In the state Duma proposed to start the academic year from 1 October due to climate change

In the state Duma proposed to start the academic year from 1 October due to climate change Deputies of the State Duma has proposed to allow municipalities to transfer the beginning of the academic year in educational institutions on the first of September to first October. The initiative at the meeting of the state Duma Committee for education and science has acted the Deputy from fraction of LDPR Boris Chernyshov, the correspondent Indicator.Ru. Deputies explained his proposal climate change and the fact that children need more rest in warm time of the year. “The world is changing, varies climatically. We see in June is cold, and the Christmas holidays is relatively warm. However, we do not propose to increase the new year holidays. On the contrary, for the children to have more opportunities to relax in the warm time of the year. We suggest, if possible, to expand the authority

New York has filed a lawsuit against the largest oil company in the world because of climate change

New York has filed a lawsuit against the largest oil company in the world because of climate change The authorities of new York filed a lawsuit against oil companies BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell. As stated by mayor bill de Blasio, new York requires corporations to pay damages from climate change caused by oil production. “We are talking about damages, which we have already received, and compensation necessary to repair the damage that is expected, we will suffer”, — reads the statement of the city authorities. Bloomberg notes that the form of the claim selected by Mr. de Blasio previously has been used successfully by authorities in new York to fight the brothels and trash dumps. Representatives of the oil companies, criticized the lawsuit. In Chevron stated that the claim is not justified legally and, in addition, any outcome of the process will have no impact on

Russia will not send its delegation to PACE January session

The parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg © REUTERS/Vincent Kessler MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. Russia will not send its delegation to the January session of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), because the regulations of the Assembly has not been amended on the protection of rights of national delegations from discrimination. This was stated by TASS Vice-speaker of the state Duma Pyotr Tolstoy, who oversees the lower house of Parliament’s international activities.

Iranian authorities have forbidden to teach the students English

Iranian authorities have forbidden to teach the students English The Iranian leadership withdrew from the school curriculum for primary school the English language, which was introduced after the reforms of education in early 2010-ies. According to the Supreme leader of the Islamic Republic, learning English at an early age leads to the Westernization of society. Experts doubt that the ban on English lessons will lead to the promotion of other foreign languages, including Russian. Iranian authorities have decided to learn English from primary school. This is stated in the corresponding statement the head of the Supreme Council for education. “Learning English in public and private primary schools in the framework of the official program is now contrary to the law and regulations,” said Council head Mehdi Navid-Adham on Iranian television. The official added that learning English as an additional subject in primary educational institutions will now also be regarded as

Residents of Donbass are massively going abroad

Residents of Donbass are massively going abroad In the Donetsk region last year issued a record number of foreign Ukrainian passports. This is evidenced by the Main Directorate of the State migration service, reports UNIAN. It is clarified that in 2017 the passport addressed more than 114 thousand inhabitants of Donetsk region, which exceeds the same indicator in 2016 at 51 thousand people. The reason for such high interest experts see the introduction of a visa-free regime with the Schengen countries. It was specifically noted that the documents are treated as residents of the Kiev-controlled territories, and the citizens of the self-proclaimed DND. January 9 Henley&Partnerts has published an annual “index of passports”, according to which the Ukrainian document proved more valuable than Russian — Russian citizens can freely enter in 110 countries, Ukrainians — 4 States more. Visa-free regime between the EU and Ukraine started to operate June 11,

The newest nuclear submarine of the United States received fantastic technology

The newest nuclear submarine of the United States received fantastic technology Checking accounts chamber of the USA has shown that the latest American submarine class Columbia do not meet the claimed Pentagon level of technological readiness. The report of the auditors drew the attention of The National Interest. The test showed that the required additional development and testing to demonstrate the maturity of several technology solutions that are used in the submarines of class Columbia. These innovations, the report notes, are crucial to the performance of the vehicle, and relates in particular to integrated energy systems, nuclear reactor, missile compartment, and engine with a permanent magnet. The chamber concludes that at the moment it is unknown whether these systems the regular work because for many of these devices did not create and is not tested the prototypes, and a number of the claimed functions generally has only a theoretical study,

The UN security Council has opposed the easing of sanctions against the DPRK

The UN security Council has opposed the easing of sanctions against the DPRK UN, January 11. /TASS/. Diplomats of several countries — members of the UN Security Council on 10 January voted against easing sanctions pressure on North Korea in response to Pyongyang’s decision to engage in dialogue with Seoul. He told reporters the British permanent representative to the UN Matthew Rycroft, in the security Council expect from the North Korean side ending the development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. “I don’t think that someone wants this at this stage,” said the diplomat, commenting on the possibility of lifting UN security Council of sanctions with North Korea. “We need to stop their illegal activities,” added Rycroft. According to him, every provocative step, Pyongyang is deeply concerned about the international community. “We want these provocations and capacity [nuclear and missile] programs ceased, and achieved complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,”

Putin will meet with leaders of the Russian print media

Putin will meet with leaders of the Russian print media Moscow. January 11. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday will meet with the leaders of the Russian print media and news agencies, the press service of the Kremlin. “During the meeting it is planned to discuss topical issues of the industry” — stated in the message. The press service noted that the meeting will be held on the eve of the Day of Russian press. In addition, on Thursday, Putin will meet with students — authors of the best essays on the theme “Russia looking into the future”. The President himself has proposed the students to write about how they see the future of the country at the turn of the 2040-2050-ies, during the open lesson 1 September 2017. In the essay contest attended 1.9 million students from 85 regions of the Russian Federation. Won 35 works.