Putin pleased with what young people think about their role in the future of the country

Putin pleased with what young people think about their role in the future of the country The President of Russia noted that students speaking about the future, do not forget “neither about the environment nor about his small Motherland”. MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin is pleased with what young people think about their role in the future of the country and does not forget about ecology. “Particularly pleased that many of you write about his role in the future of the country and do not forget neither about the environment nor about his small home, which is extremely important, seeing her beautiful, interesting, evolving, wonder what I can do for people,” — said the Russian leader at the meeting with students — authors of the best essays on the theme “Russia looking into the future”. According to the President, he seems to be very important. Putin congratulated

The General staff said details about the attack a Russian base in Syria drones

The General staff said details about the attack a Russian base in Syria drones All unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) used for attacks on Russian military facilities in Syria, were launched from one point around the same time, said the head of the construction and development of a system of the UAV of the General staff of Russia Alexander Novikov. Previously, the defense Ministry reported that on the night of 6 January, the Russian military prevented the attack 13 attack drones on the Russian base in Syria. Ten of the UAV was approaching the base Hamim, three more — to the point of logistics Russian Navy in Tartus. Casualties or material damage on the Russian military facilities there. According to Novikov, to repel the terrorists allowed the system to counteract the shock drones. Drones used in the attack on the Russian airbase was pre-programmed in flight and reset ammunition, which “eliminated

Peskov called the activation condition Telegram-channels in the digest for Putin

Peskov called the activation condition Telegram-channels in the digest for Putin President Vladimir Putin will report on the contents of the Telegram channels, but in the digest includes only those messages that deserve attention. About it to journalists on Thursday, January 11, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, reports “Interfax”. According to Peskov, the majority of political science or “econopolitics” message in the Telegram channels are “a product of poor quality if not worse”. “The ones that more or less correspond to the level of the report to the President, of course, included in the digest”, — assured the press Secretary. In addition, Putin is prepared separately “digest online”, which also include the message in the Telegram channels, “published when there is something worthy of attention,” said Peskov. On Wednesday, the co-Chairman of Putin’s election headquarters Elena Shmeleva said that the presidential candidate may receive your Telegram.

The CEC receives questions from the Russians about the possibilities of voting in Ukraine and USA

The CEC member Vasily Likhachev © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. The Central election Commission of Russia every day he gets about a dozen letters from Russians living abroad who are concerned about the possibilities of voting in the presidential elections on 18 March; in particular, the concern expressed by the Russian Diaspora in Ukraine and in the United States. This was announced on Thursday, the CEC member Vasily Likhachev at a meeting of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs. “Many problems occur, which, frankly, in the Russian legislation there is no answer,” he said.

Billionaire against trump. Tom Steyer is trying to overthrow the US President

Billionaire against trump. Tom Steyer is trying to overthrow the US President Calling for the impeachment of trump billionaire Tom Steyer promised to spend $30 million to support Democrats in the midterm elections in the House of representatives of the Congress of the United States. Publication from Tom Steyer (@tomsteyer) Nov 1, 2017 at 4:26 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Spending $20 million on the so far unsuccessful campaign in support of the impeachment of the President of the United States Donald trump, former Manager of the largest hedge Fund, and now the activist of the environmental movement is Tom Steyer announced Monday morning that it will allocate another $30 million to help the Democrats get a majority in the House of representatives of Congress in the midterm elections of 2018. It puts an end to the speculation of the followers of Stayer on whether he will

Rebelled senators interpretations in the Crimea textbook sent for examination in wounds

Rebelled senators interpretations in the Crimea textbook sent for examination in wounds Moscow. January 11. INTERFAX.RU — Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation was sent back for further examination a textbook on modern Russian history for the tenth grade, which was the claim the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko because of the wording on the accession of Crimea to Russia. This decision was taken at a meeting of the scientific-methodical Council of the Ministry of education textbooks at the end of December, it follows from the minutes of the meeting posted on the Ministry’s website. The meeting was chaired by the Minister of education and science, historian Olga Vasilyeva, 19 people voted in favor, two abstained. We are talking about the textbook “History of Russia: XX — early XXI century” (authors O. V. Volobuev, Karpachev S. P., Romanov P. N.), issued by publishing house “BUSTARD”.

In Turkey arrested a key accused of the murder of the Ambassador of Russia Andrei Karlov

In Turkey arrested a key accused of the murder of the Ambassador of Russia Andrei Karlov Turkish police charged in the murder of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov party “Terrorist organization of fethullahists” (FETO). This man has been arrested and now he’s taken into custody again. This publication reports the Daily Sabah. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The name of the detainee is not called. Known only by his initials V. K. A. According to the publication, the detainee was dismissed from state service after an unsuccessful coup attempt in Turkey in 2016. The investigation found that he used a mobile app ByLock, which encodes the correspondence. Source Daily Sabah reported that the arrested had played a “key role” in the murder of a diplomat. Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov was killed in Ankara on 19 December 2016. The attack occurred at the moment when he gave a speech at the opening of the

Zakharova: Russia reserves right to respond to the limitations of Russian media in Moldova

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. Moscow reserves the right to take retaliatory measures in connection with the approval of Moldova law on amendment of the Code on television and radio, which restricts the broadcast of Russian TV channels. This was stated on Thursday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Users of social networks will be obliged to make links with the use of media materials is registered as a foreign agent

Users of social networks will be obliged to make links with the use of media materials is registered as a foreign agent Moscow. January 11. INTERFAX.RU Users of social networks, such as Facebook, reprinting the materials and messages from the media, a foreign agent will have to make special links, said the Vice-speaker of the state Duma Pyotr Tolstoy. “Definitely, everywhere, (where) he reprints the information,” said Tolstoy, responding to the question of “Interfax”. He gave an example: “for example, we write that ISIS — banned in Russia organization”. The idea is also to write honestly and according to the information that somewhere is in the interests of the US state Department.Peter Tolstova-speaker of the state Duma In the bill, which, as expected, the state Duma will consider in the first reading this coming Friday, there is a provision under which “owners of information resources that are not foreign mass