The Russian Embassy in the USA: attempts to exert pressure in connection with the upcoming elections is unacceptable

WASHINGTON, January 10. /TASS/. US attempts to pressure the Russian authorities in connection with the upcoming presidential elections as “unacceptable”. This is stated in the comment of the Russian Embassy in the U.S. posted on 9 January on his page in Facebook. “I would like to cool the “hot heads” in America: the requirements for admission of anyone to the elections in Russia and other such hypocritical attempts to exert pressure on Russian authorities is unacceptable and considered as direct interference in the internal Affairs of our state”, – said the Embassy.

Ministry of defense: attacked the Russian base in Syria, drones were launched from the area of de-escalation “Idlib”

Ministry of defense: attacked the Russian base in Syria, drones were launched from the area of de-escalation “Idlib” MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Drones attacking Russian military targets in Hamima and Tartus on the night of 6 January, was launched from the area of de-escalation “of Idlib,” said a 10 January, the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation. “The launch of the drones had been launched from the area of the settlement of Mazzara, located in the southwestern part of the zone of de-escalation “Idlib”, controlled by the armed groups of the so-called moderate opposition,” — said in comments the defense Ministry published in the newspaper “Red star”. In this regard, the Russian defense Ministry has sent letters to the chief of the General staff of the Turkish Armed forces General Hulusi Akar and chief of the National intelligence organization Hakan country Ficano. “The documents indicated the need to meet

USA decided to create a new nuclear warhead to deter Russia

USA decided to create a new nuclear warhead to deter Russia The administration of the President of the United States, Donald trump intends to relax existing restrictions in the use of nuclear weapons and to create a new nuclear warhead. This was announced by the former senior Director of the national security Council (NSC) Secretary for arms control and non-proliferation John Wolfstal, writes The Guardian. Wolfsthal told that the Pentagon prepared a new nuclear doctrine. In it, in particular, talking about the new nuclear warhead small capacity, which will be used on Trident missiles launched from submarines. According to Wolfsthal, the creation of such warheads aimed at deterring Russia from the use of tactical warheads in the conflict in Eastern Europe. As noted, the new doctrine also expanded the list of potential conditions, which may be a nuclear strike.

Trump and both parties of Congress have agreed to develop a reform on immigration

Trump and both parties of Congress have agreed to develop a reform on immigration WASHINGTON, 9 Jan — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. The US President Donald trump and the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties agreed to develop immigration reform, said in a release sent to RIA Novosti the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders. “The US President Donald trump has just concluded a successful meeting on immigration reform with both parties from both houses of Congress. During that part of the meeting, which was held behind closed doors, they reached an agreement on holding talks to develop legislation that will allow us to conduct critically needed reforms in four areas of high priority,” Sanders said. According to her, we are talking about border security, the end of “chain migration” distant relatives to aliens in the United States and the termination of the visa lottery, which in

Russian foreign Ministry: Moscow outraged by the Latvian law “On the status of the participant of the Second world war”

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Roman Canasuc/TASS MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/. The adoption by Latvia of the law “On the status of the participant of the Second world war” is outrageous and will have serious implications for Russian-Latvian relations. This was stated on Tuesday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

As Korean village became the toughest place in the world

As Korean village became the toughest place in the world This territory belongs to two States, and some call it the toughest place on the planet. We are talking about the village of Panmunjom: this is one of the few places where soldiers from North Korea, South Korea and the United States every day we meet face to face. Before to enter this area, visitors are required to sign a document that warns them that they are in “hostile zone, where there is a risk to get injured or die.” This territory belongs to two States, and some call it the toughest place on the planet. We are talking about the village of Panmunjom: this is one of the few places where soldiers from North Korea, South Korea and the United States every day we meet face to face. It was here in 1953 signed the armistice agreement that ended

The interior Ministry reduced the staff of GAI ten thousand people

The interior Ministry reduced the staff of GAI ten thousand people MOSCOW, 9 Jan — RIA Novosti. The state traffic police has reduced by ten thousand employees from 1 January 2018, told RIA Novosti in the press center of the interior Ministry. “By decree of the President dated 31 December 2017 No. 652 the number of staff of internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2018 reduced by 10 thousand units,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, declining the post of police in the traffic police departments and the DPS, “with the exception of posts intended to carry out registration procedures and examinations… and driver licensing”. The interior Ministry emphasize that these “staffing measures” “will affect, primarily, incomplete posts”. Ex-employees of GAI can be transferred to vacant positions in other divisions of the Ministry of interior, “where their practices will be implemented”.

Pamfilova: EU statement on not allowing the Bulk to the election puzzling

Chairman of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/. Statement by the press Secretary of the service for external relations of the European Union that the non-admission of blogger Alexei Navalny to the election of the President of the Russian Federation questioned the democratic character of elections in Russia, causes confusion and is not based on international law. This was stated on Tuesday, the Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova.

Investigators called the “fruit of the mystification of” the data on PMCs “Turan”

Investigators called the “fruit of the mystification of” the data on PMCs “Turan” Private military company “Turan” does not really exist, the author of “the hoax” is the correspondent of ANNA News and the “Russian spring” Oleg Blokhin. To such conclusion in its investigation Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT). We collected enough information to say with certainty that the so-called “PMC Turan” – not a real armed formation, and the fruit of a vast hoax, created mainly by one person – the correspondent of ANNA News and the “Russian spring” Oleg Blokhin.Conflict Intelligence Team According to CIT, the prototype of “Turan” became Soviet “Muslim battalions” during the war in Afghanistan, and for photos of the alleged fighters PMCs posed himself Blokhin and his friend, cameraman REN TV Alexander Rychkov. CIT indicates the absence of information about the command “Turan”, the place of preparation, the dead soldiers or their relatives, i.e. all