Vladimir Putin signed the law on the abolition of the term “economy-class housing”

Vladimir Putin signed the law on the abolition of the term “economy-class housing” The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed a law that abolishes the term “housing economy class” and introduces instead the notion of “standard housing”. This is stated on the Kremlin website. The document also provides for the establishment of the Ministry of construction requirements to the standard housing, including minimum and maximum sizes of dwellings. To establish these requirements under the standard will be defined as housing that previously attributed to the economy class housing. In addition, the law establishes the procedure for holding auctions in the electronic form at sale of land plots. These auctions are conducted by the Agency for housing mortgage lending (AHML).

In Kyrgyzstan decided to oblige officials to wear white hats

In Kyrgyzstan decided to oblige officials to wear white hats The deputies of Kyrgyzstan has prepared a draft law requiring the President, Prime Minister and speaker of Parliament to wear during official receptions and visits abroad national headdress is AK Kalpak (white cap). It is reported “Radio Azattyk” — Kyrgyz edition of “Radio Liberty”. The draft law also requires athletes to wear national headdress in international competitions. According to the authors of the document, it is necessary for “spiritual development and the preservation of centuries-old traditions of the Kyrgyz people” and to “raise awareness of the people of Kyrgyzstan”. The bill equates the AK Kalpak to the state flag, emblem and anthem. At the end of December 2017 for Dog’s Fashion Show 2018 in Bishkek the dog, which put AK Kalpak. Some activists considered it an insult Kyrgyz. The youth Council of the Kyrgyz people demanded to fine the organizers

Sands: two Syrian forces sufficient to repel attacks of militants

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/. The remaining Syrian forces sufficient to repel attacks of militants, but you need to intensively engage in political settlement. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, answering the question, does the attack with the use of drones on base Hamim that the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria was premature.

Vitaly Mutko will organize a tourism summit

Vitaly Mutko will organize a tourism summit Deputy Prime Minister, Vitaly Mutko headed the organizing Committee for the preparation of the 23rd session of the General Assembly of the world tourism organization (UNWTO). The order was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Regular session of UNWTO will be held in St. Petersburg in 2019. The organizing Committee also includes Deputy Minister of culture Alla Manilova, St. Petersburg Governor Georgy Poltavchenko, the head of the Federal tourism Agency Oleg Safonov, head of the Department of tourism and regional policy of the Ministry of culture Olga Yarilova, representatives of the foreign Ministry, interior Ministry, Federal customs service, Finance Ministry, transport Ministry, the FSB and other agencies. Recall that in late last year (December 27) Mr. Mutko said that resigned as Chairman of the organizing Committee of football world Cup “Russia-2018”. The international football Federation (FIFA) in this regard issued a statement in

The Ministry has proposed to add to the basket of meat and fish

The Ministry has proposed to add to the basket of meat and fish The head of Department Maxim Topilin also believes that may have to change the ratio between the share of food products and the share of non-food goods and services. MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/. Labor Minister Maxim Topilin offered to improve the composition of the consumer basket. He said this in an interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, published on Tuesday. In the current basket, “too much” grain products and potatoes, and, conversely, not enough meat and fish products, vegetables and fruits. To bring food set to optimal – the main task of the new consumer basket.Maxim Telingana Labor Labor Minister did not rule out the possibility of changing the ratio of share of food, which now accounts for 50%, and the share of manufactured goods (25%) and services (25%). According to the head of Department, in most countries switched

The head of the health Ministry expects the disappearance of counterfeit drugs in Russia in 2020

The head of the health Ministry expects the disappearance of counterfeit drugs in Russia in 2020 The head of Roszdravnadzor Mikhail Murashko said that by 2021 it is planned to get rid of counterfeiting and falsification in a licensed pharmacy chains. This happens largely due to the new system of marking medicines, he said in an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia”. “By the end of 2020 we plan to achieve these results (to get rid of counterfeit and falsification. — Ed.) on a licensed market. The more that will work marking system of medicines”, — said Muratov. The head of Roszdravnadzor also noted that in 2017 compared to two previous years, the number of counterfeit drugs in circulation has dropped by more than two times. Labeling of drugs with special labels Data Matrix will become mandatory from 1 January 2020. The relevant bill was passed in the state Duma of

The head of the DPRK delegation expects valuable results from the talks with Seoul

The head of the DPRK delegation expects valuable results from the talks with Seoul The head of the DPRK delegation in the negotiations with the Republic of Korea Ri son Gwon expressed hope that the dialogue will bring significant results and improve the relations of the parties. He stated before the meeting at the Ministerial level. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий As transfers TASS, the first round of negotiations held on January 9 at the border point Panmunjom. This is the first inter-Korean talks since December 2015. It is expected that the parties will discuss practical steps to improve relations between the two countries and the participation of the national team of Korea in the winter Olympics in 2018 in Pyeongchang. “I hope that negotiations will bring results,” he turned Ri son Gwon to the Minister of unification from South Korea Jo Myong-Gum. On 7 January, North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN ordered the creation

Computers of the Ministry of defense can translate to Russian, write media

Computers of the Ministry of defense can translate to Russian, write media MOSCOW, 9 Jan — RIA Novosti. All office computers of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation can be transferred from Microsoft operating system Astra Linux to the domestic, the newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to sources in Department. “Defense Ministry decided to transfer all service computers on the operating system Astra Linux. It is completely domestic development, its founder — Moscow company “Rusbiotech”. For computers of the Ministry of defense chose the advanced version of Astra Linux Special Edition with built-in office Suite. In the next phase, the new OS will be loaded on special service smartphones and tablets,” writes the newspaper. According to the publication, for the introduction of operating systems answer two main management office — communications and information technology development. If the new OS will meet the requirements of the military, to be installed