Erdogan found a loophole for EU membership

Erdogan found a loophole for EU membership Bulgaria plans to help Turkey in talks with Brussels on EU membership. Reported by the Daily Express. In particular, in Sofia defended the continuation of the dialogue on the accession of Ankara to the EU. So, Bulgarian Ambassador in Austria Ivan Sirakov, said that the suspension of talks with Turkey “is not in the interests of the European Union”, however, that Turkey “needs to be open and honest.” During a speech in the Austrian capital, he assured Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Albania, that “without them, Europe would not be complete”. “The Western part of the Balkans is important for the security and prosperity of Europe (…) For this we need Turkey” — leads edition the words of a diplomat.

Peskov explained getting Epiphany bathing Putin in the video

Peskov explained getting Epiphany bathing Putin in the video Epiphany bathing Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to demonstrate in the media, because this year it took place in public mode. About it said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, reports the correspondent of”.ru”. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “It was quite a lot of the parishioners, the President for a short part of the prayer service, which was in the temple. (…) So I decided to show you. Before it was more discrete,” said Sands. During the download an error has occurred. So a Kremlin spokesman responded to a question of journalists why earlier Epiphany bathing Putin was not advertised. Vladimir Putin in the night of January 19, plunged through the ice on lake Seliger. President takes part in the Epiphany bathing was filmed. According to Peskov, the temperature in the area of Seliger held at six or seven degrees below zero. The

Johnson proposed to build a bridge between France and UK

Johnson proposed to build a bridge between France and UK MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The head of the British foreign Ministry Boris Johnson has put forward the idea of the construction of a bridge over the English channel between Britain and France, the newspaper writes Telegraph. According to the publication, at the meeting with the President of France Emmanuel Makron Johnson said that “stupid” that two leading economic powers “are connected only by rail”. As it became known edition, Makron has welcomed the idea of the British Minister. “I agree. Let’s do it,” — leads edition of the words of the French leader. “Why not? All ideas, even those that sometimes seem extravagant, should be considered. I just pay attention to the fact that there are already large-scale European infrastructure, which is difficult to Finance. For example, (railway project) Lyon-Turin. Let’s tackle first the projects that have started

Kosachev: success in the fight against terrorism is possible under broad international cooperation

The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS HANOI, January 19. /TASS/. The threat of terrorism in the Asia-Pacific region is still high, but in recent years in the fight against it has had some success. This was stated by Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev, speaking Friday at a plenary session devoted to policy and security issues held in Hanoi the 26th session of the Asia-Pacific parliamentary forum (APPF). “In recent years in this direction have been some successes. First of all, we are talking about the task of combating the armed terrorist gangs in Syria. This has allowed to start withdrawal of Russian troops to their permanent deployment,” – said the MP.

Nebesa: the Russian Federation does not recognize the investigation of chemical attacks in Syria, bypassing UNSC

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Richard Drew UN, January 19. /TASS/. Russia will not consider any lawful arrangement “in the narrow format” on the investigation of chemical attacks in Syria in circumvention of the UN Security Council. This was stated on January 18, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the security Council meeting on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. He responded to criticism of Russia heard from the lips of representatives of great Britain and the United States. They laid on Moscow responsibility for the termination of the Joint UN and the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons (BCW), who studied cases of use of toxic substances in the course of the conflict in Syria. According to Nebenzu, the Western countries “do not listen, and misinterpret” the position of Russia, accusing it of blocking resolutions on the extension of the CMP. “It is

Vladimir Putin took part in the Epiphany bathing on lake Seliger

Vladimir Putin took part in the Epiphany bathing on lake Seliger Moscow. 19 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the end of the work program in Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region on Thursday went to the Tver region, where he visited the monastery of the Nilo-Stolobenskaya desert, reported the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “On the occasion of the feast of the Baptism of the Lord Putin attended part of the Liturgy and also took part in Epiphany bathing at lake Seliger”, — he said. According to a spokesperson, this year the traditional Epiphany frosts in Central Russia is not observed, so “the temperature in the lake that night did not fall below 6-7 degrees below zero”. Peskov also said that Putin is not the first experience the holiday of Epiphany. “The President has for a number of years, is dipped in the

The informant WikiLeaks manning was a participant election to the U.S. Senate

The informant WikiLeaks manning was a participant election to the U.S. Senate WASHINGTON, January 19. /TASS/. Election Commission of Maryland on January 18 officially registered party of the election to the Senate of the U.S. Congress informant WikiLeaks Bradley manning, who had previously decided to have a sex change and is now named Chelsea. According to information on the website of the electoral Commission, manning became the fourth member of the intra-party race among Democrats, the winner of which will fight for the place of a Senator from the state in November 2018 during the midterm elections in Congress. Manning pointed out personal data, your social networks and contact information. officially on the ballot! ??? #WeGotThis — Chelsea E. Manning (@xychelsea) 18 January 2018 During the download an error has occurred. The candidate also reported this to his followers on Twitter by posting their photo with the caption

Putin will address with the message before the election

Putin will address with the message before the election The President may propose to the Federal Assembly in early February. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin will address the Federal Assembly in early February, told “Izvestia” a source close to the presidential administration (AP). Information about what the event will be held until the March election, confirmed to “Izvestia” press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. The sources of “News” in the state Duma said that as long as you have an approximate date is called 6 Feb. This date is called the most probable one source of “Izvestia”, close to the AP. According to experts, in 2018, the President will be of a software nature. — Considering the period in which the message will be announced, there are very high expectations from those measures and approaches which will offer it the head of state. The message, of course, is not

Expenditures from the electoral Fund of Putin amounted to nearly 41.5 million rubles

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, January 18. /TASS/. Expenditures from the electoral Fund of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, who is running for a new term, made up, as of January 15, approximately 41.5 million. This is evidenced by data on the receipt and expenditure of election funds of presidential candidates released Thursday on the website of the CEC.

Russia refused to accede to the Treaty banning nuclear weapons

Russia refused to accede to the Treaty banning nuclear weapons MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russia will not join Treaty banning nuclear weapons (the NPT by), Minister of foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov at the meeting of the UN security Council on issues like the prohibition of nuclear weapons. This was reported on the Russian MFA website. The NPT by signed in the headquarters of the UN on 7 July 2017, the representatives of 53 countries, with Guyana, Thailand and the Vatican has already ratified it. However, Russia, USA, China and other nuclear powers did not sign the Treaty. “Russia does not intend to accede to the NPT by. We believe that the complete elimination of nuclear weapons is only possible in the context of General and complete disarmament under conditions of equal and indivisible security for all, including for holders of nuclear weapons, as envisaged by the NPT (Treaty