The Ministry of Finance gave the bill a definition of hashing and token

The Ministry of Finance gave the bill a definition of hashing and token The Ministry of Finance of Russia published a draft law on regulation of digital assets. The bill provides a definition of mining, cryptocurrency and token. Mining — business activities aimed at creating a cryptocurrency and/or validation for the purpose of receiving remuneration in the form of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency — a digital financial asset that is created and integrated into a distributed registry of digital transactions by participants in this registry in accordance with the rules of the register of digital transactions. Token — a digital financial asset, which is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur with the goal of raising funds and is recorded in the register of digital records. News8 best kryptomere to get rich on virtual currency The exchange operators digital of financial assets, according to the bill of the Ministry of Finance can only

What is said in Davos about the future of the American sanctions

What is said in Davos about the future of the American sanctions Future American sanctions — one of the main topics that discuss Russian participants of the Davos forum. Talked about this at the session devoted to Russia, and on the sidelines of the forum. Before the publication of the “blacklist” of high-ranking Russian officials and businessmen close to the leadership of the country, less than a week. Until 29 January us Treasury must submit to Congress a report on “major foreign policy figures and oligarchs” and their relations with Vladimir Putin and members of the “Russian ruling elite”. So according to the law “On counteraction to opponents of the United States through sanctions” (CAATS). “Many here [in Davos] ask if I’m afraid to get into the sanctions list, but I don’t understand what could be the reasons, — says CEO of “SIBUR” Dmitry Konov, the participant of the Davos

The DPRK addressed to the entire Korean nation

The DPRK addressed to the entire Korean nation MOSCOW, 25 Jan — RIA Novosti. North Korean authorities appealed to the entire Korean nation call for the easing of military tensions between Pyongyang and the South, according to the KCNA. The unification of the Korean nation, according to the report, is a major challenge. It is noted that North Korea and South Korea must decide on the reunification of the country. Pyongyang emphasizes that the intervention of third parties in this matter is unacceptable. North Korean authorities also propose to reduce criticism of the country from rocket and nuclear programs of the DPRK, which, according to Pyongyang, has not prevented the improvement of relations between North and South. Pyongyang also call upon the Korean nation to oppose the United States, which, as noted, provoke a nuclear war. The DPRK also proposed to intensify contacts between the North and the South humanitarian

Russian foreign Ministry: US statement on chemical weapons in Syria directed against the Congress of netdialog

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, January 25. /TASS/. US statement on the use of chemical weapons Damascus is aimed at the complication of the Congress of the Syrian acdialog in Sochi. This is stated in the statement of the Russian foreign Ministry published on Wednesday. “On 23 January, the number of senior US officials made defamatory accusations against the Russian Federation and the Syrian Arab Republic, trying to place the responsibility for incidents involving the conflict in this country of chemical weapons on Moscow and Damascus. In essence, undertaken a massive propaganda attack with the purpose of denigrating Russia on the world stage and undermine efforts for a peaceful settlement in Syria,” the document reads. “Contrary to common sense we – along with the legitimate authorities of Syria have declared responsible for the chemical attack in Eastern ghouta the Syrian January

The government will continue to support Islamic education

The government will continue to support Islamic education Moscow. 25 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Support in Russia of Islamic education through major state institutions will continue, Russian President Vladimir Putin meeting with the Muftis of centralized religious organizations of Muslims of Russia and the leaders of the Bulgarian Islamic Academy. “We certainly will support further (Islamic education if), (…) we will continue to support large state universities,” the President said. He also noted the importance of Muslim spiritual education among youth, in an environment where a lot of problems and ideas, sometimes destructive. “But with these ideas, even destructive, you can only fight one way — using other ideas. Such who promote and educate people in the theological Academy, which was created here (Bulgarian Islamic Academy — if), in other academies and educational institutions (…) in Moscow, Ufa, and the Caucasus”, — said the head of state. Before meeting with the

Trump believes that Russia interfered in the elections in the United States, but he is not involved in this

Trump believes that Russia interfered in the elections in the United States, but he is not involved in this WASHINGTON, January 25. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump said that Russia interfered in the past in 2016 American elections, but he didn’t. This was stated on Wednesday at a regular press briefing the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders. She, in particular, the question was asked: “the President has repeatedly said that there was no collusion between his campaign staff and Russia. What is the value trump puts in the word “conspiracy”. Does he mean the meeting between officials or is it about sharing information?”. “The President accused that helped him to win the election, but that’s simply not true,’ answered Sanders. — He won because he was the best candidate, the harder he worked, because he said that actually cared about America and Americans voted for him.

Dvorkovich: Russia has no oligarchs, there are “socially responsible business”

Dvorkovich: Russia has no oligarchs, there are “socially responsible business” Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said on Bloomberg TV that in Russia nowadays there are no oligarchs, but there is a “socially responsible business”. “I don’t think we have the oligarchs, it was the concept of the 1990s. Now we have a good hardworking socially responsible businessmen who care about the country and earn money doing responsible business”, — said the Deputy Prime Minister (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). Thus he answered the question of what kind of mood are observed in the environment of oligarchs in connection with the possible introduction of new U.S. sanctions against Russian businessmen. “Sanctions make life difficult, but not impossible”, — said Mr. Dvorkovich. By 29 January, the administration must submit to Congress reports in the framework of the implementation of a new package of anti-Russian sanctions. The document allows you to introduce restrictive measures

The co-chairs of Putin’s election staff will meet regularly with the Russians

The head of the center “Sirius” Elena Shmeleva © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/. Meeting of the election headquarters of candidate for President of Russia Vladimir Putin with citizens in a public reception will be held on a regular basis. About this said on Wednesday, TASS co-Chairman of Putin’s electoral headquarters, head of the center for gifted children “Sirius” Elena Shmeleva.

Putin offered to “kiss” a worker for the success of the enterprise

Putin offered to “kiss” a worker for the success of the enterprise Russian President Vladimir Putin during a visit to the company “United engine Corporation” in Ufa offered a “kiss” of a worker in response to the question about the possibility of returning to the award of the labour collectives, the correspondent of RNS. 6фотографий6фотографий “Let me just kiss you”, — Putin said, answering a question of working on the possibility of returning to the practice of awarding government labor collectives of enterprises. According to the President, this practice was discontinued in the Soviet era, as it did not affect the production results of plants. “Back then, in Soviet times, it was decided that to reward for personal achievements of each individual. We have such a practice continues,” said Putin. During the download an error has occurred.

Gryzlov said that the PACE does not understand or does not want to understand the nature of the crisis in the Donbass

Plenipotentiary representative of Russia in the Contact group on settling the situation in the South-East of Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov © EPA/SERGEI CHIRIKOV MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/. The parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) demonstrates the lack of understanding or unwillingness to understand the nature of the political crisis in the East of Ukraine, and its demands to Russia to cease economic and financial assistance to the Donbas not consistent with the principles of humanism. This opinion was expressed on Wednesday by TASS Plenipotentiary representative of Russia in the Contact group on settling the situation in the South-East of Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov, commenting on the PACE adopted a resolution on the humanitarian consequences of the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine. In his opinion, PACE, “once again demonstrated a lack of understanding or unwillingness to understand the nature of the political crisis in the Donbas as domestic political confrontation”.