on Twitter. Such respect for the people of Iran as they try to take back their corrupt government. You will see great support from the United States at the appropriate time! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2018 During the download an error has occurred. In large cities of Iran including Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, and Rasht, from December 28 to pass mass actions of social protest. Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said that the protests caused by

The Iranian military announced the end of “the troubles” and the defeat of the rebels

The Iranian military announced the end of “the troubles” and the defeat of the rebels TASS, January 3. Commander of the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps (IRGC, an elite unit of the armed forces of Iran), General Mohammad Ali Jafari announced the end of “the troubles” in the cities of the Islamic Republic. The corresponding statement military leads on Wednesday, the Fars news Agency. “Our enemies should know that the military threats or security threats will not work against Iran,” he said. “Today we can announce the completion of the turmoil and the defeat of the rebellion,” said ja’afari, referring to riots, acts of sabotage and vandalism that occurred in several cities of the Republic in the past few days. Earlier, the representative of the IRGC Ramezan Sharif said that the police and internal security forces “complete control of the situation in Tehran and other cities of Iran, where there have

SCO initiated the formation of mission of observers for presidential elections

SCO initiated the formation of mission of observers for presidential elections BEIJING, 3 Jan. /Offset. TASS Roman Balandin/. The Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO) has already started to form a mission of observers to the presidential elections of the Russian Federation on March 18. On Wednesday in an interview with TASS said SCO Secretary-General Rashid Alimov. “We have already received an invitation to send observers. I already gave the order to begin to shape a mission,” he said. “The SCO attaches great importance to assist States members of the organization in the conduct of open, free and democratic elections, while respecting the principles of political neutrality and noninterference in their internal Affairs”, — said Alimov. The coverage of the regions As he said, the mission of the SCO is always trying to ensure the widest possible geographic scope of election observation in the territory of the host state: for example, in

Klintsevich called on the US to put up with the DPRK’s nuclear buttons, and common sense

First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 3. /TASS/. The US should not put up with North Korea in the sizes of nuclear buttons. This opinion was voiced on Wednesday to journalists the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich. “I think that the United States as a great power ought not to be equal with North Korea the size of the nuclear button, besides that’s not an argument that can convince its leader, Kim Jong-UN. We all are waiting for the Americans put on the table a much more powerful trumps common sense and responsibility. Here they definitely can’t beat,” said the Senator.

South Korea and the DPRK held bilateral telephone negotiations

South Korea and the DPRK held bilateral telephone negotiations Moscow. 3 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Representatives of South Korea and North Korea for the first time in nearly two years, held telephone talks on the restored “hot line” connection, passes on Wednesday Agency “Renhap”. “The representative of North Korea first made contact with South Korea”, — quotes Agency the extract from the statement of the South Korean Ministry of unification. Earlier in Pyongyang ordered the reinstatement “hot line” communication at the border village of Panmunjom. Details of the telephone conversation of the parties is not given. It is expected that another topic of the talks between Pyongyang and Seoul could be the participation of the North Korean national team in the Olympic games in Pyeongchang, which will take place in February of this year. On the eve of the Seoul proposed to Pyongyang to hold a January 9 meeting at high

Kim Jong-UN ordered to open a “hotline” with Seoul to discuss the Olympics in 2018

Kim Jong-UN ordered to open a “hotline” with Seoul to discuss the Olympics in 2018 TOKYO, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN gave the order to open a closed a long time “hot line” between North Korea and South Korea, it was stated by the head of management on Affairs between the two Koreas on state radio. As reported by Yonhap news Agency, the line will be open at 9.30 GMT. The purpose of this step is to discuss the possible participation of the DPRK delegation in the Olympic games in Pyeongchang. The official also said that Kim Jong UN welcomes the support provided by South Korea his peace proposal for participation of the delegation. On Tuesday, the head of the South Korean Ministry of unification, Cho Myung-Gyun offered to organize a high-level meeting in Panmunjom in the demilitarized zone to discuss the question

The US President asked the question, do I have to pay Palestine “huge amounts”

The US President asked the question, do I have to pay Palestine “huge amounts” Moscow. 3 Jan. INTERFAX.RU the American leader Donald trump has questioned whether US to pay Palestine hundreds of millions of dollars when this country does not want to negotiate peace with Israel. “Not only are we paying Pakistan billions of dollars for nothing, but to many other countries. For example, we pay to the Palestinians hundreds of millions of dollars a year and not getting any gratitude or respect. They don’t even want to negotiate a necessary peace Treaty with Israel,” wrote D. trump in the microblog in “tvittere”. He noted that the US “took Jerusalem, the most difficult part of the agenda of the talks.” “But since the Palestinians don’t want to talk about the world, why should we pay them in the future, such a huge amount?”, asked by D. trump. Earlier, us permanent

In Estonia, there was a scandal from-for absence of the national anthem new year’s eve

In Estonia, there was a scandal from-for absence of the national anthem new year’s eve RIGA, January 2. /Offset. TASS Yevgeny Antonov/. New year’s eve in Estonia turned into an embarrassment, which turned into the first in this year a big political scandal. The President Kersti Kaljulaid on Tuesday was forced to apologize for the state TV channel ETV did not find a place in his Christmas program for anthem of the country that was the first time for all time of independence of Estonia. “I’m sorry, and I apologize that in the new year’s television program, ETV is not the national anthem was played”, — she wrote in her Facebook. According to the President, she did not know that the national anthem this year will eliminate from the show. “However, my office [it] informed, so I also feel guilty and apologize”, she said. Previously Executive editor a new year’s