Cabinet integrate remuneration of senior managers with the performance of state-owned companies

Cabinet integrate remuneration of senior managers with the performance of state-owned companies Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev instructed relevant ministries to prepare proposals on linking remuneration of top managers of state companies with the performance of these companies. This was reported on the website of the Cabinet. “The Ministry of economic development and the Ministry of labour together with the expert Council under the Russian government and the organizations concerned to submit to the government proposals on improvement of methodical instructions on the use of key indicators for assessing the efficiency of companies with state participation, taking into account the need of the size relationship of remuneration to senior management with the achievement of indicators of efficiency of activity of such companies”, — said in the order. The term for preparing the proposals set February 28, 2018. Last year, the media reported that the government plans to introduce a

In the Navy of Ukraine responded to the words of Putin on the transfer of ships from Crimea

In the Navy of Ukraine responded to the words of Putin on the transfer of ships from Crimea MOSCOW, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. The proposal of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the transfer of Kiev remaining in the Crimea of Ukrainian military equipment should be carefully examined, said the commander of naval forces of Ukraine Vice-Admiral Igor Voronchenko, the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. “This requires very careful study, so we didn’t stay a bargaining chip,” — said Voronchenko. In his opinion, with the proposal to transfer the equipment to Kiev may be hiding some “game” of the Kremlin. The final decision on this matter will be taken “at the highest level of political leadership of the state”, said the commander of the Ukrainian Navy. Voronchenko also claims that almost all equipment remained on the Peninsula, supposedly was repaired. According to him, eight warships are on the move

Sands: the offer to return to Ukraine, her technique is a gesture of goodwill as part of the settlement

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. Offer to return the Ukrainian military equipment from Crimea is a gesture of goodwill and a manifestation of the attitude of the Russian side to resolve the Ukraine. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov.

The CEC registered the Communist party Grudinina nominated as a presidential candidate

The Director of the Lenin state farm Pavel Grudinin © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. The Central election Commission of Russia at session on Friday has registered as a presidential candidate Russian entrepreneur Pavel Grudinina, nominated by the Communist party. “To register a candidate for the office of President of the Russian Federation of Pavel Grudinina born in 1960, nominated by a political party, the Communist party”, – stated in the decree of the CEC.

Bottles of alcohol suggested frightening pictures

Bottles of alcohol suggested frightening pictures In Russia on bottles with alcoholic beverages can appear illustration about the dangers of excessive drinking. With this idea in the Ministry of health appealed the leadership of the Federal project “Sober Russia”, reports RT. According to the authors, the existing labels with a warning about the dangers of excessive consumption of alcohol is not enough. “Photos of alcohol affected the brain, heart or liver will be an incentive to protect your health, makes people at least think about it before you can buy alcohol,” explained project leader Sultan Khamzayev. Another suggestion was to place instead of a scary photo excerpts from the Criminal code, in particular article 151 “Involving of minors drinking alcohol”. The Agency said that it is ready to examine the proposal for this will be studied the experience of other countries, and scientific data. At present frightening the pictures are

Klimkin called “nonsense” statements of Poland about the influx of Ukrainian refugees

Klimkin called “nonsense” statements of Poland about the influx of Ukrainian refugees MOSCOW, January 12 — RIA Novosti. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said that the statements of Warsaw about the mass influx of refugees from Ukraine on the territory of Poland — “complete nonsense”. The head of the foreign Ministry said at a briefing, the TV channel Zik. “There is a very clear figure — now in Poland there are hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians. For the last two years in Poland was officially granted asylum 88 Ukrainians. So talking about some serious quantities of Ukrainians who are massively trying to ask asylum, or even can be considered refugees, is incorrect,” said the Minister. At the same time, Klimkin noted that the Ukrainians, who temporarily moved to Poland, “save the local economy and at the same time help to increase the competitiveness of the Polish

Kim Jong-UN said that through science, the DPRK will not be obstacles, and after 100 years of sanctions

Kim Jong-UN said that through science, the DPRK will not be obstacles, and after 100 years of sanctions TOKYO, January 12. /TASS/. The DPRK thanks to science and national economies will not encounter insurmountable difficulties, even if the sanctions imposed against Pyongyang, will last 10 or 100 years. This confidence was expressed by the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN during a visit to the State Academy of Sciences. “[Kim Jong UN] said with certainty that thanks to the Foundation of independent national economy, we have prepared a robust scientific and technological forces and bright minds [scientists] we will not have any insurmountable difficulties, let the enemies and impose sanctions, which will last 10 or 100 years”, — stated in the event report, which is published on Friday by the KCNA. According to the leader of North Korea, one of the secrets “of the victorious Korean revolution in the conditions

The United States announced new sanctions against Russia

The United States announced new sanctions against Russia U.S. working on sanctions against “Russian oligarchs” in the framework of the “Law on combating the enemies of America.” This was stated at a briefing in the White house by the Minister of Finance Steven Mnuchin. “We’re working on it. They will be announced in the near future”, — said Mnuchin in response to the question about the list of persons against which restrictive measures are being worked out. In turn, the newspaper “Kommersant” found out that the US Administration is preparing to submit to Congress a list of senior Russian officials and businessmen close to the highest leadership of the country. It may become defendants in more than 50 people, and families to 300. According to the publication, hit the black list does not mean an automatic hit by the sanctions, but increases the risk of this. While in the US

RBC: the CEC will redistribute the number of electronic ballot boxes because of dissatisfaction with the authorities

RBC: the CEC will redistribute the number of electronic ballot boxes because of dissatisfaction with the authorities The Kremlin was unhappy with the way the CEC allocated the number of COHIBA (electronic ballot boxes) in the regional elections in 2017, according to RBC, citing four sources close to the presidential administration and the CEC. According to one of them, it was planned to send the electronic ballot box are mostly in cities and capital regions. However, this caused the disapproval of the President’s administration, where he considered that it was necessary to “thin “smear” of the Cohiba across the region”. “The goal is to hold elections fairly and transparently, so you need to distribute Cohiba in each subject the maximum, so you do not charged (the power.— “B”) in the stuffing,” said close to the Kremlin, a source. According to the CEC close to the source RBC, now “will be

Navalny is trying to create a party for the third time

Navalny is trying to create a party for the third time Politician Alexei Navalny announced Thursday that it will again achieve registration of their Party of progress. Over the past year had created “the largest in the history of new Russia a real political movement with an extensive network in the regions,” he wrote on his website: “the Movement is, of course, is much broader party framework. We are aware that the format of the party political struggle is not all it seems comfortable and effective. However, a huge number of people the party needed. A mechanism is needed to participate in the elections. In a regional first”. March 3 will be a new founding Congress, and by June it is planned to register a regional office. To create his own party (at first it was called “people’s Alliance”, and then renamed the progress Party) Bulk began at the end